Releases: FuelRats/SwiftSqueak
Releases · FuelRats/SwiftSqueak
July 8 Release
- The !distance command can now be used without quotation marks if the first system is only one word.
- Quotation marks in commands like !inject will no longer be stripped
- Mecha will now let you know in the channel if it's going to pm you a response to avoid spam
- Fixed "system" not being stripped from the end of system names in all cases
- Fixed an issue that would cause mecha to perform absurd system name autocorrections.
June 17 Release
- Updated hungarian command translations and facts
- Jump call warnings for incomplete system names will now only warn once
- the !sctimes fact will now trigger !sctime instead if mecha thinks you accidentally used the wrong command
- Updated the !version command to actually show the current version.
May 27 Update
- Added !yeet as an alias for !trash/!md
May 23 Update
Happy update #100 !
- Added !psn command to look up a playstation network username.
- Added automatic lookup of playstation client names on case creation and client name change.
- Added detection of client's playstation privacy settings that might interfere with a rescue.
These features will look very much like the xbox live integration you're all familiar with, though unfortunately there is no way to check which star system the client is in like there is on Xbox, so any functionality depending on that will not be available for PS.
May 9 Release
- When using the !sys command to change the system of a case mecha will now include a spansh plot link in the response if the system is far away
- Made !station less likely to suggest stations with a long supercruise travel distance
- Decreased the likelihood that !station will suggest a megaship if a non-megaship station is also available nearby
- Fixed the !assign command giving a confusing error when using the --carrier flag on a rat who is not logged in
- Fixed a formatting issue when using !tweetc on a permit-locked system.
- Fixed the calculation of snickers revoked as punishment for failing to file paperwork
March 19 Release
- Fixed an issue where Mecha would not sync a rescue to the dispatch board if it reopened a recently closed case in response to a signal from the same client.
March 9 Update
- Fixed a logic error that caused !last to give an incorrect response in some circumstances
March 5 Release
- Fixed system name autocorrect not working on the !landmark command
- Renamed the "In system" xbox live status to "Sysconf" to make the meaning clearer.
- !clientpw can now take a parameter including spaces without having to use quotes
- !sendhelp now gives a response to the person who triggers the command so it is clear it was successful
- Increased snickers penalty for repeated paperwork filing failures
February 18 Release
- Mecha now supports multi word --arguments in commands without the need for quotes, e.g !addcase SpaceDawg --sys NLTT 48288 --pc
- Added optional --range argument to !distance for defining what jump range you want to be used for the plot link
- Changed DrillSqueak to only post command responses in the channel that would otherwise be replied to in PM if the channel is a drill or training channel.
- Disabled the feature where Mecha checks recently closed cases when looking for fact platform information (e.g !quit) when running as DrillSqueak.
- Changed the permission level for !flush so it is now available to overseers.
- Added !stoplogs as an alias for !savelogs
- Fixed an issue that prevented /me actions from showing up in logs saved with !savelogs
- Fixed the permission level for !deleteall.
February 15 Release
- Fixed the elite server check breaking due to a change to Frontier's servers.