Releases: gwdevhub/GWToolboxpp
Releases · gwdevhub/GWToolboxpp
- [New] Added "Seek Party" to top of trade window when in Kamadan to avoid having to use party search window to buy/sell
- [New] Right click context menu for materials shows option to store all into chest
- [New] Added context menu option to store all materials, tomes and upgrade mods when right clicking those item types
- [New] Added context menu option to go to Guild Wars Wiki on right click
- [New] Added chat filter for player item pickup and salvage messages
- [New] Automatically cancel UA if already maintained when recasting
- [Minor] Added option to disable item sparkles without texmod
- [Minor] Double clicking an item in chest whilst trading now automatically withdraws it into inventory
- [Minor]
limited to 1 skill instead of being able to chain skills. - [Minor] Clicking on your status on the friend list widget will change it in-game
- [Fix] Fixed issue preventing some DoA objectives not being flagged as done when a run is completed.
- [Fix] Fixed bugs related to printing timestamps on objective timer window
- [Fix] Fixed occasional rupt/energy waste when using move-to-cast
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing GWToolbox from closing gracefully when closing GW window
- [Fix] Fixed right click not always working when clicking on an item
- [Fix] Fixed bug that showed the bulk buy option when using materials window whilst ctrl is held
- [New] Double click to send items to trade window when trade is open; works with material storage and chest items without having to withdraw them
- [New] Added option to move entire stacks to trade window by default
- [New] Ctrl + click working on material storage pane
- [New] Added option to block animations for bottle rockets, party poppers, transmogs, snowmen and sweet points
- [New] Right click context menu for materials shows option to store all into chest
- [Minor] Taking a screenshot in-game will copy to clipboard
- [Minor] Screenshot filename in chat opens the screenshot directory
- [Minor] Hide toolbox on world map
- [Minor] Added setting to set default minimap agent shape
- [Minor] Added Select All" to salvage dialog
- [Minor] Removed URL for daily quests from chat window
- [Minor] Right clicking items also opens context menu
- [Fix] Fixed a bug preventing toolbox from reacting to window focussing mouse click
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing
/tp kama ae1
from travelling to district 1 - [Fix] Fixed bug causing objectives to start before timer was reset
- [New] Added
command to load hero teambuild - [New] Timer improvements and new options.
- [Fix] Fixed a crash bug with the objective timer in Deep
- [Fix] Fixed a crash issue with withdrawing gold from chest
- [Fix] Fixed some issues with the objective timer
- [Fix] Fixed some issues with
- [New] Timer and objective timer now tracks real-time since (first) loading screen. Added options to have the old behavior.
- [New] Added more detailed timers for DoA in the objective timer.
- [New] Added option to hide player speech bubbles
- [New] Added /reinvite command - use when targetting someone in your party window to reinvite player/hero/henchman
- [New] Added instance type option for hotkeys (explorable/outpost)
- [New] Added option to block messages from chat channels that you have turned off in-game
- [New] QoL fix to allow hero flagging hotkeys even if you have GW compass disabled
- [New] Added option to attach bond monitor to party window to avoid having to move/resize it manually
- [New] Added option to attach damage monitor to party window to avoid having to move/resize it manually
- [New] Added option to attach skillbar widget to skillbar to avoid having to move/resize it manually
- [Minor] Ctrl + click from storage to inventory tops up any existing stack instead of moving entire stack
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing chat filter form blocking some player title achievement messages
- [Fix] Fixed bug with flagging hotkeys/buttons not working properly after an initial flagging action
- [New] GWToolbox now saves ImGui window positions into Layouts.ini - if you bork up your window size, just "Load Now" to fix it
- [New] Target nearest item (default
) will avoid targeting a chest if there are non-green assigned items next to it - [New] Added more visibiltiy over GW's "Auto target ID" - minimap highlights friendly NPCs, items and gadgets to show what pressing space will do
- [Minor] Added
command - [Minor] Stopped enhanced move-to-cast from double-calling a target
- [Minor] Lockpicks are now identified as "rare" items for purposes of the chat filters
- [Minor] Removed hint text relating to being able to
/salvage all
, as this no longer works - [Minor] Added "Load Defaults" for minimap settings that didn't have any
- [Minor] Reverse camera button also reverses minimap
- [Minor] Fixed an issue stopping toolbox from storing full item stacks with ctrl-click when the stack is split across more than 1 receiving slot
- [Fix] Fixed twitch emotes causing crash
- [Fix] Fixed hero flagging not always working
- [Fix] Re-enabled tick as toggle
- [Fix] Fixed issues with certain alcohol types not triggering alcohol timer correctly
- [Fix] Fixed issue with friend list widget layout when viewing more than 1 column on-screen
- [Fix] Fixed crash when using enhanced move-to-cast just as an enemy (or ally) becomes untargetable
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing windows to open only partially on-screen for the first time due to recent ImGui update
- [Fix] GWToolbox.exe no longer shows console on-screen when launching
- [New] Support for multi-column skillbar layouts in the skillbar widget
- [New] Modified launcher to show available GW instances that don't have a character name but do have an email address (e.g. login window)
- [Minor] Fixed slow map load times due to new icons
- [Minor] Changed look and feel of nested dropdowns to make them easier to click on
- [Minor] Changed ordering of "enabled features" in settings window
- [Minor] Revisited skillbar widget settings
- [Minor] All color picker swatches now also display transparency alpha channel
- [Minor] Flag All option now available if you're able to control the heroes/henchmen of a disconnected party member
- [Fix] Fixed not being able to move around when camera is unlocked and camera smoothing is disabled
- [Fix] Fixed bug with effects lasting > 180 seconds now showing duration on effect monitor
- [Fix] Fixed various issues relating to flagging heroes in minimap
- [Fix] Fixed some missing window options for Trade Window
- [Fix] Fixed potential crashes in health widget and travel widget relating to fetching map names
- [Fix] Re-fixed click to move on minimap when autorunning after recent GW update
- [Fix] Fixed issue with alcohol not being popped at the right time
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing hero flagging when observing another player whilst dead
- [Fix] Fixed GWToolbox not working for Windows 7/8 users
- [Fix] Fixed wrong character name in window title
- [Fix] Re-fixed click to move on minimap when autorunning after recent GW update
- [Fix] Fixed wrong icon for faction leaderboard in toolbox main window
- [Fix] Fixed "Hello (null)!" message when starting toolbox without being in a map
- [New] Added option to improve move-to-cast to better avoid getting aggro when auto-moving to cast range for a spell
- [New] Updated icons for all widgets and windows
- [New] Configurable minimap range circle thickness
- [New] Minimap can now be toggled between square and circular (default circular)
- [New] Added skillbar timer widget, shows time until skill is recharged in an overlay, among other things
- [New] Added
/hero <attack|guard|avoid>
command - [New] Added hero flagging hotkey - allows hero formations
- [New] Added res aggro and chain aggro ranges to minimap
- [New] Added whisper redirect for all players, not just friends
- [New] Extended
chat command to trigger challenge mission entries, option to cancel during a countdown - [New] Hero builds not include option to show/hide hero panel, and change behaviour on load
- [New] Added
/tp <window_name> [hide|show|mini|maxi]
command - [New] Added option to disable/enable camera smoothing in-game
- [New] Added option to disable/enable minimap smoothing to match compass smoothing
- [New] Added custom polygon option to minimap, with option to color enemies within the polygon differently
- [New] Added
/tb save
and/tb load
- [New] Added Teamspeak module,
to send connected server info to chat - [Minor] Better crash reporting with issues related to ImGui
- [Minor] Added item model_id to info window
- [Minor] Added tick toggle hotkey
- [Minor] Added background color option to minimap
- [Minor] Re-added configurable modifiers for minimap clicks (e.g. change ctrl + click behaviour)
- [Minor] Prevent weapon set items from being auto salvaged via context menu
- [Minor] Switched project to use CMake for development
- [Minor] Typo fixes
- [Minor] Added Ben Wolfson to special NPC list
- [Minor] Deferred option loading for objective timer and friend list to avoid slow toolbox start time
- [Minor] Disable
in an outpost - [Minor] Minimap now responds to compass flagging
- [Minor] Added option to consider materials in storage when buying materials for cons via Materials Window
- [Fix] Fixed crash with alcohol widget if no alcohol has ever been used
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing bond widget showing on screen if effect array is empty
- [Fix] Fixed infinite loop when trying to update toolbox causing crash on closing GW
- [Fix] Fixed a bunch of settings not being loaded/saved correctly
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing minimap to highlight BigCircle agents
- [Fix] Fixed
/tp deep
and/tp urgoz
not working when in an explorable with disconnected players - [Fix] Fixed issue preventing toolbox from loading if Font.ttf is not found
- [Fix] Fixed a crash caused by damage monitor when target isn't found in memory
- [Fix] Fixed minimap click-to-move and move hotkeys from working correctly whilst auto running
- [Fix] Fixed Pahnai salad triggering alcohol timer
- [Fix] Fixed discord status updating with wrong character when viewing another party member whilst dead
- [Fix] Fixed issues sending and receiving Twitch messages in chat with
characters - [Fix] Fixed bond monitor showing bonds on your player that you didn't cast
- [Fix] Fixed a crash when trying to travel to embark beach without it unlocked via
- [New] Added DoA cave timer to timer widget
- [Minor] Removed salvage/identify chat commands
- [Minor] Hotkeys will now only trigger if GW window is in focus
- [Minor] Some chat commands will now only trigger if GW window is in focus
- [Minor] Hide bonds widget when no relevent skill is equipped
- [Minor] Added Toolbox version information to DLL properties
- [Minor] Modified runtime assertions to crash and create a minidump
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing Toolbox to set window title even if the setting was off
- [Fix] Fixed bug showing resizable option for damage monitor
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing minimap hero flagging when mouse clickthrough is enabled
- [Fix] Fixed flickering minimap drawings when timeout is reached
- [Fix] Fixed potential crash when viewing advanced item info in InfoWindow
- [Fix] Fixed buffer overflow crash when moving district in Deep/Urgoz
- [Fix] Fixed crash when closing Guild Wars in Windows 8