Releases: FuelRats/SwiftSqueak
Releases · FuelRats/SwiftSqueak
February 17 Release
- Fixed !whois no longer working when used on a user who is identified with NickServ but have switched to a nick that is not registered
February 16 Update (hotfix)
- Fixed a bug where updating a fact that has an alias would not clear the facts cache for its aliased commands
February 16 Release
- !whois can now be used to get information about a fuel rats account even if the user is not currently online
- -o -h and -l can now be used to set game mode (odyssey, horizon, legacy) when using !addcase instead of the --mode flag
- the !groups command now gives the full English name of the groups belonging to a user instead of the shorthand
February 12 Release
- !addgroup and !delgroup now lists all possible permissions that can be given to the command
- Adedd better help text for commands that take multiple parameters
- !mdlist now shows when a rescue was last edited and by whom
- Added support for 3 letter language codes
- When a permission is added to a user their status is now automatically updated in IRC without the need to do /ns update
- Changing your email now automatically applies to your JIRA account
- !delete now supports multiple rescues at once
- Fixed an issue where some rescue modifications done via mecha was shown as being last modified by Mecha instead of the actual user
Full Changelog: 2024-11-24...2025-02-03
November 27 Release
- Fixed an issue where Mecha would reopen a case when a client rejoins even after fuel+ if the rat said fuel+ in uppercase
March 19 Release
- Removed warning when assigning a rat to a rescue that they are already assigned to
February 26 Release
- Updated translations
November 3 Update
- Removed the -g option for !sctime the command now outputs the result both with and without a gravity well at the destination at the same time
June 14 Update
- !alert and !alertc now no longer supports Twitter, only Mastodon as Twitter is no longer giving us access to automatically post