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Hive Team Restriction

GhoulofGSG9 edited this page Nov 7, 2015 · 7 revisions


This plug-in offers you the ability to restrict the players being able to play on your server using all kind of hive stats.

Each of the plug-ins check is independent from each other so you can combine them as you wish. The checks are performed as soon as the plug-in received the needed data or in case you exclude spectators from the restrictions as soon as a player tries to join a playing team.

You can either just block players from joining the teams or can automatically kick them.

If you would like to exclude a user from the checks just grant him access to sh_ignorestatscheck .


Each Check has a minimum and maximum to be used. In case the maximum is 0 the check will only use the minimum. Furthermore as mentioned before you can enable and disable each check independently via the Enable option.

    "CheckLevel": {
        "Enable": false,
        "Min": 20,
        "Max": 0
    "CheckSkillRating": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Min": 1000,
        "Max": 0
    "CheckPlayTime": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Max": 0,
        "Min": 350,
        "UseSteamPlayTime": true
    "CheckWL": {
        "Enable": false,
        "Min": 1,
        "Max": 3
    "CheckKD": {
        "Enable": false,
        "Min": 0.5,
        "Max": 3
    "AllowSpectating": true,
    "WaitMessage": "Please wait while your Hive stats are getting fetched",
    "BlockMessage": "You don't fit to the Hive stats limits on this server.",
    "ShowSwitchAtBlock": false,
    "ShowInform": true,
    "InformMessage": "This server is Hive stats restricted",
    "Kick": true,
    "KickMessage": "You will be kicked in %s seconds",
    "Kicktime": 60,

The file should be called “HiveTeamRestriction.json” and should be placed in the directory defined as your plug-ins config directory (default is config://shine/plugins).

Check Types

Name Description
CheckKD Checks if the given player’s kills / death ration fits to the set minimum and maximum.
CheckWL Checks if the given player’s wins / loses ration fits to the set minimum and maximum.
CheckLevel Checks if the given player’s hive level fits to the set minimum and maximum.
CheckRating Checks if the given player’s hive “skill” rating fits to the set minimum and maximum. More details about the hive skill rating can be found at Moultano’s blog.
CheckPlaytime Checks if the given player’s at the hive tracked playtime in hours fits to the set minimum and maximum. If the “UseSteamTime” is set true the check also fetchs the at steam tracked playtime via the steam web api. Be aware that the steam web api is only limited to public available steam accounts!

Other Config Options

Option Description
AllowSpectating If set true the checks will only be performed if a player attempts to join a playing team (e.h marines or aliens).
WaitMessage The message which gets send to the player in case their data hasn’t been fetched completely yet. The maximum time for fetching is 15 sec after that we assume that the given service are off-line and will ignore the affected checks.
BlockMessage The message which gets send to the player in case the failed a check, the check settings will be attached to this message.
ShowInform If set true the InformMessage is send to the players after they connected.
Kick If set true the plug-in will kick players, who failed a check. It will show the KickMessage in that case and performs the kick after a short delay set by the Kicktime option
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