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GhoulofGSG9 edited this page Nov 10, 2017 · 6 revisions


This little plugin uses different web APIs to give players on your server automatically certain Badges.

This plugin needs Badges+ to work properly.

For team badges you additionally need the NSL Team Badges workshop mod.

If you want to add yourself custom badges you will need to activate the Badge Plugin of Shine

Here is a image how the result looks like:

Default Config

The default config looks something like this:


The file should be called “EpsilonBadges.json” and should be placed in the directory defined as your plugin config directory (default is config://shine/plugins).

Config Options

Option Description
Flags Set to True to give the player a country flag badge based on the player’s IP. In case the IP couldn’t be resolved the UN flag is used.
FlagsRow Set which badge row is used to display the country flags. Change the row option if you want to change the order of the custom badges.
SteamBadges Set to True to give the player badges based on the steam trading card level they unlocked.
SteamBadgesRow Set which badge row is used to display the steam trading cards badges
ENSLTeams Set to True to give the a player badge based on their current active team.
ENSLTeamsRow Set which badge row is used to display the team badges
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