Releases: FuelRats/SwiftSqueak
Releases · FuelRats/SwiftSqueak
November 21 Release
- Updated Turkish translations
November 10 Release
- !tweet has been renamed to !alert and !tweetc has been renamed to alertc. The old command names are still available as an alias.
- !alert and !alertc will now also post to Mastadon (@[email protected])
- Improved the confusing formatting of mecha system autocorrect messages
September 21 Release
- Fixed the permission requirement for !sysc
September 16 Release
- Fixed an issue that allowed !mode to be used on console cases
- Fixed an issue where Mecha would pick up keywords like "CR" inside of system names of manual signals or injects
4.0 Horizons Release
- !useodyssey and !usehorizons has been replaced by !mymode e.g !mymode h3 for Horizons 3.8, !mymode h4 for horizons 4.0, and !mymode o for Odyssey.
!horizons has been replaced by !horizons3 and !horizons4, you can also use !mode <case id/client name> e.g !mode 4 h3 - The --odyssey flag for !addcase has been replaced by a --mode flag.
- The --odyssey and --horizons flags for !list has been replaced by a --mode flag.
- The -o flag for !last has been replaced by a --mode flag.
- The --odyssey flag for !announce has been replaced by a --mode flag.
- !team and !kgbfoam now will use the odyssey version of the message when used on a Horizons 4 case.
- !station now works with case IDs or client names of recently closed cases.
- !clientpw now requires overseer permission.
- The ratsignal now has specific highlight signals for each mode, e.g H3_SIGNAL, H4_ SIGNAL, and ODY_SIGNAL, instead of PC_SIGNAL.
- !sub will now include part of the edited / deleted message in its response.
- !needsrats now includes the version mode for PC cases.
July 21 Release 2
- Mecha will now let dispatch know when you switch to the correct ED version (Horizons vs Odyssey) after previously calling with the incorrect one set.
- Made improvements to how Mecha handles disconnection and re-connection to the dispatch board.
July 21 Release
- Fixed trainers not having any permissions when Mecha is falling back to offline permissions
- Mecha will no longer give "no account found" warnings for jump calls if it is currently having connection issues
- !assign will now default to "force" mode if mecha is currently having connection issues
- Improved feedback to #ratchat when Mecha is having connection issues
July 16 Release
- Changed colours of system name related warnings from red to yellow because apparently, dispatchers can't read
- Removed government info from system lookup results because Toby hates fun
July 10 Release
- Fixed a bug with Mecha's quotemark handling where it would break some commands by inserting extra quotation marks where they don't belong.
July 9 Release
- Mecha should now immediately update user info and permissions when a change is made, removing the need for using the !flush command or rejoining IRC.
- Mecha will now refresh user info and permissions when someone's vhost changes or they switch nickserv accounts on IRC.
- Mecha will now notify in #ratchat when it is performing a planned restart.
- !help now works for automatic platform fact commands like !wing or !beacon.
- Fixed an issue where systems with a station that had no government or economy info would show as not existing.