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Start removing the reference to expressions in values.
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marcpouzet committed Nov 10, 2024
1 parent b271150 commit ac2b001
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Showing 5 changed files with 60 additions and 68 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/global/
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Expand Up @@ -378,8 +378,10 @@ and result ff { r_desc } =
and kind f_kind =
match f_kind with
| Kfun _ -> "fun"
| Knode(k) ->
(match k with | Kdiscrete -> "node" | Kcont -> "hybrid")
| Knode(t_kind) -> tkind t_kind

and tkind t_kind =
match t_kind with | Kdiscrete -> "node" | Kcont -> "hybrid"

and funexp ff { f_vkind; f_kind; f_args; f_body; f_env } =
let vkind =
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/zrun/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ let (and+) v1 v2 =
| Value(v1), Value(v2) -> Value(v1, v2)

(* index in a loop body *)
type ('info, 'ienv) index =
type index =
(* [xi in e by e'] means that in the i-th iteration, xi = e.(e' * i) *)
| Vinput of { ve : ('info, 'ienv) pvalue array; by : int option }
| Vinput of { ve : pvalue array; by : int option }
(* [j in e0 to e1 or j in e0 downto e1] means that in the i-th iteration *)
(* j = i + e0 in the first case; j = e1 - i in the second with i in [0..n-1] *)
| Vindex of { ve_left : int; ve_right : int; dir : bool }
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/zrun/
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Expand Up @@ -50,8 +50,9 @@ let rec pvalue ff v =
ff "@[<hov 1>%a(%a)@]" Ident.fprint_t id pvalue_list l
| Vfun _ ->
fprintf ff "<fun>"
| Vclosure { c_funexp = { f_kind } } ->
fprintf ff "<%s>" (Printer.kind f_kind)
| Vcofun _ -> fprintf ff "<fun>"
| Vconode { tkind } ->
fprintf ff "<%s>" (Printer.tkind tkind)
| Vsizefun _ ->
fprintf ff "<sizefun>"
| Vsizefix { bound; name; defs } ->
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7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions src/zrun/
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Expand Up @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ let test v =

let get_node v =
match v with
| Vclosure ({ c_funexp = { f_kind = Knode _ } } as c) -> return c
| Vconode(instance) -> return instance
| _ -> None

let get_record r =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,8 +222,7 @@ let rec compare_pvalue v1 v2 =
| Vrecord _, Vrecord _ -> none
| Vtuple(v_list1), Vtuple(v_list2) ->
compare_list compare_value v_list1 v_list2
| Vfun _, Vfun _ -> none
| Vclosure _, Vclosure _ -> none
| (Vfun _, Vfun _) | (Vcofun _, Vcofun _) | (Vconode _, Vconode _) -> none
| _ -> none

(* comparison of present/absent with one the representation of the other *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -424,7 +423,7 @@ let atomic v =
let+ v = v in
match v with
| Vtuple(l) -> stuple l
| Vclosure _ ->
| Vcofun _ | Vconode _ ->
(* this part should be changed into [atomic(f) = lambda x.let+ x in f x] *)
(* that is, even if [f] is not strict, make it a strict function *)
(* this is necessary to avoid unbounded recursion with f = \x. x x and f f *)
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106 changes: 48 additions & 58 deletions src/zrun/
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Expand Up @@ -32,106 +32,96 @@ type 'a star =
| Vbot (* bottom value *)
| Value of 'a (* value *)

type ('info, 'ienv) value = ('info, 'ienv) pvalue star
type value = pvalue star

and ('info, 'ienv) pvalue =
and pvalue =
| Vint of int
| Vbool of bool
| Vfloat of float
| Vchar of char
| Vstring of string
| Vvoid
| Vconstr0 of Lident.t
| Vconstr1 of Lident.t * ('info, 'ienv) pvalue list
| Vrecord of ('info, 'ienv) pvalue Zelus.record list
| Vpresent of ('info, 'ienv) pvalue
| Vconstr1 of Lident.t * pvalue list
| Vrecord of pvalue Zelus.record list
| Vpresent of pvalue
| Vabsent
| Vstuple of ('info, 'ienv) pvalue list
| Vtuple of ('info, 'ienv) pvalue star list
| Vstuple of pvalue list
| Vtuple of pvalue star list
| Vstate0 of Ident.t
| Vstate1 of Ident.t * ('info, 'ienv) pvalue list
| Varray of ('info, 'ienv) pvalue array
| Vstate1 of Ident.t * pvalue list
| Varray of pvalue array
(* imported stateless functions; they must verify that *)
(* f(atomic v) not= bot *)
| Vfun of (('info, 'ienv) pvalue -> ('info, 'ienv) pvalue option)
| Vclosure of ('info, 'ienv) closure
| Vfun of (pvalue -> pvalue option)
(* user defined functions and nodes *)
| Vcofun of (value -> value result)
| Vconode of instance
(* function parameterized by sizes *)
| Vsizefun of ('info, 'ienv) sizefun
(* a representation for mutually recursive functions over sizes *)
(* f where rec [f1<s,...> = e1 and ... fk<s,...> = ek] *)
| Vsizefix of
| Vsizefun of sizefun
(* mutually recursive definition of size functions *)
| Vsizefix of
{ bound: int list option; (* the maximum number of iterations *)
name: Ident.t; (* name of the defined function *)
defs: ('info, 'ienv) sizefun Ident.Env.t;
defs: sizefun Ident.Env.t;
(* the set of mutually recursive function definitions *)

(* to do: replace the last three entries which refers to the source *)
(* by a functional value *)
| Vnode of
{ s: ('info, 'ienv) state;
step : ('info, 'ienv) state -> ('info, 'ienv) value ->
(('info, 'ienv) value * ('info, 'ienv) state) result }
| Vsizefun of { sizes: int list option;
f : int -> ('info, 'ienv) value }

and 'a array =
| Vflat : 'a Array.t -> 'a array
| Vmap : 'a map -> 'a array
| Vflat of 'a Array.t
| Vmap of 'a map

(* bounded maps *)
(* [get x i = v if x.left <= i <= right then x i
else match otherwise with | None -> error
| Some(x) -> get x i *)
and 'a map =
{ m_length : int; m_u : int -> 'a result }

(* a size parameterized expression - f <n1,...,nk> = e *)
and ('info, 'ienv) sizefun =
{ s_params: Ident.t list;
s_body: ('info, 'ienv) Zelus.exp;
s_genv: ('info, 'ienv) pvalue Genv.genv;
s_env: ('info, 'ienv) pvalue star ientry Ident.Env.t }

(* a functional value - [fun|node] x1 ... xn -> e *)
and ('info, 'ienv) closure =
{ c_funexp : ('info, 'ienv) Zelus.funexp;
c_genv: ('info, 'ienv) pvalue Genv.genv;
c_env: ('info, 'ienv) pvalue star ientry Ident.Env.t }

and sizefun = int -> value

(* instance of a node *)
and ('info, 'ienv) instance =
{ init : ('info, 'ienv) state; (* current state *)
step : ('info, 'ienv) closure; (* step function *)
and instance =
{ tkind: Zelus.tkind; (* discrete only or discrete/continuous-time state *)
init : state; (* current state *)
step : state -> value -> (value * state) result; (* step function *)

and ('info, 'ienv) state =
and state =
| Sbot
| Snil
| Sempty
| Sval of ('info, 'ienv) value
| Sstatic of ('info, 'ienv) pvalue
| Slist of ('info, 'ienv) state list
| Sopt of ('info, 'ienv) value option
| Sinstance of ('info, 'ienv) instance
| Scstate of { pos : ('info, 'ienv) value; der : ('info, 'ienv) value }
| Szstate of { zin : bool; zout : ('info, 'ienv) value }
| Sval of value
| Sstatic of pvalue
| Slist of state list
| Sopt of value option
| Sinstance of instance
| Scstate of { pos : value; der : value }
| Szstate of { zin : bool; zout : value }
| Shorizon of { zin : bool; horizon : float }
| Speriod of
{ zin : bool; phase : float; period : float; horizon : float }
(* environment of values *)
| Senv of ('info, 'ienv) value ientry Ident.Env.t
| Senv of value ientry Ident.Env.t

type ('a, 's) costream =
Intuition: a expression is interpreted as a value of type:
type ('a, 's) costream =
| CoF : { init : 's;
step : 's -> ('a * 's) option } ->
('a, 's) costream
type ('a, 'b, 's) node =
A functional value, combinatorial or stateful is interpreted as a value of type:
type ('a, 'b, 's) node =
| CoFun : ('a list -> 'b option) -> ('a, 'b, 's) node
| CoNode : { init : 's;
step : 's -> 'a list -> ('b * 's) option } -> ('a, 'b, 's) node
Here, the set of values is a big bag in which all kinds of value is put; in
particular values that do not of bounded sizes. This could be constrained because,
values on streams are actually of bounded sizes. That which belong to a CPO of
unbounded height (e.g., functions) are computed only at "compilation time" or
"instanciation time".

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