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Customer Meeting 3

Alper Canberk Balcı edited this page Apr 10, 2022 · 2 revisions

Customer Meeting 3

Meeting Information

Date : 06/04/2022 17:00

Duration : 2 hours

Platform : Zoom


  • Customer: Burak Suyunu

  • Alper Canberk Balcı

  • Halil Burak Pala

  • Mehmet Emre Akbulut

  • Sinan Kerem Gündüz

  • Kardelen Demiral

  • Yavuz Samet Topçuoğlu

  • Mehmet Akif Yılmaz

  • Burak Mert

  • Engin Oğuzhan Şenol

  • Baver Bengin Beştaş

  • Oğuzhan Demirel

  • Buse Tolunay


  • Meeting for getting feedback from TA about UML Diagrams and Requirements.


  • Getting feedbacks about requirements.
  • Getting feedbacks about UML Diagrams.


  • Some feedback about requirements were taken:
  • Some feedback about UML Diagrams were taken.

Feedbacks From Customer

We asked about our work and Customer made some observations and suggested feedbacks.

1. Requirements

  • Some requirements elements in Admin, Sorting, and Search sub sections need to be carried into User Requirements.

2. Use Case Diagram

  • Search <-> Sort Results: include/extend, he is not sure. Customer took note of it.
  • Extension or generealization for Sort Results <- Sort Discussion Threads/Sort Articles, he is not sure.

3. Class Diagram

  • Chatbot: Remove Node Class and make this part more abstract.
  • Chatbot may deepen the query or it may return a solution(suggestions), so the mechanism is simple and remaining is database processes.

4. Sequence Diagrams

  • Remove UI Class
    • We removed them.
  • Make sure the direction of the arrows leading into classes is correct.
    • We pretty much are. Functions of a class goes into the class.
  • You can add constructors to Class Diagrams and write those functions on arrows instead of <>
    • We added constructors with void return.
  • Functions that go into DB may be in classes in Class Diagram.
    • We used save, update etc. according to the answers of Prof. Uskudarli in Slack.
  • If a function returns void (or not have return) you can add boolean return, and return True/False in Sequence Diagrams.

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