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Releases: gwdevhub/GWToolboxpp


30 Nov 00:05
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  • [New] Added /load <build name> command to load builds from your saved templates.
  • [New] Added an option to display chat message timestamps.
  • [New] Added an option to retain chat history after changing map.
  • [New] Added an option to restore GW window from mimized state and bring to focus when zoning into explorables.
  • [New] Added an alcohol duration widget.
  • [Fix] Fixed several minor bugs.

2.3 to 2.4 hotfix: Fixed issue with launching toolbox while GW was in fullscreen.


29 Nov 16:43
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  • [New] Added /load <build name> command to load builds from your saved templates.
  • [New] Added an option to display chat message timestamps.
  • [New] Added an option to retain chat history after changing map.
  • [New] Added an option to restore GW window from mimized state and bring to focus when zoning into explorables.
  • [New] Added an alcohol duration widget.
  • [Fix] Fixed several minor bugs

Warning Will freeze if you launch while GW in fullscreen. I am looking into a solution.


09 May 23:42
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  • [New] You can now /tp gh [tag] to any guild in your alliance.
  • [New] Added options to make Guild Wars flash in the taskbar when invited to a party or when your party zones.
  • [New] Added options to automatically set away after a delay and/or online when back.
  • [New] "Use item" hotkey can now use items from the chest in outposts.
  • [Fix] VQ counter now only appears in areas that can be vanquished.
  • [Fix] /tp fav now starts counting at 1 instead of 0.
  • [Fix] Automatically changing URLs to templates now also works in PMs.
  • [Fix] Fixed bug where hotkeys would not save properly.
  • [Fix] Quest marker will now appear correctly on the minimap.
  • [Fix] Fixed several typos and minor issues.


16 Apr 00:29
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Important: Toolbox can now update itself, we recommend downloading the new launcher below.

In this patch we change the update server to GitHub and fix minor bugs from 2.0 and add a Vanquish counter.

  • [New] Toolbox can now self-update (or not). Check the options in Settings->Toolbox Settings
  • [New] Added a vanquish counter
  • [New] /scwiki now accepts parameters, (e.g. /scwiki doa)
  • [New] you can now /tp fav to any number of favorites (e.g. /tp fav5).
  • [New] Added an option to flash your guild wars taskbar when receiving a private message
  • [New] Added an option to automatically add [;xx] to links you write in chat, but only if they are in their own message!
  • [Fix] Custom dialog now works properly
  • [Fix] Fixed several typos and minor issues


31 Mar 01:20
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  • [New] Rewrote interface
  • [New] Materials Panel
  • [New] Chat filter by content
  • [New] Custom Minimap markers
  • [New] Can completely disable individual toolbox features
  • [New] Clock
  • [New] Notepad

2.0 Serverless launcher

28 Mar 18:12
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Since the server is temporarily offline, I quickly fixed the launcher to install the latest icons and don't hang on update. Attached.

Note: the launcher will print an error about failing the update while the server is down, that is expected, don't worry.

If version 2.0 is not being launched you can force the update as follows:

  • open settings folder from toolbox
  • close toolbox
  • delete GWToolbox.dll
  • run launcher again

(The attached .exe is AutoItLauncher/GWToolbox.au3 compiled)


31 Mar 01:22
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  • [Minor] Added support for Year of the Rooster Lunars
  • [Minor] Added lunar usage messages to the chat filter
  • [Minor] Added “No one hears you…” message to the chat filter
  • [Fix] Improved precision of drawings and pings on the minimap
  • [Fix] Improved rendering order in the minimap, players should now be more visible


31 Mar 01:23
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IMPORTANT: GWToolbox does no longer support GWMultiLaunch. Using GWToolbox on clients launched by GWMultiLaunch will probably cause crashes or unexpected behavior. Check for an alternative.

  • [New] Added minimap, more info here:
  • [Minor] Edit Build panel will save whether it’s moved on top or not
  • [Minor] Toolbox will now wait for you to log in into a character, so it can be launched early with no issues.
  • [New] Added a hotkey for reapplying Lightbringer title (Execute… hotkey)
  • [Fix] Toolbox will not make you pm Toolbox when you press delete after a Toolbox message. Toolbox won’t mind the lack of pms, don’t worry.
  • [Fix] Fixed some crash bugs


31 Mar 01:23
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  • [Fix] Toolbox and timer now show on top and handle clicks on top of the minimap


31 Mar 01:24
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  • [Fix] Fixed a crash bug related to Borderless Window