Releases: gwdevhub/GWToolboxpp
Releases · gwdevhub/GWToolboxpp
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing materials from being ctrl+clicked to store when storage is > 250
- [Fix] Fixed crashes when using
- [Fix] Fixed crashes when observing PvP matches
- [Fix] Fixed crash when entering Slavers' Exile dungeon
- [Minor] Added
/tp kc
for Kaineng Center
- [New] Added dungeons to objective timer
- [New] Added refrains to bond monitor
- [New] Added wiki buttons to items in the salvage window
- [New] Added auto-target highlighting to toolbox minimap when no current target is selected
- [New] Added option to show/hide hero panels when loading hero builds
- [New] Added Signpost and Item targeting to target hotkey
- [New] Added
/target item 123
,/target gadget 123
,/target 123
commands - [New] Added option to hide build window(s) when entering an explorable area
- [New] Added option to hide settings when entering an explorable area
- [New] Added option to only show 1 teambuild at a time
- [New] Added options to hide dungeon chest popup
- [New] Added option to stop screen shake on environmental effects or skills like Aftershock
- [Minor] Crash dumps now write to /crashes folder
- [Minor] Added scroll icon to Urgoz/Deep in Travel window
- [Minor] Don't maintain Trade chat connection if trade channel is turned off in-game
- [Minor] Disable native chat timestamps in-game if toolbox timestamps are enabled
- [Fix] Fixed layout bugs with Twitch module
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing zooming out when in first person view
- [Fix] Crash/disconnect when trying to close GWToolbox when minimap is enabled
- [Fix] Fixed bug when using
to go to the wilds - [Fix] Fixed builds not loading correctly on heros when loading from Hero Builds window
- [Fix] Fixed
Show past runs
not loading setting from file - [Fix] Fixed crash when triggering drop/use buff hotkey via UI
- [Fix] Fixed crash when triggering open xunlai chest hotkey via UI
- [Fix] Ensure Toolbox window is visible on first run
- [Fix] Fixed quantity calculation bug when buying Res scrolls via Materials window
- [Fix] Fixed zero health bug on some mobs caused by a bug in Party Window module
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing "show close button" settings from being available for tb windows
- [Fix] Ignore perfect salvage kits when using the salvage feature
- [New] Changed all color inputs to use a slightly different control; now able to click on the color swatch to choose instead of inputting RGBA manually
- [New] Added available dialog IDs to dialog section of info window when talking to an NPC
- [New] Added color thresholds to health widget and distance widget
- [New] Modified/tidied up "Settings" window to make stuff easier to find, see following changes:
- [Minor] Merged "Chat Filter" section into "Chat Settings" section
- [Minor] Merged "Inventory Management" section into "Inventory Settings" section
- [Minor] Merged "Toolbox" section into "Toolbox Settings" section
- [Minor] Merged "Party Window" section into "Party Settings" section
- [Minor] Moved party related function from "Game Settings" into "Party Settings"
- [Minor] Copied lunar and alcohol related settings from "Pcons" into "Game Settings"
- [Minor] Moved chat related options from "Game Settings" into "Chat Settings"
- [Minor] Merged "Discord" and "Twitch" sections into "Third Party Integration" section
- [Minor] Alphabetised all window and widget sections inside "Settings" window
- [Minor] Alphabetised all module checkboxes inside "Toolbox Settings" section, set into columns to better use space
- [Minor] Moved inventory related options from "Game Settings" into "Inventory Settings"
- [Minor] Added chat filter checkbox for "Not enough energy/adrenaline" messages
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing "show enable" pcons button to load setting from file
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing custom minimap markers in outposts
- [Fix] Fixed potential crash when cancelling salvage process
- [Fix] Fixed trophies not appearing as salvage options
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing hero builds being sent to chat in explorable areas
- [Fix] Fixed a bug causing alcohol to be spammed when the alcohol widget is disabled in toolbox
- [Fix] Reverted custom markers appearing in outposts. Fault Misty.
- [New] Added DirectX distributable check inside GWToolbox at runtime; will now display a message with a link to the DirectX download page instead of just not launching at all.
- [New] Added option to hide bond monitor in outpost (default showing)
- [New] Added option to save objective timer runs to disk (default save)
- [New] Added option to hide date/time of objective timer runs (default hidden)
- [New] Added option to hide runs from previous days (default hidden)
- [Fix] Re-added in-game option to manually check for updates
- [Fix] Fixed
auto age2 on /age
setting being the same asauto /age2 on vanquish
setting - [Fix] Fixed bug causing salvage all process to only salvage the first item in a stack
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing identify blue/purple/gold to identify other rarities
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing salvage all crash when inventory is full
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing salvage all to identify unsalvagable trophies as salvagable
- [Fix] Fixed potential crash when displaying the "Salvage all?" dialog
- [Fix] Fixed crash when adding a new custom minimap agent whilst the matching NPC is within range.
- [Fix] Fixed IRC timeout after 3 minutes when connected to Twitch
- [Minor] Updated chat commands documentation
- [Minor] Don't maintain Trade Chat websocket connection when the window is collapsed
- [Minor] Objective timer runs now save to
to avoid cluttering the main folder - [Minor] Added option to only use superior salvage kits when using
command - [Minor] Added on-hover item descriptions to "Salvage all?" dialog
- [Minor] Removed extra new line when
error message is displayed in chat - [Minor] Fixed a display bug in minimap aor effect colors showing as RGBA instead of ARGB
- [Minor] Don't print target hotkey to emote chat by default
- [Minor] Removed option to swap functionality of Ctrl + Click on minimap; caused issues when shift was held
- [Minor] Disable Pcons on map change set to off by default
- [Minor] Pcon refillers hidden by default
- [Minor] Added option to hide city pcons in explorable areas (default visible)
- [Minor] Removed DoA snakes from default party window NPCs
- [Fix] Fix bug where the launcher would ask everytime to download the toolbox.
- [New] Merged 3vcloud fork and added him as maintainer to GWToolbox. The following changes are made to GWToolbox.
- [New]
command added, allows player to load builds from the GWToolbox Builds window by name or build code. See help section of GWToolbox in-game for more info. - [New]
command added, allows player to ping any currently equipped item. See help section of GWToolbox in-game for more info. - [New]
command updated to allow players to transform into a list of pre-defined NPCs by name instead of just the one target. "/transmo reset" will remove the current NPC skin on the player. See help section of GWToolbox in-game for more info. - [New]
command added, similar syntax to/transmo
. - [New]
command added, similar syntax to/transmo
. - [New]
adds Collector's Edition glow to player hands. - [New]
on Factions/NF professions shows Collector's Edition dance emote instead of standard one. - [New] Added "Check for Updates" button to Toolbox Settings section. If enabled, it will auto-check every 10 minutes instead of just the first load.
- [New] Added "Emotes" and "Other" to Chat Colors section of Game Settings.
- [New] Added "show alias on whisper" to Friend List window, adds player alias in brackets when sending or receiving a whisper (default false).
- [New] Added "You gain x faction" chat filter option.
- [New] Added
/addfriend <character_name>
and/removefriend <character_name|alias>
chat commands. - [New] Added
chat commands - see Help section for details. - [New] Added
/target hos
and/target ee
commands, see help section for info. - [New] Added 24h Deep module - use /deep24h command to toggle.
- [New] Added
/identify all
,/identify blue
,/identify purple
,/identify gold
chat commands. - [New] Added
/pc <search_term>
chat command to do a price check from chat. - [New] Added
/salvage all
,/salvage blue
,/salvage purple
chat commands. - [New] Added ability to view a player's guild info via Target section of Info Window.
- [New] Added AoE circles for Maelstrom, Chaos storm, Lava font, Savannah heat, Breath of fire, Bed of coals, Churning earth.
- [New] Added auto-accept party invites when ticked option for faster party reorder.
- [New] Added auto-accept party join requests when ticked option for faster party reorder.
- [New] Added boss by profession color to Minimap.
- [New] Added challenge mission chat filter option.
- [New] Added ctrl + click context menu to Salvage and ID kits - allows user to salvage/identify groups of items at once.
- [New] Added Flame Trap, Spike Trap and Barbed Trap to aoe effects on minimap.
- [New] Added option in Game Settings to change Guild Wars window title to name of current character.
- [New] Added option to add player number to player names in explorable areas.
- [New] Added option to hide bonds, health, party damage and instance timer widgets in outpost.
- [New] Added option to show hidden NPCs on Minimap.
- [New] Added option to skip entering character name when donating faction.
- [New] Added option to trigger a hotkey on entering explorable/outpost.
- [New] Added pcons per character option, default turned on.
- [New] Added pcons to GWToolbox Builds window; pcons can now be assigned to a particular build and auto-enabled when loaded.
- [New] Added seconds to the clock widget.
- [New] Added spirit timers to Timer widget; default is EoE and QZ. Other spirit timers available in settings.
- [New] Automatic
on vanquish option. - [New] Automatic
option. - [New] Better crash handling; more GWToolbox related crashes will be caught and dumped in the GWToolboxpp folder, and will show a message on-screen.
- [New] Ctrl + enter to whisper targeted player.
- [New] Friend List window/module added.
- [New] Modified trade alerts; added option to only show trade alerts in chat when in Kamadan ae1.
- [New] Objective timer now saves runs to disk in json format, and auto-collapses previous runs when a new one starts.
- [New] Support for Chinese character set; add "Font_ChineseTraditional.ttf" to GWToolboxpp folder to load automatically.
- [New] Support for Japanese character set; add "Font_Japanese.ttf" to GWToolboxpp folder to load automatically.
- [New] Support for Korean character set; add "Font_Korean.ttf" to GWToolboxpp folder to load automatically.
- [New] Support for Russian character set; add "Font_Cyrillic.ttf" to GWToolboxpp folder to load automatically.
- [New] Trade Window changes: removed dependency on - players can now use this window as normal when in Kamadan ae1 even if stops working.
- [New] Trade window now uses for incoming trade chat. Rebased this module to be similar to vanilla.
- [New] Updater module re-enabled; will now give update notifications for this version of toolbox.
- [Minor]
/tb <window_name>
now matches partial window names. - [Minor]
/tp gh
now check whether you're already in GH before leaving/entering as applicable. - [Minor] Added "morah" and "surmia"
commands. - [Minor] Added client-side checks before trying to travel e.g. same district, to avoid the need for packet sending.
- [Minor] Added current online status to top of friend list.
- [Minor] Added daily quest chat command help section.
- [Minor] Added date/time to headers in Objective timer, and [Failed] to identify failed runs.
- [Minor] Added debug info about current camera position to info window.
- [Minor] Added option to hide friends list when in outpost/explorable.
- [Minor] Added option to only show alcohol widget when using alcohol.
- [Minor] Added option to toggle ctrl + click functionality on minimap. (e.g. ctrl + click to ping, click to target)
- [Minor] Changed
descriptions to include armor rating, infused and +1 stacking attribute if applicable. - [Minor] Fixed
errors not always displaying on-screen. - [Minor] Fixed a bug causing some trade messages to be blocked in Kamadan when filtered using the trade window.
- [Minor] Friend list is now amended when saved, not overwritten. This allows multiple accounts to maintain details about mutual friends.
- [Minor] Hide
setting from settings window when not enabled. - [Minor] Performance tweaks and housekeeping for chat filters.
- [Minor] Performance tweaks to resign log and trade window, removed some redundant code blocks.
- [Minor] Remove "I'm wielding" text when pinging weapons with GWToolbox.
- [Minor] Removed "n platinum, n gold" from pinged item descriptions.
- [Minor] Removed armor descriptions when using
command. Will add headpiece +1 info in a later release. - [Minor] Removed threading code from Friend list, a bit more stable now.
- [Minor] Removed threading code with refilling pcons, a bit more stable now.
- [Minor] Reverted Trade Window to vanilla 2.27. Tweaks to layout widths, fixed bug when trying to whisper player's with unicode chars in their name.
- [Minor] Stability changes and shutdown fixes.
- [Minor] Stability/failover changes for Updater module. Will update current dll wherever it is on disk, not just from GWToolboxpp folder.
- [Fix] Adjusted AoE range for churning earth from adjacent to nearby.
- [Fix] Fixed a crash when trying to click on Minimap whilst observing PvP matches.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue that didn't do a fresh reload from ini file when clicking "Load Now" in tb settings.
- [Fix] Fixed issues with loading and saving to file.
- [Fix] Fixed trade alerts by regex not working.
- [Fix] Fixes resign log not working when player numbers are turned on in an explorable area.
- [Fix] Reduced flashing GW window spam when being invited to a party.
- [Fix] Fixes following April 22 update.
- [Fix] Fix crashes with enemies count in info window.
- [Fix] Fix crashes when trying to drop gold coins.
- [Fix] Fix a long due bug that caused random crashes, often when using the minimap.