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Terry Cavanagh edited this page Feb 28, 2018 · 1 revision
Layer.scaley(layername:String, scale:Float, [pivotx = 0, pivoty = 0]);

Scales a layer vertically only. Default is 1. To scale horizontally, try Layer.scalex, or Layer.scalexy.

  • layername: The name of the layer to check.
  • scale: Amount to scale the layer. 1.0 is normal size.
  • pivotx/pivoty: Optional. Specify the pivot point to scale around. Default is top left. Can use Gfx.CENTER, Gfx.TOP, Gfx.BOTTOM, Gfx.LEFT and Gfx.RIGHT constants here.


import haxegon.*;

class Main{
  function init(){

    //Set the scale of the "foreground" layer to half horizontal, double vertical.
    //Pivot around the centre.
    Layer.scalexy("foreground", 0.5, 2.0, Gfx.CENTER, Gfx.CENTER);
    for (i in 0 ... 200){
      //Draw 200 random circles on the "foreground" layer
      Gfx.fillcircle(, Gfx.screenwidth),, Gfx.screenheight),, 80), Col.hsl(, 360), 0.5, 0.5));

  function update(){
    //Press ARROW KEYS to change the scale of the "foreground" layer
    var horizontalscale:Float = Layer.getscalex("foreground");
    var verticalscale:Float = Layer.getscaley("foreground");
    if (Input.pressed(Key.LEFT)){
      Layer.scalex("foreground", horizontalscale * 0.9, Gfx.CENTER, Gfx.CENTER);
    }else if (Input.pressed(Key.RIGHT)){
      Layer.scalex("foreground", horizontalscale * 1.1, Gfx.CENTER, Gfx.CENTER);
    if (Input.pressed(Key.DOWN)){
      Layer.scaley("foreground", verticalscale * 0.9, Gfx.CENTER, Gfx.CENTER);
    }else if (Input.pressed(Key.UP)){
      Layer.scaley("foreground", verticalscale * 1.1, Gfx.CENTER, Gfx.CENTER);
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