Releases: FuelRats/SwiftSqueak
Releases · FuelRats/SwiftSqueak
April 2 Release
- !whoami and !whois now displays the highest priority user permission group.
- !whoami and !whois now hides UUIDs by default, can be displayed using the -@ option
- -@ now also shows UUID for individual CMDRs, not just the user account.
March 27 Release
- The !distance command will now show results in light seconds rather than rounded down light years for short distances.
March 17 Release
- !alertc will now only work after the client of the case has said at least 1 message for obvious reasons.
March 13 Release
- Fixed an issue that would cause Mecha to fail to detect a client being banned
March 2 Release
- Mecha's AI has been updated to a newer model
February 25 Release
- !landmark can now accept case numbers of recently closed cases
- !distance can now accept case numbers of recently closed cases
February 12 Release
- Mecha should now give a more helpful error message when assign fails on a carrier rescue due to live/legacy mismatch
February 5 Release
- Fixed a bug where an unknown station type caused some star systems to appear as non-existent (like Maia)
- !renameid no longer needs quotes around CMDR names that contain a space
January 19 Release
- Dispatch can now override with -f when Mecha refuses to assign an undrilled rat to a code red rescue
- Mecha's AI has been improved in preparation for world domination
January 8 Release
- Mecha will now only give a !prep to !quit correction message when it is used in a channel
- Removed redundant space in the response to !last when using it on a platform without a specific game mode.