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Meeting #4 for CMPE 451 (25.10.2022)

egemenatikk edited this page Oct 28, 2022 · 2 revisions

Meeting #4


📅 Date: 25/10/2022

📍 Location: Zoom

🕐 Duration: 15:10 - 17:00

📝 Note Taker: Egemen Atik

👥 Attendees:

  • Bahrican Yeşil
  • Egemen Atik
  • Onur Kömürcü
  • Ezgi Aysel Batı
  • Ecenur Sezer
  • Batuhan Çelik
  • Koray Tekin
  • Hasan Can Erol
  • Enes Sürmeli
  • Altay Acar
  • Gökay Yıldız


  1. Finalizing app logo design
  2. Determining what the first milestone deliverables will include
  3. Finalizing first milestone preparation decisions
  4. Finalizing endpoint functionalities, request and response bodies specialities
  5. Determining how the front-end and mobile parts will be presented
  6. Determining how to spend our demo session time
  7. Determining how to integrate annotations to our project


  1. Firstly, every team informed remaining members about their progress of implementation. Every team was on schedule. We also discussed about dockerization process of front-end and mobile parts of our project. For mobile, we will generate an APK. Then, we will either use an emulator and connect one of ours computer to projection or use a physical device and share its screen. Front-end part will also be dockerized.
  2. Later, we discussed about functionalities of endpoints a bit more and clearified them for everyone. We finalized our typeface and logo selection.
  3. Next, we examined "Milestone-1 delivarables" file in Moodle, we decided what will be added to our deliverables file. Then, we discussed about what the file we will submit on November 4th will include.
  4. We discussed about possibility of transferring our project plan from Notion to ProjectLibre, we also assigned this task to Onur Kömürcü.
  5. We discussed about our demo presentation in general. We determined the general flow, we distributed our demo time into front-end and mobile presentations. We also discussed about whether we prepare a slide presentation for the demo or not, if yes what the slide should include. We decided to add our logo, the requirements we covered, example requests.
  6. After that, we determined what our backend team can present during the demo session. According to our decision, they can add sequence diagrams and example request screenshots to slide presentation.
  7. We decided to prepare nice scenarios for demo session to narrate, we determined how many people should present our application in demo session.
  8. Lastly, we talked about annotations, how can we integrate annotation to our project. For this week, we assigned very few tasks because our first priority is completing implementations of tasks we are assigned last week.

Action Items

# Details Assignee(s) Due Issue
1 Dockerization Mehmet Batuhan Çelik 31.10.2022@ [23:59] #link
2 Creating deliverables file, adding markdown file and necessary links into report Altay Acar 31.10.2022@ [23:59] #link
3 Transferring project plan to ProjectLibre if necessary Onur Kömürcü 31.10.2022@ [23:59] #link
4 Documenting meeting notes of fourth meeting Egemen Atik 28.10.2022@ [23:59] Issue #425

👋 Welcome to the Wiki of Group #2

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Group Members

✍️ Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes of 451
Mobile Team Meeting Notes
Back-End Team Meeting Notes
Front-End Team Meeting Notes
Meeting Notes of 352

📚 Learnify

📱 Practice App

🛣 Milestones

CMPE451 Milestones
  • Will be added when ready
CMPE352 Milestones

📋 Requirements

🕵 Researches

Git Related

🖼️ Scenarios & Mockups


📈 Diagrams


📑 Templates

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