Releases: gwdevhub/GWToolboxpp
Releases · gwdevhub/GWToolboxpp
- [Fix] Fix crashes caused because of bad header values.
- [Fix] Fixes following February 14 update.
- [Fix] Fix bug with launcher asking to download every time.
- [Fix] Main window options are now accesible again.
- [Fix] Fixed crash dump generation.
- [New] Added Discord 'Rich Presence' integration.
- [Fix] Fixes following December 13th update.
- [Fix] Pcons are not used in cinematic anymore.
- [Minor] Minor improvements to
/tp <town name>
command. - [Minor] Guild Wars will ask permission to travel when in a group with other players.
- [Minor] Vanquish Widget can now be ctrl+clicked to print the vanquish information to group chat.
- [Minor] Now, '/resignlog' only prints name of players who didn't resigned yet.
Updated GWCA
- [New] Added support for adrenaline skill with /useskill command.
- [New] Added /resignlog command.
- [New] You can now use the command /tp and /to with the prefix of an outpost to teleport to the outpost.
- [Fix] Reduced the connection spams to when the site is down.
- [Fix] Fixed bug when game process name wasn't "Gw.exe".
- [Fix] Fixed bug related to player status introduced in recent game update.
- [Minor] Several improvements in GWCA and updated 3rd party libraries.
- [Fix] Fixed bug with friend status message.
- [New] Added option to disable minimap mouse capture in outpost.
- [Fix] Fixed bugs related to GW June 12th update.
- [Fix] Fixed several crash bugs related to GW May 1st update.
- [Note] Toolbox borderless functionality is current disabled. It might be fixed or removed in the future. For now, please use the in-game borderless that you can find in GW Options -> Graphics -> Resolution.
- [New] Added an option to disable the prompt when selling green and gold items.
- [New] Added an option to show a notification when a friend comes online or goes offline.
- [Fix] Fixed ctrl+click with new storage panels.
- [Fix] Fixed bug when selling rare materials with a quantity smaller than 10.
- [Minor] Extended
command to flag at a given coordinate. - [Minor] Added more bosses to the minimap.
- [Minor] Added map ids of the event versions of Kamadan to disable the trade chat.