Releases: DotBots/DotBot-firmware
Releases · DotBots/DotBot-firmware
What's Changed
Bugs fixed
Other Changes
- projects/03app_sailbot: remove useless autonomous operation define by @aabadie in #185
- projects/03app_nrf5340_app: bsp/radio_nrf5340: enable non secure access to POWER peripheral by @aabadie in #186
Full Changelog: REL-1.10...REL-1.10.1
What's Changed
New features
- projects/03app_dotbot_gateway: add basic handshake procedure by @aabadie in #153
- nrf5340: partial support of application core + setup infrastructure by @aabadie in #161
- bsp/rpm: adapt to nrf5340 by @aabadie in #162
- bsp/rgbled: adapt to nrf5340 by @aabadie in #165
- Add partial support for the nrf5340 network core by @aabadie in #168
- bsp/rpm: adapt to nrf5340 network core by @aabadie in #169
- bsp/lh2: adapt to nrf5340 by @aabadie in #164
- bsp/{radio,rng}: add support for nrf5340 application core by @aabadie in #173
Bugs fixed
- projects/01bsp_uart: fix echo logic, reduce baudrate and improve README by @aabadie in #160
- bsp/gpio: add gpio port to gpiote config by @aabadie in #163
- segger: fix extension of generated archives, use macro for BuildTarget by @aabadie in #176
Other Changes
- bsp: projects: use new GPIO API where possible by @aabadie in #156
- Refactor Segger project organization to make it more generic by @aabadie in #157
- projects: dotbot-firmware-nrf52833: fix remaining cpu specific configuration in projects by @aabadie in #159
- bsp/device: bsp/clock: fix and improve clock speed for application core by @aabadie in #166
- projects/01bsp_radio_*: use gpio API by @aabadie in #167
- nrf5340-net: fix device info API + update allowed projects in Makefile by @aabadie in #170
- segger: use segger project configuration to also create the hex files by @aabadie in #177
- .github: add build config (Debug/Release) in build job matrix by @aabadie in #178
- feat: Add BSP package support for the ISM330 IMU on the DotBot and minimote by @SaidAlvarado in #174
- nrf5340: small improvements by @aabadie in #179
- bsp/clock: improvements in configuration by @aabadie in #180
- bsp: force constant latency power mode with uart and radio on nrf53 by @aabadie in #181
- nrf53: various improvements by @aabadie in #182
Full Changelog: REL-1.9...REL-1.10
What's Changed
Other Changes
- projects: remove 00std_** projects + some alphabetical cleanup by @aabadie in #147
- bsp/lh2: drv/protocol: only send 2 lh2 raw data in a packet, cleanup lh2 code a bit more by @aabadie in #146
- projects: use nRF headers from package by @aabadie in #149
- projects/03app_dotbot: add support for new waypoint message format with distance to waypoint threshold by @aabadie in #150
- sailbot: add support for user defined waypoints received via protocol packets by @aabadie in #148
- protocol: sailbot: use SAILBOT_DATA message type to send heading with GPS coordinates by @aabadie in #151
Full Changelog: REL-1.7...REL-1.8
What's Changed
New features
Bugs fixed
Other Changes
- dotbot-gateway: refactor to do less things in ISR by @aabadie in #135
- dotbot: refactor main application by @aabadie in #137
- projects/03app_dotbot: stop the motors when receiving new waypoints by @aabadie in #139
Full Changelog: REL-1.6.1...REL-1.7
What's Changed
New features
- protocol: dotbot: compute direction based using reveiced LH2 positions by @aabadie in #120
- bsp: add API for random number generator by @aabadie in #129
- Dotbot: implement basic control loop for following a given list of waypoints by @aabadie in #122
Bugs fixed
Other Changes
- Segger Studio: enable all warnings but missing-field-initializers and treat warnings as errors by @aabadie in #118
- .github: run style check on Github shared runner by @aabadie in #124
- .github: run build job on Github shared runner, add job for build Docker image by @aabadie in #125
- .github: improve CI workflow by @aabadie in #126
- bsp/radio: refactor init function and enable data whitening with short range modes by @aabadie in #128
Full Changelog: REL-1.5...REL-1.6
What's Changed
New features
- Add header field containing application type by @aabadie in #110
- protocol: dotbot: add code to handle the reception of computed LH2 positions by @aabadie in #114
Other Changes
Full Changelog: REL-1.4...REL-1.5
What's Changed
New features
- Implement advertisements for SailBot by @malishav in #105
- SailBot: Implement IMU driver by @malishav in #102
Bugs fixed
Other Changes
- SailBot: Implement equirectangular conversion by @malishav in #95
- SailBot: Implement the control loop by @malishav in #103
Full Changelog: REL-1.3...REL-1.4
What's Changed
Other Changes
- Refactor sailbot app to be interrupt-driven by @malishav in #83
- README: add space by @twatteyne in #87
- Initialize GPS module and parse GPRMC NMEA sentences by @malishav in #75
- Integrate LH2 code in DotBot application by @aabadie in #89
- Implement Dotbot advertisement by @aabadie in #91
New Contributors
- @twatteyne made their first contribution in #87
Full Changelog: REL-1.2...REL-1.3