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GhoulofGSG9 edited this page Oct 23, 2015 · 12 revisions


This plugin allows you to define the base spawns of the teams for each map and the possible spawn combinations yourself.

All configs can be found in config://shine/plugins/customspawns/. The file defining the spawns for a given map has to be named like the map.

By default will the plugin generate default spawn setup files forcing cross-possition spawns on all vanilla maps.

Spawn Set-Up Config Syntax

        "enemyspawns": [
        "name": "Sub Access",
        "team": "both"
        "enemyspawns": [
            "Sub Access"
        "name": "Atrium",
        "team": "both"

This basically is a list of possible base spawn positions for the given map summit. There has to be a valid spawn for each team in the used map-config file.

You can use the sh_dumpspawns command to dump the vanilla spawn configuration into a map config and use that file as template for the given map.

Each spawn point has 3 attributes (or at least 2 in case of an alien spawn):

Name Description Values
name name of the spawn room the name of the possible room to spawn (needs a tech point)
team name of teams that are allowed to spawn at this spawn point “none”, “both”, “marines”, “aliens”
enemyspawns names of the spawns that should be used for the alien team in case the marine team spawns at this spawn. This attribute is not used for “aliens only”-spawns and gets ignored for those. names of the given enemy spawn points

Default Base Config

The default config looks something like this:

    "Maps": {
        "ns2_veil": false,
        "ns2_docking": true,
        "ns2_mineshaft": true,
        "ns2_descent": true,
        "ns2_summit": true,
        "ns2_biodome": true,
        "ns2_kodiak": false,
        "ns2_eclipse: false,

The file should be called “config.json”.

Config Options

Option Description
Maps This is a list of maps for which the plugin generates spawn set-up config files by default. To enable/disable custom spawns for a given map change its entry in the list to true or false.


Command Chat Command Arguments Description
sh_dumpspawns !dumpspawns The dump’s filename (optional, by default the file will be name mapname_dumped.json) Dumps the vanilla spawn configuration into a map config file with the given name.
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