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Irfan Bozkurt

irfanbozkurt edited this page Jan 2, 2023 · 42 revisions

Who am I?

Senior CmpE student with experience in web development & solutions architecture.
Interested in anything distributed from lowest to highest scale. Nowadays exploring blockchain development.


[email protected]

Weekly Efforts

Week 1: 04/10/2022 - 10/10/2022
Attended Meeting 13.1.
Created a new personal wiki page.
Edited team wiki page to include myself
Edited sidebar to include myself
Joined Discord channel
Revised Meeting Notes Template.
Read the requirements & detected some vague points & inconsistencies. Access here and here.
Proposed changes for requirements. Access here
Had research about ElasticSearch to fulfill text-search requirements in the future.
Week 2: 11/10/2022 - 17/10/2022
Attended the weekly
Kept myself up-to-date with the team
Week 3: 18/10/2022 - 24/10/2022
Attended back-end meeting 1 and back-end meeting 2
Reviewed some teammates' work in the meetings
Wrote-down the meeting notes for backend meeting 2
Deployed a PSQL server on AWS: #194
Decided on initial DB tables & relationships within
Created initial tables & corresponding model classes: #199
Wrote unit tests for model creations
Created a pull request
Week 4: 25/10/2022 - 31/10/2022
Attended weekly meeting
Reviewed some teammates' work
Dockerized the back-end application: see
Deployed the back-end application: see
Fixed a bug and deployed the latest version
Created following pull requests: here and here
Week 5: 01/11/2022 - 07/11/2022
Attended the presentations of other teams. Wrote some reviews for them.
Helped our presentation by answering questions from customers and students.
Week 6: 08/11/2022 - 14/11/2022
Attended the Backend Meeting 1.3 about this issue. During the meeting designed the new schemas.
Attended the Customer Meeting
Week 7: 15/11/2022 - 21/11/2022
Attended weekly meeting
Performed code refactor on the backend: issue and PR
Performed bug fixes: issue and PR
S3 bucket integration to back-end: issue and PR
Added "user_profile" module and profile picture uploading capability: issue and PR
Reviewed & tested this PR
Reviewed and closed this issue
Week 8: 22/11/2022 - 28/11/2022
Attended weekly meeting
Reviewed and closed this issue
Peer-coded, tested, and reviewed: issue and PR
Written "get posts of a user" endpoint. issue, PR, and wiki
Written "get upvotes (post) of a user" endpoint. issue, PR, and wiki
Written "get upvotes (articles) of a user" endpoint. issue, PR, and wiki
Week 9: 29/11/2022 - 6/12/2022
Performed deployment several times.
Read this issue and this PR, but wasn't available at time to review.
Pulled, read and tested this PR
Pulled, read and tested this PR
Pulled, read and tested this PR
Attended the Milestone 2 Demo Presentation
Updated personal wiki page
Week 10: 7/12/2022 - 13/12/2022
CmpE443 week...
Had research on geospatial queries on psql so that we can support distance-based queries
Week 11: 14/12/2022 - 20/12/2022
Pulled, read and tested this PR
Detected a bug and performed bugfix: issue and PR
I finalized my research on geospatial search from last week, and documented my findings in this issue
While adding new functionality, I detected bugs and some redundant code. issue and PR
Changed "post search" endpoint completely, just to be able to inject a custom query allowing us to perform "distance-based search". Here's the issue and the PR
Updated the API Documentation so that other teams can use the new functionality I implemented
Performed several deployments to support members from other teams.
Reviewed & tested this PR
Updated personal wiki page
Week 12: 21/12/2022 - 27/12/2022
Performed several deployments to support members from other teams.
Detected a bug on "get all posts" endpoint & fixed it. See the issue and the pr
Had a meeting with @Canberk to solve some problems including migrations, constraints, environment variables & postman. Did brainstorming over this PR
Pulled, read & tested this PR
Performed database cleansing before the presentation. Many test-purposed entries with complex foreign key constraints were carefully removed from database with detailed scripts.
Updated personal wiki page
Week 13: 28/12/2022 - 02/12/2022
Worked on deliverables
Written Software Package section of the final deliverables. See the issue

🏠 Homepage

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📘 About Meetings

Meeting Notes From CMPE352
Meeting Notes From CMPE451

General Meetings

Team Meetings

Backend Team Meetings
Frontend Team Meetings
Mobile Team Meetings

📌 Project


📌 Project Artifacts

💹 Diagrams

📝 Project Plan

📝 Deliverables

🔭 Research

📌 Practice-App

❓ Responses

Clone this wiki locally