Code for AISTATS2025 paper: Prior-Fitted Networks Scale to Larger Datasets When Treated as Weak Learners.
Initial code for submission. Further revision coming soon.
See requirements.txt
which is from previous work of TabPFN v1.
To run small datasets lower than 5000:
python --modelname gboost_tabpfnV2 --updating exphadamard
To run large datasets:
python --modelname gboost_tabpfnV2 --gpu 0 --sampling_size 0.001 --test_batch 50000 --seed 5 --maxsample 500 --updating exphadamard --endnum 0 --step 100 --startnum -1 --ensemble_num 10
Main Arguments:
: the updating method for boostpfn, can choose from exphadamard,hadamard,adaboost
: the number of boosting rounds