Releases: stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client
Full Changelog: StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8882.41069...StayInTarkov.Client-1.11.8920.32394
What's Changed
- Update SITGameGCComponent.cs by @kapdon in #325
- Have freecam on death and also allow for first person following of pmcs by @artehe in #322
- SPT bot brain patches by @artehe in #326
- missing session info on questcontroller by @kapdon in #321
- Airdrops fix by @artehe in #324
New Contributors
This version works with version
What's Changed
- Move despawning to SITGameComponent & Fix CleanUp in CoopSitGame by @ArchangelWTF in #307
- retry if asyncrequest fails, (fixes stuck on 0:0:0) by @devbence in #318
- Refactor GameTimer And Weather by @paulov-t in #317
- Fix AkiBackendCommication bad delay by @paulov-t in #320
Full Changelog: StayInTarkov.Client-1.11.8900.38830...StayInTarkov.Client-1.11.8908.16188
This version works with version
What's Changed
- Refactor BSG GC and SIT GC routines into own component by @paulov-t in #262
- refactor sit-cd to use linux by @devbence in #264
- add debug weather command by @devbence in #267
- Refactor TimeAndWeather Sync into its own Binary Packet & Component by @paulov-t in #265
- Fix Single Threaded errors and Memory Leak by @paulov-t in #266
- [optim] lean playerstate packets by @belettee in #271
- [debug] add autoraid by @belettee in #263
- Fix Blocker Error in errors log by @paulov-t in #269
- Update SIT-CI-Linux.yml by @mihaicm93 in #276
- fix missing symbol by @belettee in #275
- fix flatbuffers not handled correctly by @belettee in #277
- Fix boss follower spawning, cultist time detection & spawning by @ArchangelWTF in #272
- [CI] Update CI to use v4 actions by @ArchangelWTF in #279
- [devtools] Add freecam to console commands by @ArchangelWTF in #278
- custom keybind option for extract by @devbence in #280
- freecam culling fix + effect removal + fastmode by @devbence in #282
- [devtool] unlock doors by @devbence in #281
- Update version numbers for 1.11 by @paulov-t in #286
- [http] big clean up + aki 3.8.1 compat by @belettee in #290
- Ultimate Aki 3.8 & Native Mod Support Package by @paulov-t in #291
- Replaced the old ReadMe by @mihaicm93 in #293
- Translated README_CN to Simplified Chinese by @dounai2333 in #295
- Process RestoreBodyPart in Packet rather than Patch by @ArchangelWTF in #294
- Replace old Gesture MRP patch with Packet by @paulov-t in #298
- Backmerge hotfixes by @belettee in #292
- Replicate bot despawning to client when host despawns AI by @ArchangelWTF in #300
- Change default setting for host to Peer-to-Peer by @paulov-t in #299
- Compatibility layer to remove Aki patches that break SIT by @paulov-t in #301
- SIT Prepatcher by @paulov-t in #305
- Fast backpack replication & PlayerOwnerInventoryController change by @ArchangelWTF in #306
- make bot teleport distance configurable. by @kapdon in #309
- Flea Market WS bug by @hickorysb in #303
- [fix] no update for bots by @devbence in #302
- Raid Statuses by @paulov-t in #310
- Cleanup unused replication out of patches, remove ActionPackets & ActionPacketsMovement by @ArchangelWTF in #296
- Fix Player Extraction Sync by @paulov-t in #311
- Fix IBotGame not existing on client by @paulov-t in #312
- Fix Sync of usage of bullets between Clients by @paulov-t in #313
- Fix IsHostileToEverybodyPatch sptusecbear numbers by @paulov-t in #315
New Contributors
- @hickorysb made their first contribution in #303
Full Changelog: StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8882.41069...StayInTarkov.Client-1.11.8900.38830
This version works with version
What's Changed
- Fix a small singleplayer bug by @JimWails in #256
- Update en by @Plootie in #258
- [feature] add udp fully automatic mode by @belettee in #257
- [console] fix heal command + better error logging by @belettee in #259
- Update SIT-CI-Linux.yml by @mihaicm93 in #274
- [hotfix] fix black screen end of raid by @belettee in #270
- [hotfix] fix mia on server-sent stop by @belettee in #284
- Hotfix/devtomaster0424 by @devbence in #285
- [hotfix] rankpanel bug wanted dead by @belettee in #288
- [fix] remove custom processing around boss/scav spawns by @belettee in #289
Full Changelog: StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8869.3183...StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8882.41069
This version works with version
What's Changed
- fix loading screen keepalive ping by @belettee in #254
- fixes stuck chamber by @devbence in #255
- Add icanhazip to 3rd party endpoints by @Plootie in #253
Full Changelog: StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8867.33190...StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8869.3183
This version works with version
New Features and Enhancements
- Introduced a new bundle system to support future integrations (#211).
- Added live-like car extracts and several developer tools for enhanced game functionality (#210, #218, #247).
- Improved the user interface and network statistics, including better handling of UDP connections and ping systems (#223, #229, #238).
- Increased match creation timeout for Streets of Tarkov and added advanced server browser logic (#222, #243).
- Enhanced gameplay mechanics with changes to extraction and raid exit processes (#213, #225, #239, #242).
- Resolved various gameplay issues, including door unlock freezing, crate looting synchronization, and multiple damage inflictions (#215, #220, #232, #246).
- Addressed issues with airdrop containers, stuck on black screens, and bullet mechanics (#217, #209, #240).
- Fixed network-related bugs and optimizations in packet processing and connection logic (#214, #230, #236, #252).
- Corrected guard spawn settings and raid exit statuses, with several reversions and re-applications to ensure functionality (#224, #228, #233, #241).
Code and System Optimizations
- Transitioned several system components to binary handling for efficiency (#216, #241).
- Cleaned up deprecated elements and outdated references in documentation and labels (#221, #226).
- Improved garbage collection processes and error handling in the backend (#249, #248).
Developer Tools and Debugging
- Added new developer tools and commands to assist with in-game testing and performance monitoring (#218, #247).
- Streamlined debugging and error logging for better development oversight (#230, #250).
What's Changed
- New bundle system support by @JimWails in #211
- [feature] live-like car extracts by @belettee in #210
- Replace Trigger Press with Initiate Shot by @paulov-t in #213
- fix door unlock freezing player by @belettee in #215
- Convert to binary by @mihaicm93 in #216
- Fix airdrop container only can open for once by @JimWails in #217
- WIP:Fix for stuck on black screen by @JimWails in #209
- fix player allowed to continue looting if crate is still open while extracting by @Beat2er in #220
- README files link to SIT.Manager.Avalonia instead of deprecated SIT.Manager by @Beat2er in #221
- fix chance-based exfils not in sync by @belettee in #219
- Increase request timeout for Streets of Tarkov match create by @JimWails in #222
- improve netstats gui for udp by @belettee in #223
- Add code to remove guards from spawning for Tagilla on Factory by @paulov-t in #224
- Fix Raid Exit Status so Missing in Action works by @paulov-t in #225
- Remove [TEST], "ASM" and "EXE" from Version Label by @paulov-t in #226
- Comment Bot update by @mihaicm93 in #227
- Revert "Fix Raid Exit Status so Missing in Action works" by @paulov-t in #228
- modify QTEPatch.cs as (quick-)fix for gym/workout skills not being sent by @Beat2er in #231
- Fix Raid Exit Status by @paulov-t in #233
- Fire mode check animation by @mihaicm93 in #234
- refactor ping system + add down/up speeds by @belettee in #229
- simplify udp connection logic + add more ip/port settings by @belettee in #190
- Revert by @mihaicm93 in #235
- simplify-udp by @belettee in #236
- [devtools] add teleport console commands by @belettee in #218
- fix damage being inflicted multiple times in some cases by @belettee in #232
- [fix] only call packet.process as client by @belettee in #214
- clean up debug logs around packet processing by @belettee in #230
- disable extracted players renderer and collider (ty @JimWails) by @belettee in #237
- refactor ping system + add down/up speeds by @belettee in #238
- Fix scav raid exit (Made by @paulov-t) by @JimWails in #239
- Fix Bullet Stuck in Chamber of Weapon and Errors by @paulov-t in #240
- Convert the RaidTimer sync to a Binary Packet by @paulov-t in #241
- Fix Exit Raid Status - Part 2 by @paulov-t in #242
- exclude console.core from build output by @devbence in #245
- Server browser logic update by @mihaicm93 in #243
- handle runthrough by @devbence in #244
- replicate armor damage to all players by @belettee in #246
- SIT Garbage Collection 2.0 by @paulov-t in #249
- [devtools] add console commands by @belettee in #247
- fix p2p oversight by @mihaicm93 in #251
- [hitreg] make ai shots owned by server by @belettee in #250
- fix websocket pinger NRE at the end of loading by @belettee in #248
- [udp] fix implicit ip direct connection by @belettee in #252
New Contributors
Full Changelog: StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8854.18454...StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8867.33190
What's Changed
This version works with version
Full Changelog: StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8853.41460...StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8854.18454
What's Changed
- remove toggleitem patch by @belettee in #204
- Fix add back boss spawn fixes by @paulov-t in #205
- Remove buggy and unneccessary raid start progress percentage by @paulov-t in #206
- Workaround P2P Problems & SP Hosting by @paulov-t in #207
Full Changelog: StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8853.28843...StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8853.41460
What's Changed
- Fix Boss Spawn Rate and add followers by @paulov-t in #181
- Make Single Player button create a solo "Coop" raid by @paulov-t in #182
- Fix missions count target failed by @JimWails in #186
- Half heal on heal screen by @JimWails in #184
- Small fix for singleplayer host by @JimWails in #183
- Patches for LightKeeper services and missions by @JimWails in #187
- Add translation for some english content and better language selection by @yhl452493373 in #185
- Revert "Patches for LightKeeper services and missions" by @trippyone in #189
- New Session Start, Spawn Sequences and several fixes by @paulov-t in #192
- fix MatchingType by @yhl452493373 in #188
- fix "not allowed to be called from MonoBehaviour constructor" error by @belettee in #191
- Fix missing codes by @JimWails in #193
- Fixed issues with Inventory Controller by @paulov-t in #195
- [github workflow] tentative fix for comment-on-pr by @belettee in #194
- Show ammo infos at heal screen by @JimWails in #196
- Refactor - Remove PlayerReplicatedComponent by @paulov-t in #197
- Coop Match fixes and Inventory fixes by @paulov-t in #201
- Small runtime bug fixes by @paulov-t in #202
- Update for by @paulov-t in #203
- [github workflow] fix comment-on-pr by @belettee in #198
- Add extra stat data by @JimWails in #199
New Contributors
- @yhl452493373 made their first contribution in #185
- @belettee made their first contribution in #191
Full Changelog: StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8839.30073...StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8853.28843
What's Changed
- Remove sitcontroller spam fix quickknife by @paulov-t in #167
- Fixed dogtag error and getting the real killing weapon by @JimWails in #166
- Add detection of legal copy using InstallLocation and Log it to output by @paulov-t in #168
- Remap Assembly, Publicize & Fix compile time and runtime errors by @paulov-t in #169
- Fix player group extract by @JimWails in #171
- Fix airdrop pos sync and airdrop box name by @JimWails in #170
- Further fix QuickKnife by @JimWails in #172
- Ensure Publicized Assembly exactly matches AKI by @paulov-t in #173
- Fix GetTimeSinceSent by @paulov-t in #174
- Add localisation of the error message when joining a game, and localisation of the GUI when entering a password. by @Neko17awa in #175
- Remove SIT GC by @paulov-t in #177
- Add force quit current raid function for host by @JimWails in #176
- Teleport Far Away Characters by @paulov-t in #178
- Update to by @paulov-t in #179
- Fix / Improve Boss Spawn by @paulov-t in #180
Full Changelog: StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8832.16985...StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8839.30073
This version works with version