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marcpouzet committed Nov 11, 2024
1 parent ac2b001 commit e1a7c21
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Showing 4 changed files with 64 additions and 47 deletions.
75 changes: 47 additions & 28 deletions src/zrun/
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Expand Up @@ -305,16 +305,14 @@ let rec size env { desc; loc } =

(* mutually recursive definitions must either define *)
(* functions parameterized by a size or stream values *)
let sizefun_defs_or_values genv env l_eq =
let sizefun_defs_or_values genv env apply l_eq =
let rec split (acc, one_value) { eq_desc; eq_loc } =
match eq_desc with
| EQsizefun { sf_id; sf_id_list; sf_e } ->
if one_value then
error { kind = Esizefun_def_recursive; loc = eq_loc }
else return (Env.add sf_id { s_params = sf_id_list;
s_body = sf_e; s_genv = genv;
s_env = env } acc,
else return (Env.add sf_id { s_body = fun v_list -> apply v_list } acc,
| EQand { eq_list } ->
fold split (acc, one_value) eq_list
| EQempty ->
Expand All @@ -328,8 +326,8 @@ let sizefun_defs_or_values genv env l_eq =
return (Either.Right(acc))

let sizefun_defs genv env { l_eq; l_loc } =
let* v = sizefun_defs_or_values genv env l_eq in
let sizefun_defs genv env apply { l_eq; l_loc } =
let* v = sizefun_defs_or_values genv env apply l_eq in
match v with
| Right(defs) -> return defs
| Left _ -> error { kind = Esizefun_def_recursive; loc = l_loc }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -426,9 +424,8 @@ let rec iexp is_fun genv env { e_desc; e_loc } =
let* v =
Primitives.get_node v |>
Opt.to_result ~none: { kind = Eshould_be_a_node; loc = e_loc1} in
let* si = instance e_loc1 v in
let* s2 = iexp is_fun genv env e2 in
return (Slist [Sinstance(si); s2])
return (Slist [Sinstance(v); s2])
| (Eatomic | Etest), [e] -> iexp is_fun genv env e
| Edisc, [e] ->
if is_fun then error { kind = Eshould_be_combinatorial; loc = e_loc }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -468,12 +465,11 @@ let rec iexp is_fun genv env { e_desc; e_loc } =
let* se = iexp is_fun genv env e in
let* s =
match v with
| Vclosure ({ c_funexp = { f_kind = Knode _; f_args = [_] } } as c) ->
| Vnode(si) ->
(* [f e] with [f] a node is a short-cut for [run f e] *)
if is_fun then error { kind = Eshould_be_combinatorial; loc = e_loc }
else let* si = instance l_loc c in
return (Sinstance(si))
| Vclosure _ | Vfun _ -> return Sempty
else return (Sinstance(si))
| Vifun _ | Vfun _ -> return Sempty
| _ -> error { kind = Etype; loc = e_loc } in
return (Slist [s; se])
| Eapp { f; arg_list } ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -812,14 +808,25 @@ and iresult is_fun genv env { r_desc } =
| Exp(e) -> iexp is_fun genv env e
| Returns(b) -> iblock is_fun genv env b

(* an instance of a node *)
and instance loc ({ c_funexp = { f_args; f_body }; c_genv; c_env } as c) =
(* the instance value from a node definition *)
and instance_of_funexp genv env tkind ({ f_args; f_body; f_loc } as f) =
match f_args with
| [ arg ] ->
let* s_list = map (ivardec false true c_genv c_env) arg in
let* s_body = iresult false c_genv c_env f_body in
return { init = Slist (s_body :: s_list); step = c }
| _ -> error { kind = Etype; loc }
let* s_list = map (ivardec false true genv env) arg in
let* s_body = iresult false genv env f_body in
return { tkind;
init = Slist (s_body :: s_list);
step = fun s v -> runstep genv env f s v }
| _ -> error { kind = Etype; loc = f_loc }

and value_of_funexp genv env ({ f_kind; f_args; f_loc; f_body } as f) =
match f_kind with
| Zelus.Kfun _ ->
return (Vfun { arity = List.length f_args;
f = fun v_list -> vresult genv env f_body v_list })
| Zelus.Knode(tkind) ->
let* si = instance_of_funexp genv env tkind f in
return (Vnode(si))

(* The main step function *)
(* the value of an expression [e] in a global environment [genv] and local *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1069,7 +1076,8 @@ and sexp genv env { e_desc; e_loc } s =
let* v, s = sexp genv env e s in
return (v, Slist [s_eq; s])
| Efun(fe), s ->
return (Value(Vclosure { c_funexp = fe; c_genv = genv; c_env = env }), s)
let* v = value_of_funexp genv env fe in
return (Value(v), s)
| Ematch { e; handlers }, Slist(se :: s_list) ->
let* ve, se = sexp genv env e se in
let* v, s_list =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1326,7 +1334,7 @@ and vleq genv env ({ l_rec; l_eq } as leq) =
(* for the moment, only recursive definitions of *)
(* functions of sizes are allowed *)
if l_rec then
let* defs = sizefun_defs genv env leq in
let* defs = sizefun_defs genv env apply leq in
return (Fix.sizefixpoint defs)
else let* s = ieq true genv env l_eq in
let* env, _ = seq genv env l_eq s in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1448,11 +1456,11 @@ and sarg genv env ({ e_desc; e_loc } as e) s =
sexp genv env e s

(* application of a node *)
and run loc { init; step } v =
and run loc ({ init; step } as i) v =
let* v, init = runstep loc init step v in
return (v, { init; step })
return (v, { i with init; step })

and runstep loc s { c_funexp = { f_args; f_body }; c_genv; c_env } v =
and funstep genv env { f_args; f_body } s v =
let match_in_list a_list s_list v_list =
let match_in acc vdec s v =
let* acc, s = svardec c_genv c_env acc vdec s v in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1493,7 +1501,7 @@ and sleq genv env { l_kind; l_rec; l_eq = ({ eq_write } as l_eq); l_loc } s_eq =
if l_rec then
(* Either it is a collection of mutually recursive functions *)
(* parameterized by a size or stream values *)
let* defs = sizefun_defs_or_values genv env l_eq in
let* defs = sizefun_defs_or_values genv env apply l_eq in
let* (env_eq, s_eq) =
match defs with
| Either.Right(defs) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2281,13 +2289,24 @@ and apply loc fv v_list =
let* fv =
op v |> Opt.to_result ~none:{ kind = Etype; loc = loc } in
apply loc fv v_list
| Vclosure { c_funexp = { f_kind; f_args; f_body } as fe;
c_genv; c_env }, _ ->
apply_closure loc c_genv c_env fe f_args f_body v_list
| Vcofun { arity; f }, v_list ->
apply_cofun loc arity f v_list
| _ ->
(* typing error *)
error { kind = Etype; loc = loc }

and apply_cofun loc arity f v_list =
let actual_arity = List.length v_list in
if actual_arity = arity then
f v_list
else if actual_arity < arity
then error { kind = Etype; loc = loc }
(* the result is a function *)
(Value(Vcofun { arity = actual_arity - arity;
f = fun v_list_extra -> f (v_list @ v_list_extra) }))

(* apply a closure to a list of arguments *)
and apply_closure loc genv env ({ f_kind; f_loc } as fe) f_args f_body v_list =
match f_args, v_list with
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/zrun/
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Expand Up @@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ let rec pvalue ff v =
| Vstate1(id, l) ->
ff "@[<hov 1>%a(%a)@]" Ident.fprint_t id pvalue_list l
| Vfun _ ->
| Vifun _ ->
fprintf ff "<fun>"
| Vcofun _ -> fprintf ff "<fun>"
| Vconode { tkind } ->
| Vfun _ -> fprintf ff "<fun>"
| Vnode { tkind } ->
fprintf ff "<%s>" (Printer.tkind tkind)
| Vsizefun _ ->
fprintf ff "<sizefun>"
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/zrun/
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Expand Up @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ let test v =

let get_node v =
match v with
| Vconode(instance) -> return instance
| Vnode(instance) -> return instance
| _ -> None

let get_record r =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ let rec compare_pvalue v1 v2 =
| Vrecord _, Vrecord _ -> none
| Vtuple(v_list1), Vtuple(v_list2) ->
compare_list compare_value v_list1 v_list2
| (Vfun _, Vfun _) | (Vcofun _, Vcofun _) | (Vconode _, Vconode _) -> none
| (Vifun _, Vifun _) | (Vfun _, Vfun _) | (Vnode _, Vnode _) -> none
| _ -> none

(* comparison of present/absent with one the representation of the other *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ let atomic v =
let+ v = v in
match v with
| Vtuple(l) -> stuple l
| Vcofun _ | Vconode _ ->
| Vfun _ | Vnode _ ->
(* this part should be changed into [atomic(f) = lambda x.let+ x in f x] *)
(* that is, even if [f] is not strict, make it a strict function *)
(* this is necessary to avoid unbounded recursion with f = \x. x x and f f *)
Expand All @@ -438,12 +438,12 @@ let void = Value(Vvoid)
let max_float = Value(Vfloat(max_float))
let zero_float = Value(Vfloat(0.0))

let zerop op = Vfun (fun _ -> op ())
let zerop op = Vifun (fun _ -> op ())

let unop op = Vfun op
let unop op = Vifun op

let binop op =
Vfun(fun v1 -> return (Vfun (fun v2 -> op v1 v2)))
Vifun(fun v1 -> return (Vifun (fun v2 -> op v1 v2)))

(* state processes *)
Expand Down
18 changes: 8 additions & 10 deletions src/zrun/
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Expand Up @@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ and pvalue =
| Varray of pvalue array
(* imported stateless functions; they must verify that *)
(* f(atomic v) not= bot *)
| Vfun of (pvalue -> pvalue option)
| Vifun of (pvalue -> pvalue option)
(* user defined functions and nodes *)
| Vcofun of (value -> value result)
| Vconode of instance
| Vfun of { arity: int; f : value list -> value result }
| Vnode of instance
(* function parameterized by sizes *)
| Vsizefun of sizefun
(* mutually recursive definition of size functions *)
Expand All @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ and 'a array =
and 'a map =
{ m_length : int; m_u : int -> 'a result }

and sizefun = int -> value
and sizefun = { s_body: int list -> value result; }

(* instance of a node *)
and instance =
Expand All @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ and state =
| Senv of value ientry Ident.Env.t

Intuition: a expression is interpreted as a value of type:
Intuition: an expression is interpreted as a value of type:
type ('a, 's) costream =
| CoF : { init : 's;
Expand All @@ -119,9 +119,7 @@ and state =
| CoNode : { init : 's;
step : 's -> 'a list -> ('b * 's) option } -> ('a, 'b, 's) node
Here, the set of values is a big bag in which all kinds of value is put; in
particular values that do not of bounded sizes. This could be constrained because,
values on streams are actually of bounded sizes. That which belong to a CPO of
unbounded height (e.g., functions) are computed only at "compilation time" or
"instanciation time".
Here, the set of values contains all the possible value; those that are
produced at every step and those that are produced only at "compile time"
or "instancitation time". They could be separated into two distinct sets

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