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Mehmet Emre Akbulut

mehmetemreakbulut edited this page Jan 8, 2023 · 23 revisions

Mehmet Emre Akbulut

Personal Wiki Page

About Me

I am Mehmet Emre Akbulut. I am currently studying Computer Engineering in Bogazici University, 4rd grade. I am interested in web and mobile development. In addition to this, I love playing guitar, movies, streaming and of course DOGS ❤ .

Personal Tech Stack

  • Python, Java, C/C++, C#, Dart, Kotlin, Golang
  • HTML,CSS and JS (especially Vue.js and BSV library)
  • MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
  • Django, FastAPI and Flask with Python, Gin with Golang
  • AWS (1 year experience with RDS and EC2), Firebase
  • Some projects with Pytorch, Pandas and sometimes Beautiful Soup

Contact Info

Weekly Personal Efforts for CMPE352

Week #1 (01/03/2022 - 07/03/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 General research about Git, Github and applications of them. You can find links I shared in the related wiki page 3 hours Research
2 Creating Slack workspace for communication. Issue here. 50 minutes Task
3 Created Personal Wiki Page. 20 minutes Documentation,Task
4 Adding sidebar to group wiki page. Assigned myself to this task here. 45 minutes Documentation
5 Respository Research here about public, useful APIs. It is documented on Liked Repositories wiki page. 70 minutes Research
6 I suggested some useful label on the issue about this topic (Label Research). 2 hours Research
7 Updated my personal wiki page with adding the weekly efforts. 50 minutes Documentation
8 Adding some features and creating a suggestion issue for Slack channel. Also, I did some research about the useful slack bots. Issue here 1 hour Research
9 Adding group members to wiki page 5 minute Documentation
10 I have reviewed some issues group members opened 10 minute Review

Briefly, Some some essential research is done in the first week and as group member I have tried to understand of some key points of our Github repository, issue system, wiki page etc. Also, our communication is very strong now by the help of Discord and Slack (Another private Slack workspace of group 5). I have explored some Git commands that I haven't used. In addition to this, I have analyzed new, useful repositories in the Liked Repositories.

I'm excited for next week 🚀 🚀

Week #2 (08/03/2022 - 14/03/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attented Meeting 2.1 and Meeting 2.2. 120 minutes Meeting
2 Issue #23 is created and Samet Topcuoglu assigned me to research about Telegram’s Chatbot API. 10 minutes Documentation
3 Researched chatbots and some general features of them. Also added some repositories with chatbot to Research Items for Project wiki page. 100 minutes Research
4 I added some research about topics to Research Items for Project wiki page. 30 minutes Documentation
5 Reviewed the issue #19 and gave positive feedback.It is a helpful issue. 5 minutes Comment,Review
6 We reviewed the requirements and their categorization. We assigned certain requirements to group members. Requirements 60 minutes Task
7 As a communicator I have sent an e-mail to TA and created issue #30 for listing the feedback. Answers are listed here. 20 minutes Documentation
8 Also added new pages to wiki page and sidebar. 30 minutes Documentation
9 Updated Personal Wiki Page with adding the weekly efforts. 25 minutes Documentation

Week #3 (15/03/2022 - 21/03/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attented Meeting 3.1 and Meeting 3.2. 180 minutes Meeting
2 Created issue #46 to edit Non-functional, Annotations and Standards requirements of the project. 20 minutes Documentation
3 Researched what is the required annotations and standards provided by W3C 70 minutes Research
4 Created issue #40 to edit Non-functional, Privacy requirements of the project. 30 minutes Documentation
5 Reviewed the issue #41. 10 minutes Comment
6 Attended Scenario 2 meetings. Some content of the page was filled during the meeting such as user persona, story, preconditions, goals, actions, and acceptance criteria. 120 minutes Meeting
7 Prepared mobile mockups for Scenario 2 with Halil. 100 minutes Documentation
8 Actions are reviewed in Scenario 2 page with adding the mobile mockups and changing the story of the persona. 40 minutes Documentation
9 Updated my personal wiki page with adding the weekly efforts. 25 minutes Documentation

Week #4 (22/03/2022 - 28/03/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 4.1. Reviewed the requirements, scenarios and mockups together with the group members. 1 hour Meeting
2 Attended the customer meeting in the PS session. Received feedback for our requirements, scenarios and mockups. Took a note of the feedback given. After the TA left the meeting room, made a discussion about the given feedback and what to do next with the group members. 2 hours Meeting, Discussion
3 Halil Burak Pala and I have opened the issue #47 and created a page for customer meeting documentation. 1 hour Documentation

Week #5 (29/03/2022 - 04/04/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attented Customer Meeting 2 during PS hours. Asked some questions and received feedback from Burak Suyunu on the project requirements. Took notes of the feedback given and discuss the feedback with the group members after the customer meeting came to an end. 120 minutes Meeting
2 Attented Meeting 5.1. We discussed the homework given and started to draw Use Case Diagram during the meeting on a collective online chart. 150 minutes Meeting
3 I have edited Chatbot Requirements with Canberk issue #50. After the customer meeting we did some changes related to feedbacks. Also we reviewed the requirements in Meeting 5.1 60 minutes Documentation
4 Attented Meeting 5.2. The Use Case Diagram is finished and drawing of Class Diagram is started during the meeting on a collective online chart. 120 minutes Meeting
5 Attented Meeting 5.3. The Class Diagram is finished during the meeting on a collective online chart and division of labour is done for Sequence Diagrams in which I am an assignee for 3 of them, as well as 2 review tasks. 220 minutes Meeting
6 Updated my personal wiki page with adding the weekly efforts. 25 minutes Documentation

Week #6 (05/04/2022 - 11/04/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Opened issue #53 which is creating the sequence diagram of approving article. Assigned me and 2 of my group mates.   10 minutes  Documentation
2 Leaded the process of creating the sequence diagram "Approving Article", designed and created with the help of my 2 group mates. Assignees and the process can be seen from issue #53 1.5 hours Meeting, Documentation 
3 Helped the process of creating the sequence diagram "Propose Article". Worked with 2 group mates as issue #54 states. 1 hour  Meeting, Documentation
4 Helped the process of creating the sequence diagram "Doctor Verification". Worked with 2 group mates as issue #63 states. 45 minutes Meeting, Documentation
5 Attended Customer Meeting 3. Burak Suyunu gave feedback about the process of class, use case diagrams, and the sequence diagrams. Took notes and shared them with my group mates. After the customer meeting, we have discussed a little bit about the milestone, project plan and RAM process. 2 hours  Meeting, Discussion
6 After the customer meeting, according to the feedback given, I have made some rearrangements in the sequence diagram of "Approving Article" as #53. I have taken the advices of the assignees.  30 minutes Documentation
7 Reviewed the issue #52. Some great work done by my group mates.  25 minutes  Review 
8 Attended Meeting 6.1. Worked on and prepared the RAM of the project with the effort of whole group members. Determined the next meeting dates.   2 hours  Meeting, Documentation
9 Updated my personal wiki page and filled the weekly efforts table for the sixth week.  20 minutes  Documentation 

Week #7 (12/04/2022 - 18/04/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attented Customer Meeting 4. Talked about diagramssequence diagrams and deliverables. Discussed the feedback with the group members after the customer meeting came to an end. 120 minutes Meeting
2 Read and reviewed Customer Meeting 4 25 minutes Documentation
3 Documented the status of deliverables to the Milestone 1 Report. 120 minutes Documentation
4 Attented Meeting 7.1. Completed the Project Plan 120 minutes Meeting, Documentation
5 Worked with teammate to complete deliverables pdf. 60 minutes Meeting, Documentation
6 Updated my personal wiki page with adding the weekly efforts. 15 minutes Documentation

Week #8 (19/04/2022 - 25/04/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Research about HTTP Protocols, API's, and RESTful API's. 40 minutes Research
2 Implemented an API for practice. 150 minutes Practice
3 Updated my personal wiki page with adding the weekly efforts. 10 minutes Documentation

Week #9 (26/04/2022 - 02/05/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Spring break

Week #10 (03/05/2022 - 09/05/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attented Meeting 10.1. We talked about the best ways to develope the practice app. Also some of us explained what is an API and how we use them . 120 minutes Meeting
2 Attented Meeting 10.2. We divide labour for the practice-app. Every group member took on at least one functionality. The initial models and some necessary files are implemented during the meeting. I took the responsibility for User app which creates a user and returns all users. 110 minutes Meeting

Week #11 (10/05/2022 - 16/05/2022):

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 I have started to develop User API, opened issue #81. 30 minutes Documentation
2 Initial structure of the User App by implementing User API. 200 minutes Coding
3 Solved some bugs and added external API to the app. 100 minutes Coding
4 Postman Collection creation for API. 40 minutes Testing
5 Learned how to use Django Templates and views. 300 minutes Research
6 Frontend of the User app (HTML and CSS). 300 minutes Coding
7 Unit tests for User app. See issue #104 50 minutes Coding
8 Implemented Login and Home Page of Practice App of group 5. Issue #121 300 minutes Coding
9 Improvements for practice app. See issue #148 100 minutes Coding
10 Handled pull requests: #82, #89, #103, #118, #127, #150 . 100 minutes Review
11 Updated my personal wiki page with adding the weekly efforts. 25 minutes Documentation
Weekly Personal Efforts For CMPE451
Week 1 (04/10/2022 - 10/10/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 13.1. 90 minutes Meeting
2 Opened issue and self-assigned: Issue #170 10 minutes Documentation
3 Revised Scenarios and Mockups. Preconditions and goals were not very clear. Adding some new preconditions and goals to the scenarios. See Scenario 1,Scenario 2,Scenario 3 30 minutes Documentation
4 Revised and took some notes about requirements. 120 minutes Documentation
5 Updated my personal wiki page. 30 minutes Documentation
Week 2 (11/10/2022 - 17/10/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 14.1. 90 minutes Meeting
2 Opened issue and self-assigned: Issue #182 10 minutes Documentation
3 Revised Scenarios and Mockups. See Scenario 1,Scenario 2,Scenario 3 5 30 minutes Documentation
4 Revised and took some notes about requirements. 120 minutes Documentation
5 Updated my personal wiki page. 30 minutes Documentation
Week 3 (18/10/2022 - 24/10/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 15.1. 90 minutes Meeting
2 Opened issues and self-assigned: Issue #183,Issue #184, Issue #187,Issue #195, Issue #204, Issue #205, Issue #206, Issue #210 10 minutes Documentation
3 Joined Backend Team First Meeting. See Meeting Notes 1.1 30 minutes Meeting
4 Prepared Pull Request Template 120 minutes Documentation
5 Created Initial Django Project for Backend 120 minutes Coding
6 Created requirements.txt for backend development 120 minutes Coding
7 Created authentication module inside Django app 120 minutes Coding
8 Implemented Token Authentication with Django Rest Framework 120 minutes Coding
9 Documented API Documentation for Signup 120 minutes Documentation
10 Opened a wiki page for Tech Stack of the project 120 minutes Documentation
11 Updated my personal wiki page. 30 minutes Documentation
Week #4 (25/10/2022 - 31/10/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 16.1 110 minutes Meeting
2 Continued Auth Endpoints 120 minutes Research
3 Implemented Login and Signup Endpointissue #218 200 minutes  Implementation
4 Opened PR #219 related with the issue #218 which is the implementation of Login and Signup 20 Minutes Implementation
5 Implementing and Documenting me endpoint#236 210 minutes  Implementation 
6 Enabling CORS Header for project #238 210 minutes  Implementation, Documentation 
7 Opened PR #239 related with issue #238  20 minutes Implementation 
8 Opened a PR #242 related with issue #236 10 minutes Implementation 
9 Creating Scenario 1 for Milestone 1#268for demo of Milestone 1 together with Yavuz Samet Topçuoğlu and Halil Burak Pala 200 minutes Documentation 
Week #5 (01/11/2022 - 07/11/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Has Written Evaluation of Status of Deliverables ( for the Milestone 1 45 minutes Documentation
2 Presented Demo of Application 20 minutes  Documentation
Week #6 (08/11/2022 - 14/11/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 18.1 120 minutes Meeting
2 Discussed feedback of teammates about presentation Milestone 1 Presentation Notes 30 minutes Documentation
Week #7 (15/11/2022 - 21/11/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 19.1 120 minutes Meeting
2 Researched and improved deploying pipelines 120 minutes Research
3 Implemented Post Create, Read, Update and Delete Endpoints issue #290 240 minutes  Implementation
4 Opened PR #291 related with the issue #290 which is the implementation of Post Endpoints 20 Minutes Implementation
5 Implemented Article Create, Read, Update and Delete Endpoints issue #303 240 minutes  Implementation
6 Opened PR #304 related with the issue #290 which is the implementation of Post Endpoints 20 Minutes Implementation
7 Revising Auth APIsissue #309 240 minutes  Implementation
8 Opened PR #311 related with the issue #309 which is the revising of Auth APIs 20 Minutes Implementation
Week #8 (22/11/2022 - 28/11/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 20.1 120 minutes Meeting
2 Researched and improved deploying pipelines 120 minutes Research
3 Extending Upvote-Downvote API for Comments issue #324 240 minutes  Implementation
4 Opened PR #328 related with the issue #324 which is the implementation of Post Endpoints 20 Minutes Implementation
5 Fixed Post and Article Endpointsissue #338 240 minutes  Implementation
6 Opened PR #344 related with the issue #338 which is the fixing bugs of of Post and Article Endpoints 20 Minutes Implementation
7 Opened PR #348 related with the issue #338 which is adding voting info to Post and Article Endpoints 20 Minutes Implementation
Week #9 (29/11/2022 - 05/12/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 21.1 120 minutes Meeting
2 Formatting responses of APIs issue #366 240 minutes  Implementation
3 Opened PR #378 related with the issue #366 which is improving response formats 20 Minutes Implementation
4 Opened PR #379 related with the issue #366 which is improving response formats 20 Minutes Implementation
5 Opened PR #381 related with the issue #366 which is improving response formats 20 Minutes Implementation
6 Implementing Catalog and Labels in backend issue #383 240 minutes  Implementation
7 Opened PR #403 related with the issue #383 which is improving response formats 20 Minutes Implementation
8 Created Annotation Mockup for presentation 20 Minutes Documentation
9 Created scenarios together with Alper Canberk Balcı and Engin Oğuzhan Şenol for presentation 20 Minutes Documentation
Week #10 (06/12/2022 - 12/12/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Milestone 2 Presentations 180 minutes Meeting
2 Presented app and improvements in Demo of Milestone 2 Presentations 180 minutes Meeting
3 Updated weekly efforts. 50 minutes Documentation
4 Documented my individual contributions for the Milestone 2 deliverables. 50 minutes Documentation
5 50 minutes Documentation
Week #11 (13/12/2022 - 19/12/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Opened Issue for code refactoring after Milestone 2
2 Opened PR for code refactoring after Milestone 2
3 Opened issue #453 to implement Annotation Engine and Data Model 5 minutes Documentation
4 SeePR. I have created Annotation Engine with data model, CRUD operations and endpoints 300 minutes Coding
5 Attended weekly meeting and helped my teammates from frontend and mobile team to use endpoints.
Reviewed our PRs about backend development and gave feedback.
6 I have researched about ontologies to use them for semantic research.
7 Updated weekly efforts. 20 minutes Documentation
3 Opened issue #467 to implement the feature that enables fetching upvoted articles with user id 5 minutes Documentation
1 SeePR. I have implemented feature that enables fetching upvoted articles with user id 60 minutes Coding
Week #12 (20/12/2022 - 26/12/2022):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Opened issue #467 to implement the feature that enables fetching upvoted articles with user id 5 minutes Documentation
2 SeePR. I have implemented feature that enables fetching upvoted articles with user id 60 minutes Coding
3 Opened issue #469 to for bugfix in Annotation Schema 5 minutes Documentation
4 SeePR. I have fixed Annotation Schema bugs 60 minutes Coding
5 Opened issue #475 to improve search functionalities with user search. Also algorithm is improved. 5 minutes Documentation
6 SeePR. I have improved the search with user search and some other extras 60 minutes Coding
7 Opened issue #484 to implement semantic search with MeSH ontology and our labeling system 5 minutes Documentation
8 SeePR. I have implemented semantic search with MeSH ontology and our labeling system 600 minutes Coding
9 Wrote unit tests of missing part of application
Week #13 (27/12/2022 - 02/01/2023):
# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Milestone 3 Presentations and gave feedback and took notes during our presentation. 180 minutes Meeting
2 Updated weekly efforts. 50 minutes Documentation
3 Documented my individual contributions for the Milestone 3 deliverables. 120 minutes Documentation
4 Presented semantic search we implemented in Demo of Milestone 3 Deliverables. 20 minutes Documentation
5 Opened issue #544 to for Standards and Annotation 60 minutes Documentation
5 Opened issue #545 to for Application API 60 minutes Documentation
5 Opened issue #546 to for Executive Summary 60 minutes Documentation

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