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Mobile Team Meeting 2 for CMPE 451 (25.10.2022)

egemenatikk edited this page Oct 28, 2022 · 2 revisions

Meeting #2


📅 Date: 25.10.2022

📍 Location: Discord

🕐 Duration: 14.00 - 15.00

📝 Note Taker: Egemen Atik

👥 Attendees:

  • Bahrican Yeşil
  • Egemen Atik
  • Onur Kömürcü
  • Ezgi Aysel Batı


  1. Determining content of our application's home page and profile page
  2. Determining content of app bar
  3. Determining content of bottom navigation bar
  4. Determining which icons we will use, which pages include which icons
  5. Determining which screens we can add after we finish implementation of our primary tasks


  1. Firstly, every sub-team member gave information about their progresses to remaining members.
  2. Then, we discussed about what app bar should include. We decided that it should have the name of our application in every screen and an icon changing screen to screen. For example, in home page our app bar should include a notification icon for friend activities screen along with our application name.
  3. Later, we discussed about what bottom navigation bar should include. We decided that it should include 4 icons that navigates users to corresponding screens when clicked. We decided that it should include home icon for home page, book icon for my courses, person icon for my profile and lens icon for search.
  4. We discussed about what "My Courses" screen should include, we decided that it should include all courses user have interacted with.
  5. For home screen of our application, we decided to add a horizontal scrollable list of courses. We decided to add 3 of them, user's courses, friends' courses and popular courses. For that, we decided to ask backend team to prepare an endpoint that sends these types of courses to us.
  6. We decided to implement a static profile page.

Action Items

# Details Assignee(s) Due Issue
1 Implement the app bar Bahrican Yeşil 28.10.2022@ [23:59]
2 Implement the bottom navigation bar Bahrican Yeşil 28.10.2022@ [23:59]
3 Implement single course widget to display in the list for the home screen Ezgi Aysel Batı 30.10.2022@ [23:59]
4 Implement the horizontal scrollable list of courses in the home screen Egemen Atik 31.10.2022@ [23:59]
5 Implement the view all courses screen Onur Kömürcü 31.10.2022@ [23:59]
6 Implement the static profile page Bahrican Yeşil 28.10.2022@ [23:59]

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Meeting Notes of 451
Mobile Team Meeting Notes
Back-End Team Meeting Notes
Front-End Team Meeting Notes
Meeting Notes of 352

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CMPE451 Milestones
  • Will be added when ready
CMPE352 Milestones

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