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api auth entity list

Alban LEROUX edited this page Mar 10, 2012 · 1 revision



Retrieve all entities of user, if not provided, connected user is used.
Filter with the grant access grant if grant is provided.

require admin or self grant access

self grant is not a real grant, it means that a authenticated user can act on its data.

Request example

	"method"  : "auth.entity.list",
	"request" :
		"grant" : "write"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>

Response example

	"status"   : "valid",
	"response" :
		"list" :
				"entity"     : "fa10c4d7b02a13e27a2ae5a5bbe8130b",
				"name"       : "LR addon",
				"public_key" : "fa10c4d7b02a13e27a2ae5a5bbe8130b"
				"entity"     : "8b863651d51f3000226aa9a628df4ee8",
				"name"       : "Aperture addon",
				"public_key" : "8b863651d51f3000226aa9a628df4ee8"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
			<name>LR addon</name>
			<name>Aperture addon</name>


  • [grant]: the grant access

Return Value

  • list: array of entity with:
    • entity: entity identifier.
    • name: entity name.
    • public_key: the entity public key
    • private_key: the entity private key (only if the authentication is made from the admin web interface).
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