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User Story: Deploy a Data Station

Kristopher D'Alterio edited this page Mar 28, 2018 · 1 revision

User Story: Deploy a Data Station

As a drone operator,

I want the ability to automatically query a specific data station for relevant information when deployed,

So that the information may be stored and used to configure future mission.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. The operator should be able to query a newly deployed data station for its relevant information

  2. Upon querying a deployed data station, the GCS should add the new unit to the spreadsheet of available stations

Definition of Done

  1. All acceptance criteria should pass

  2. The data station should not return the information if:

    a. There is no GPS lock

    b. The GPS reading are noisy

    c. It has not yet been configured (it still has the factory settings)

  3. If the data station does not return data, the GCS should not add it to the spreadsheet and the GCS should alert the operator