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Release 1: Pseudo Code Structure

Moni286 edited this page Apr 2, 2018 · 7 revisions

April 2, 2018


  1. Agree on message format between all systems (QGC, Drone, Data Station)
  2. Write in all anticipated functions, specifying their inputs and outputs

Responsibilities - Sunday


  • Set up hardware to begin testing (Pixhawk, Raspberry Pi, peripherals)
  • Give Mounir and Kris access to Drone and Data Station repos

Mounir and Kris:

  • Set up QT and successfully build QGroundControl

Responsibilities - Monday


  • Write in required functions with pseudo code on Drone Companion Computer and Data Station


  • Identify where the code base needs to be changed to allow for setting of parameter 1 in MAVLink commands


  • Set up skeleton structure for Xbee communication between QGC and camera-traps on QGC side