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Alban LEROUX edited this page Sep 12, 2011 · 1 revision

Tag URLs

Flickr Style Tag ULRs:

Use a /tags/{tagname}/ style format. Tags can display spaces and capitalization on the photo page, but the url is all lowercase and contains no characters besides a-z0-9.

Tumblr Style Tag URLs:

Uses a /tagged/{Tag_name} style format. Tags can contain capitalization, but spaces are replaced with underscores. In addition to this, Tumblr offers a /chrono switch to sort the posts in the order in which they were posted, as opposed to the default reverse-chronological order.

A Tumblr user suggested the following URL option, which may be of interest:

In addition to the other requests asked here, such as tagging ability from the bookmarklet and per tag feeds, which I also desire, I'd like the ability to combine tags, especially with the AND logical connector. Perhaps a simple syntax could be in the form:

But this may interfere with the /chron "option." Of course I don't expect a ton of "chron" tags to be attached to posts. Anyway I would also like to select posts that match a tag and not another, for which perhaps the minus sign could be used:

For consistency, a plus sign, which is read "and" in English, may be used in place of the first example:

I foresee some slight implementation difficulty for (the very unlikely to be chosen) tags that actually start with a plus or minus, but it should be easily doable, anyway.

For even more flexibility I would also like an OR connector, perhaps in the form of a pipe:|that/+something


Ultralite Style Tag URLs:

Currently we use the current style URLs:


I suggest with Ultralite we go for a mix between the two, perhaps something like this:


, = AND (or possibly: &)


| = OR (or possibly: /)

A negative (NOT) option may be neat as well, but I'm not sure how practical it would be to implement, so we might want to scrap that option.

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