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GhoulofGSG9 edited this page Dec 3, 2015 · 9 revisions


This plugin is a rewrite of the original PregamePlus by Wiggly

PregamePlus aims to help low population servers start up and reduces the rate at which they might empty out.

It unlocks a “Sandbox” playmode while the round hasn’t started yet so the players have access to all weapons, upgrades and alien classes.

To make sure players don’t misunderstand this “Sandbox Mode” as a started game the plugin displayes a status message and the scoreboard doesn’t get updated at all.

This “Sandbox Mode” avoids that ppl get bored while pregame and leave the server.

The plugin doesn’t change the start game rules of ns2 in any way. It is also compatible to all other ns2 mods ( beside factions).

You may see some gui bugs (not critical or causing any issues) with some gamemode mods but the plugin still works.

Why use this instead of the original?

This version of PregamePlus uses a different way to unlock the techs and causes by this less network traffic and also avoids so to conflict with other mods.

Default Config

The default config looks something like this:

    "StatusTextColour": [ 0, 255, 255 ],
    "PregameArmorLevel": 3,
    "PregameWeaponLevel": 3,
    "LimitToggleDelay": 30,
    "PregameAlienUpgradesLevel": 3,
    "AllowMines": true,
    "StatusTextPosY": 0.45,
    "CheckLimit": true,
    "ExtraMessageLine": "",
    "StatusTextPosX": 0.05,
    "PregameBiomassLevel": 9,
    "PlayerLimit": 8,
    "AllowOnosExo": true,
    "AllowCommanding": true

The file should be called “PregamePlus.json” and should be placed in the directory defined as your plugin config directory (default is config://shine/plugins).

Config Options

Option Description
CheckLimit Should we check at pregame if the playercount is above or below the PlayerLimit and disable or enable the plugins “Sandbox Mode”
PlayerLimit Limit used at the playercount check
AllowOnosExo Should Onos and Exos be avaible in the “Sandbox Mode”
AllowMines Should Mines be avaible in the “Sandbox Mode”
AllowCommanding Should Commanders be able to command in the “Sandbox Mode”
StatusTextPosX X-Position of the Status Message
StatusTextPosY Y-Position of the Status Message
StatusTextColour RGB color code used for the Status Message
ExtraMessageLine Extra line that gets added to the Status Message
LimitToggleDelay Time in seconds after which the “Sandbox Mode” gets enabled or disabled once the playerlimit check got triggered
PregameBiomassLevel Level of Biomass that gets unlocked in the “Sandbox”- Mode
PregameArmorLevel Armor Upgrdae Level that gets unlocked in the “Sandbox”- Mode
PregameWeaponLevel Armor Weapon Level that gets unlocked in the “Sandbox”- Mode
PregameAlienUpgradesLevel Level that gets applied on all Alien Upgrades in the “Sandbox”- Mode
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