Releases: stayintarkov/StayInTarkov.Client
What's Changed
- Fixes detecting illegal copy of the game by @dounai2333 in #162
- Enable examine item feature in-rarid by @dounai2333 in #163
- Fixes ShowStatNotification function does nothing by @dounai2333 in #165
- Refactor Firearm/Grenade/Hands replication & General Fixes by @paulov-t in #164
- Fix several issues where players could not join Servers due to an error with Sync (i.e. crash on Creating game or the 00:00 freeze)
- Fix Quick Reload Magazines
- Fix Reloading a magazine when no magazine existed in the slot to begin with
- Fix Players were not assigned to a Group, therefore breaking group extracts
- Fix Stat Change Notification (bottom right) by @dounai2333
- Fix issues with detecting legal copy of game by @dounai2333
- Fix Examining items in-raid by @dounai2333
- Refactors ALL firearm and grenade replication to new Packet system (removing all Round Trip replication)
- Adds replication for Reloading with Cylinders, Barrels and Grenade Launchers
- Sends Inventory Sync packets with every actions (needs further work in another branch / PR)
- Sends more Health Sync packets (needs further work in another branch / PR)
- Adds new more accurate AVERAGE PING system of all players connected to the game
Full Changelog: StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8827.30098...StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8832.16985
This version works with version
Fix for double slash in requests when using SIT.Manager.Avalonia
Full Changelog: StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8827.21733...StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8827.30098
This version works with version
What's Changed
- Fix kill feed config by @paulov-t in #154
- Fix Friendly Player Tags by @paulov-t in #155
- Fixed 3 bugs by @JimWails in #156
- Fix health controller in raid by @JimWails in #157
- Add EndByTimerPatch to make MIA in raid working by @JimWails in #158
- Fix for Scav Mode shooting PMC's by @privateryann1 in #159
- 1.10 health and inventory fixes by @paulov-t in #160
New Contributors
Full Changelog: StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8824.27027...StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8827.19259
This version works with version
What's Changed
- Update to EFT 0.14 with various changes and improvements by @paulov-t in #119
- Implementing Vaulting Synchronization in Coop Matches by @mihaicm93 in #120
- Move PooledBytesToPost (Tcp) to GameClientTCP by @paulov-t in #122
- In-game language translation by @debisuchan in #124
- Inventory Refactor to use Inventory Controller Execute by @paulov-t in #125
- Create a compatibility between p2p and old logic by @paulov-t in #130
- Move ping hiding to its own setting by @shibdib in #129
- Create TextMesh Manager by @paulov-t in #131
- Aki's SettingsLocationPatch, death camera and some fixes by @dounai2333 in #121
- Revert "Aki's SettingsLocationPatch, death camera and some fixes" by @paulov-t in #133
- Assembly Update by @paulov-t in #134
- Revert #133 by @dounai2333 in #135
- Disable "ResetDiscardLimits()" call by @dounai2333 in #136
- Replace player init coop and fix udp on open maps by @paulov-t in #137
- Replication improvements by @paulov-t in #140
- Fix MidRaidQuestChangePatch null check and improve logging by @OkaMoez in #139
- Left stance sync and sandbox bot spawn fix from AKI by @mikeyybroo in #141
- Implement server types and P2P connection helper by @trippyone in #123
- Add downgrader note to by @Plootie in #142
- Update Assembly to by @paulov-t in #143
- Korean wiki folder Remove special characters by @lukehemmin in #80
- Update Assembly to by @paulov-t in #144
- Scav Mode Client by @privateryann1 in #132
- Few changes to host UI + removed STUN dependency by @trippyone in #145
- Fix AI Targeting clients by @paulov-t in #146
- Fixes Pause when looting loose items and some other tweaks by @paulov-t in #149
- Add more complete GUI localisation translations by @Neko17awa in #148
- Add Configurable Match Start Timeout by @mihaicm93 in #147
- Fix Looping ReloadMag call by @paulov-t in #150
- Assembly by @paulov-t in #151
- Update to Assembly Rename FoodDrink to Aki FoodClass by @paulov-t in #153
- Host Authority Damage & Food/Med fixes by @paulov-t in #152
New Contributors
- @shibdib made their first contribution in #129
- @OkaMoez made their first contribution in #139
- @mikeyybroo made their first contribution in #141
- @Plootie made their first contribution in #142
- @privateryann1 made their first contribution in #132
- @Neko17awa made their first contribution in #148
Full Changelog: StayInTarkov.Client-1.9.8766.40295...StayInTarkov.Client-1.10.8824.27027
This version works with version
- Fixed bundles not downloading.
- Support for bundles with a space in the name.
- Fixed loot generation. Loot is now generated every new raid.
- Fixed slow mo bots.
This version works with version
What's Changed
Full Changelog: StayInTarkov.Client-1.9.8742.36855...StayInTarkov.Client-1.9.8742.42820
This version works with version
What's Changed
- Update by @paulov-t in #64
- Improve and Fix Extraction Status Use by @paulov-t in #67
- Update README and README_CN by @dounai2333 in #65
- Assembly update using fixed deobfuscator by @paulov-t in #68
- Improve movement fluidity and fixed Sprinting "skipping/sliding" by @paulov-t in #70
- Sync voice lines by @paulov-t in #72
- fix a problem when setup a server in a vps will cause api request failed by @evileyecc1 in #71
- Fixes "RaidTimer" and "TimeAndWeather" not working, "RSP-30 reactive signal cartridge" softlocking hands by @dounai2333 in #69
- Refactoring/cleanup & ChangeAimingMode by @Lacyway in #66
- Fixes "SetLightsState" and "SetScopeMode" patch are having issue on multiple attachments by @dounai2333 in #74
- Remap, Prepare for new features & Fix F8 Extraction by @paulov-t in #78
- Korean wiki create/modify by @lukehemmin in #77
- Revert "Korean wiki create/modify" by @paulov-t in #79
- Some random fixes by @dounai2333 in #81
- Fix host not being able to leave after one failed try by @Lacyway in #82
- Fixed "Say" bug by @Lacyway in #83
New Contributors
- @evileyecc1 made their first contribution in #71
- @lukehemmin made their first contribution in #77
Full Changelog: StayInTarkov.Client-1.9.8735.34855...StayInTarkov.Client-1.9.8742.36855
This version works with version
What's Changed
- Fixed disabling SCAV-Mode by @TehFl0w in #9
- Fixing dead guide links by @langhillie in #33
- Performance improvement, Tagilla hammer logic fixes, new synced event "QuickGrenadeThrow" by @dounai2333 in #32
- Various updates to Matchmaker GUI by @ArchangelWTF in #24
- Wiki link fixes by @ArchangelWTF in #35
- Update Assembly with mapping & better Aki mod support by @paulov-t in #36
- Fix SIT GC not running by @paulov-t in #39
- Add ability to Select and Save chosen language for SIT via Config by @paulov-t in #40
- Add Continuous Integration workflow by @paulov-t in #41
- Updated Portuguese Guide/Wiki by @ChewieDM in #45
- another approach on trader scrollbars display by @devbence in #46
- Fix move packet memory leak by @paulov-t in #48
- Add SetScopeMode Patch by @Lacyway in #47
- Update & unify readme docs across repos by @Starkrights in #38
- Update by @trippyone in #50
- Fix ShowFeed flag by @ezra-sg in #49
- New SIT Garbage Collection based on memory usage by @paulov-t in #51
- Improve TryFindItemOnPlayer performance by @paulov-t in #52
- Workflows up to date by @mihaicm93 in #44
- Malfunction notifying, fixes magazine stats are "?" when entering raid, ThrowItem sort out by @dounai2333 in #42
- Update BigBrain to by @Lacyway in #53
- Update comment-on-pr.yml by @mihaicm93 in #54
- Temp fix for shooting package being sent while sprinting by @Lacyway in #55
- Small LC Refactor by @paulov-t in #56
- Adjusted Nametags and additional CamFx removed upon death by @TehFl0w in #57
- Fix Grenade Launcher by @paulov-t in #59
- Fixed Gestures/Emotes by @Lacyway in #58
- Enable & Synchronize Airdrops between Clients by @paulov-t in #62
- Update comment-on-pr.yml by @mihaicm93 in #61
- ToggleAim Patch by @Lacyway in #60
- Fix Airdrop Util error on Factory by @paulov-t in #63
New Contributors
- @langhillie made their first contribution in #33
- @ArchangelWTF made their first contribution in #24
- @ChewieDM made their first contribution in #45
- @Starkrights made their first contribution in #38
- @ezra-sg made their first contribution in #49
Full Changelog: StayInTarkov.Client-2023-11-20-15-25...StayInTarkov.Client-1.9.8735.34855
This version works with version
What's Changed
- re added french by @cocorico8 in #25
- Workflow ready for release by @mihaicm93 in #26
- Update stay-in-tarkov-client.yml by @mihaicm93 in #27
- Added ReadyButtonPatch by @Lacyway in #28
- Update workflow to release only by @paulov-t in #29
- From SIT.Core to StayInTarkov by @SlejmUr in #30
New Contributors
- @cocorico8 made their first contribution in #25
- @Lacyway made their first contribution in #28
Full Changelog: PreRelease...StayInTarkov.Client-2023-11-20-15-25
This version works with version