Releases: gwdevhub/GWToolboxpp
Releases · gwdevhub/GWToolboxpp
- [Fix] You can search in the TravelWindow again
- [Minor] Added Festive Winter Hood to ArmoryWindow
- [New] Added item upgrade unlocks to completion window
- [New] Added option in FriendlistWindow to replace friends character names in chat with their alias.
- [New] Added chat filter for dropped ashes
- [New] Added option to remove the 1.5 second minimum for a cast bar to show up for your own casts (Gamesettings).
- [New] Added GameWorldRenderer to render lines, circles and polygons on the game terrain. This isn't fully fleshed out
yet and draws even on parts that are behind walls or agents - might be enhanced in the future. - [New] Loading and saving multiple configs (/tb load , /tb save ) now saves and loads all
settings. - [New] Rewrite of Armory window to use icons instead of dropdowns, fixed bugs, added costumes and missing head pieces.
- [Minor] Added watchful intervention to bond monitor
- [Minor] Added default values for the Minimap position if you've never moved the in-game compass
- [Minor] Toolbox widgets now all remember their lock_move and lock_size settings
- [Minor] Added option to auto use keys on chests (prioritised before lockpicks)
- [Minor] Added option to get notified when resurrected
- [Minor] Adjusted height of damage/bonds monitors against party window to cater for HM/NM buttons in outpost
- [Minor] Minimap markers will now draw in outposts, unless there's an explorable version with the same ID (e.g. DoA)
- [Minor] Added "toggle" command to /tb which toggles visibility. E.g. /tb pcons toggle
- [Minor] Damage monitor, bonds widget and cast widget now account for the different party member height in outposts
- [Minor] Skill and image icons now load from the GW DAT file instead of downloading from GWW
- [Minor] Dropdown list of missing outposts added to travel window
- [Fix] Fixed option to auto-login when no character name parameter is passed to gw. Requires you to launch with GW
Launcher - [Fix] Removed copy hero build button when no builds existed.
- [Fix] Fixed CompletionWindows mission counting
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing secondary profession switch on tome use.
- [Fix] Fixed rerolling to characters when you had empty char slots
- [Fix] Fixed trade window timestamps
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing some minimap colours/symbols from being changed until tb restart.
- [Removed] Removed obfuscator for the time being as it was unstable. Might be re-added later.
- [Developers] Plugins have been reworked in order to more closely integrate into Toolbox. You will have to update your
plugins in order for them to load.
- [New] Added option in party settings to automatically flag pet to attack pinged target
- [Fix] Fixed pet behavior hotkey not working properly
- [Fix] Fixed skillbars not loading that contain skills but not attributes for a secondary profession
- [Fix] Fixed bugs caused by toolbox no longer being able to grab in-game preferences due to change in 37059 gw update
- [New] Added command pet hotkey
- [Minor] Added logic to swap primary with secondary when trying to load a build through toolbox that belongs to another primary profession but has no dependency on that profession.
- [Fix] Fixed hero builds not loading via toolbox
- [Fix] Removed SSL certificate verification when fetching third party data e.g. trade chat, wiki resources
- [Fix] Fixed crash when completing the last quest in the quest log
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing item images from loading when game is not in English
- [New] Added extended regex options to Chat Filter
- [New] Added option to keep current quest active when accepting a new quest,
- [New] Added shift click to collapse or expand all quest log entries
- [New] Added Guild Wars Settings Module (allowing you to export and import your game settings). Experimental for now.
- [New] Added Chat command aliases (Game Settings)
- [New] Added auto retry function to /travel
- [New] Added feature to exclude character names in Reroll Module
- [New] Added option to filter character list to the current logged in account in Completion window
- [Minor] Fixed "is typing" check to avoid triggering hotkeys when inputting text anywhere in the game
- [Minor] Added agressive refrain to bond monitor
- [Minor] Removed duplicate flash_gw_on_pm settings
- [Minor] Keep last hovered skill id in info window
- [Minor] Added info description to Custor Size under Mouse Settings
- [Minor] Improved chat filter to match accented or special characters
- [Minor] Added feature to re-order Pcons Window
- [Minor]
command shows the direct wiki url via quest id rather than search term - [Fix] Fixed map travel outpost matching bug
- [Fix] Fixed friend list crash
- [Fix] Fixed minor minimap range render bug
- [Fix] Fixed missing options for Collector's Edition dance emotes
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing minimap from showing agents if entering and area without any NPCs
- [Fix] Fixed bug preventing the player from choosing the last option of a dialog when talking to some Nightfall NPCs
- [Fix] Fixed minimap bug related to showing random vertices, usually seen with shadow step skills
- [Fix] Fixed skill monitor history setting not saving
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing skill templates to be continuously loaded in some cases
- [Fix] Fixed crash when assigning equip hotkey to an item with a lot of mods
- [New] Added
/chat [all|guild|team|trade|alliance|whisper|close]
to toggle chat tabs - [Fix] Fixed crash on start related to gwarmory
- [Fix] Fixed imgui theme not being loaded on some starts
- [Minor] Separate modules, widgets and windows in toolbox settings
- [Minor] Rename warrior ascalon armor in armory module
- [Minor] Added some hover descriptions to module tickboxes in toolbox settings
- [Fix] Fixed bug causing duplicate module settings if re-enabled within the same runtime
- [Fix] Hide empty keyboard settings tab in settings window
- [Fix] Fixed occasional repeat update prompt when already on latest version
- [Fix] Fixed crashes caused by dupe window bugs
- [Fix] Fixed crashes caused by adding non-existent characters to friendlist.
- [Fix] Fixed occasional crash when right clicking items or changing character with obfuscator on
- [New] Enabled plugin system for public use
- [New] Duping Window for solo doa players
- [New] Disables gw automatically adding en-US keyboard layout
- [New] Added TS5 module; use /teamspeak to share current channel info to chat
- [New] Enabled plugin system for public use
- [New] Added marked targets to minimap; use /marktarget to highlight on current target on minimap
- [New] Added GwArmory window
- [Minor] Move To hotkey has an option to go to target or location, and to move a certain distance away from location
- [Minor] Added mission bundles to item filter
- [Minor] Added missing doa tendril
- [Minor] Added honeycomb, pumpkin cookie, gitb and mobstopper to pcons
- [Fix] Fixed honor section of completion window not showing accurate title achievements
- [Fix] Fixed issue causing persistent update notification even if you're on the latest version
- [Fix] Fixed crash related to chat log
- [Fix] Fixed crash when using party stats window before party is ready
- [Fix] Fixed crash related to skill images failing to render on-screen
- [Fix] Fixed crashes caused by adding non-existent characters to friendlist.
- [Fix] Fixed occasional crash when right clicking items or changing character with obfuscator on
- [Fix] Fixed crashes caused when saving toolbox settings for the first time
- [New] Added option to show notification/flash window when whole party is ready
- [Fix] Fixed right click context menu not working if mouse fix it turned off
- [Fix] Fixed crash when trying to load or save theme on toolbox open or close
- [Minor] Added props to minimap in debug
- [QoL] Changed behavior of the close button when in fullscreen borderless to gracefully close GW