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The ZRun Synchronous Language Interpreter

ZRun is an executable semantics of a synchronous data-flow language. It takes the form of a purely functional interpreter. The input of Zrun is a large subset of the language Zélus. It considers only the discrete-time (synchronous) subset of the language for the moment. A discrete-time signal is represented as infinite stream and a synchronous system as a length-preserving stream function. The basic primitives are those of Lustre: a unit non-initialized delay (pre), the initialization operator (->), the initialized delay (fby). Streams can be defined by mutually recursive definitions. It also provides richer programming constructs that were introduced in Lucid Synchrone but are not in Lustre: by-case definition of streams with a possible default and initial value, the last computed value of a stream, hierarchical automata with parameters, stream functions with static parameters that are either know at compile time or at instanciation time, and array operations. It also provides a limit form of recursion on a set of size parameters.

The objective of this prototype is to be a reference executable semantics; to be used independently of a compiler, e.g., as an oracle for compiler testing; to prove the correctness of compiler steps (e.g., that a well typed/causal/initialized program does not lead to an error; to prove semantics preservation of source-to-source transformations like static scheduling or the compilation of automata); to execute unfinished programs or programs that are semantically correct but are statically rejected by the compiler. It is defined is a quite generic manner w.r.t the treatment of causality loops, that is, how instantaneous feedback are treated. It is made to illustrate the differences in the treatment of causality between Lustre, Lucid Synchrone/Scade/Zelus and Esterel. Examples of correct but rejected programs are those with cyclic circuits accepted by an Esterel compiler (the so-called "constructively causal" programs) but that are rejected by Lustre (and also Lucid Synchrone, Scade and Zélus) because the compiler imposes stronger causality constraints. Finally, being independent of a compiler, this semantics can be used to prototype new language constructs before considering their compilation.

The long term goal of this work is to define an executable semantics that deal with all the language features of Zélus. We are far away from that! Continuous-time features (ODEs and zero-crossings) are not treated for the moment.

Zrun was inspired by several works that we recommend to read. The PhD. thesis of Gonthier 1/ "Sémantiques et modèles d'exécution des langages réactifs synchrones : application à Esterel", 1988; 2/ "The Constructive Semantics of Pure Esterel (Draft Version 3), by Berry; 3/ the paper "A Coiterative Characterization of Synchronous Stream Functions", by Caspi and Pouzet, CMCS, 1998 (VERIMAG tech. report, 1997); 4/ the paper "The semantics and execution of a synchronous block-diagram language", by Edwards and Lee, Science of Computer Programming 2003. All are based on the fix-point computation of a monotone function on a domain with bounded height that is done at every reaction. The present work builds directly on 3/, reformulating the semantics so that it can be implemented in a statically typed, purely functional language that has strong normalization property (e.g., the programming language of Coq). In comparison, the original version in 3/ was a shallow embedding in a language with call-by-need like Haskell. You can read the companion paper "A Constructive State-based Semantics and Interpreter for a Synchronous Data-flow Language with State machines" presented at EMSOFT'2023.

If you find this work useful for your own work, please cite this paper. The implementation given here was a lot of work! If you have any comment or question, please send a mail to [email protected].

Getting Started

The interpreter is written in OCaml mostly in purely functional style. The simplest way to install the dependencies is via OPAM.

opam install dune menhir alcotest

Then to build the interpreter:


This will generate a zrun.exe executable.

 ./zrun.exe --help
Options are:
 -s            The main node to evaluate
  -all          Evaluate all nodes
  -n            The number of steps
  -v            Verbose mode
  -vv           Set even more verbose mode
  -debug        Set debug mode
  -print        Print values
  -noassert     No check of assertions
  -nocausality  Turn off the check that are variables are non bottom
  -fix          Print the number of steps for fixpoints
  -esterel      Sets the interpretation of if/then/else to be constructive
  -lustre       Sets the interpretation of if/then/else to be strict 
		(that of Lustre)
  -help         Display this list of options
  --help        Display this list of options


Examples are located in the tests directory.

Consider for instance a simple program that computes two mutually recursive definitions of the sinus and cosinus (tests/good/sin_cos.zls).

(* sinus/cosinus *)
(* file sin_cos.zls *)

(* forward Euler *)
let node euler_forward(h, x0, xprime) returns (x)
  x = x0 -> pre(x +. h *. xprime)

(* Backward Euler *)
let node euler_backward(h, x0, xprime) returns (x)
    x = x0 -> pre(x) +. h *. xprime

let h = 0.1
(* Computation of the sinus and cosinus signals *)
(* Note that the two equations defining [sin] and [cos] *)
(* are causal but they are not syntactically causal. *)
(* [euler_forward(h, 0.0, cos)] does not instantaneously depends on [cos] *)
(* but, in order to generate statically scheduled sequential code, the *)
(* compiler (of Lustre, Scade and Zelus) inline the functional call. *)

(* Note that this program executes with zrun with no deadlock *)
let node sin_cos() returns (sin, cos)
  do sin = euler_forward(h, 0.0, cos)
  and cos = euler_backward(h, 1.0, -. sin) done

let b = 0.1

let node main() returns
    (sin_val, sin_ref, cos_val, cos_ref, diff_sin, diff_cos)
  local time
  do (sin_val, cos_val) = sin_cos()
  and sin_ref = sin time
  and cos_ref = cos time
  and time = 0.0 -> pre time +. h
  and diff_sin = abs_float (sin_val -. sin_ref)
  and diff_cos = abs_float (cos_val -. cos_ref)
  and assert (diff_sin <= b) && (diff_cos <= b)

To run this program for 1000 steps, type:

./zrun.exe -s main -n 1000 tests/good/sin_cos.zls

We now consider a more example with nested hierarchical automata as introduced in Lucid Synchrone and Scade 6. For example, the simple chronometer in tests/good/chrono_in_scade.zls (we use small constants in the counters to speedup the outputs).

file watch_in_scade.zls
This example is adapted from a classical example from Scade

-------------------------- Watch Interface-------------------------
-- stst : start/stop button
-- rst : reset button
-- set : set time button
-- md : mode selection button
-- a1, a2, a3 : time data display
-- l_ : is displaying lap time
-- s_ : is in setting time mode
-- sh_ : is in setting hour mode
-- s_ and not sh_ : is in setting minutes mode

let node root (stst,rst,set,md) returns (a1, a2, a3, l_, s_, sh_ )
  isStart default false, (* -- is the chrono started? *)
  is_w default false, (* -- is watch in clock mode? *)
  sigS default false,
  sigSh default false,
  sigL default false,
  m init 0, s init 0, d init 0, (* -- chrono timers *)
  last wh, last wm, last ws, last w (* -- clock timers *)
  l_ =  sigL
  s_ =  sigS
  sh_ =  sigSh
  automaton (* -- Chrono ----------------------*)
  | Stop ->
	m, s, d = (0, 0, 0) -> (last m, last s, last d)
        (stst && not is_w) continue Start
      else (rst && not (false -> pre l_) && not is_w) then Stop
  | Start ->
        d = (last d + 1) mod 100
	s = (if (d < last d) then last s + 1 else last s) mod 60
	m = if (s < last s) then last m + 1 else last m
	isStart = true
      unless (stst && not is_w) continue Stop
  automaton (* -- Watch ------------------*)
  | Count ->
        wm = 0 -> (if (ws < last ws)
	           then last wm + 1 else last wm) mod 60
	wh = 0 -> (if (wm < last wm)
	           then last wh + 1 else last wh) mod 24
      until (set && is_w) then Set
  | Set -> (* -- Set time *)
      local synchro default false
        sigS = true
        automaton (* -- set Watch -----------*)
        | Set_hr -> (* -- set hour first *)
              sigSh = true
              wh = (if stst then last wh + 1
                    else if rst then last wh +23
                    else last wh) mod 24
	    until set then Set_mn
        | Set_mn -> (* -- then set minutes *)
              wm = (if stst then last wm + 1
                    else if rst then last wm +59
                    else last wm) mod 60
	    until set then Set_end
        | Set_end -> do synchro = true done
      until synchro continue Count
    w = 0 -> (pre w + 1) mod 100
    ws = 0 -> (if (w < pre w) then pre ws + 1 else pre ws) mod 60
  automaton (* -- Display ----------------*)
  | DispClk -> (* -- display watch *)
      is_w = true
      a1, a2, a3 = (wh, wm, ws)
    unless (md && not s_) continue DispChr
  | DispChr ->(* -- display chrono *)
	lm init 0, ls init 0, ld init 0
	(* -- chrono display (to deal with lap time) *)
        a1, a2, a3 = (lm, ls, ld)
	automaton (* -- deal with lap time and current time ---*)
	| DispTime ->
              lm, ls, ld = (m, s, d)
            unless (rst && isStart) then DispLap
	| DispLap ->
              sigL = true
	    unless (rst) then DispTime
    unless md continue DispClk

let node counter(n) returns (ok)
  local c
      c = 0 -> (pre c + 1) mod n
      ok = (c = 0)
let node main () returns (a1, a2, a3, l, s, sh)
  local stst, rst, set, md
      stst = counter(5)
      rst = counter(10)
      set = counter(20)
      md = counter(30)
      (a1, a2, a3, l, s, sh) = root (stst, rst, set, md)

The file tests/goog/watch_in_scade.zls also contains a main node to simulate one possible execution. To run this example for 30 steps:

./zrun.exe -s main -n 30 tests/good/watch_in_scade.zls

A program is dynamically causally correct is all signals are non bottom values. The following is a classical example of a program that is dynamically causal in Esterel but not in Lustre. It is used as an example to illustrate the fixpoint semantics presented in the paper: "The semantics and execution of a synchronous block-diagram language", Stephen Edwards and Edward Lee, SCP'2003. This example is due to Robert de Simone and cited by Gerard Berry in the Esterel primer V5.91 of 2000. The data-flow representation given below is adapted from that of SCP'2003 paper.

(* file arbiter.zls *)

let node or_gate(x,y) returns (z)
    z = x || y

let node and_gate(x,y) returns (z)
    z = x && y

let node arbiter(i, request, pass_in, token_in) returns (grant, pass_out, token_out)
  local o
    grant = and_gate(request, o) (* 1 *)
    pass_out = and_gate(not request, o)  (* 2 *)
    o = or_gate(token_in, pass_in) (* 3 *)
    token_out = i fby token_in
let node arbiter_three(i, request1, request2, request3) returns (grant1, grant2, grant3)
  local pass_out1,
  (* the following set of equations is cyclic if we build an
  unconditional dependence graph *)
    grant1, pass_out1, token_out1 = arbiter(request1, pass_out3, token_out3)
    grant2, pass_out2, token_out2 = arbiter(request2, pass_out1, token_out1)
    grant3, pass_out3, token_out3 = arbiter(request3, pass_out2, token_out2)

let node main() returns (grant1, grant2, grant3) local request1,
  request2, request3 do request1 = true and request2 = true and
  request3 = true and grant1, grant2, grant3 = arbiter_three(request1,
  request2, request3) 

Depending on the way the or and and operator are defined, outputs of main() are either bottom or not. By default, Zrun considers that all imported primitives (here || and &&) are strict (output is bottom whenever one input is bottom). Hence, typing:

zrun.exec -s main -n 10 arbiter.zls

returns a sequence of bottom values for all ouptuts. The program is not causally correct. Defining:

(* the two boolean operators below are sequential, not symetric as *)
(* in Esterel and the SCP'2003 paper. In the current semantics all imported *)
(* functions are strict, hence preventing *)
(* to have or(true, x) = or(x, true) = true whenever x is bot *)
let node or_gate(x,y) returns (z)
    z = if x then true else y y

let node and_gate(x,y) returns (z)
    z = if x then y else false

leads to a program that is causally correct. Here, the operators are only strict in their first argument. Note that the arbiter example is causally correct if the two boolean operators of lines (1) and (2) are strict but the one on line (3) is sequential (left-to-right). If the order of arguments in line (3) is reversed, that is:

or_gate(pass_in, token_in)

the program is no more causally correct. To recover the expressiveness of Esterel (and the SCP'2003 paper), type:

zrun.exec -esterel -s main -n 10 arbiter.zls

the program is now causally correct. The interpreter provides three different interpretation of the conditional if/then/else that can be choosen on the command line.

To see simple examples that illustrate the treatment of causality between Lustre on one side, Lucid Synchrone/Scade/Zelus that sits in between and Esterel as the most expressive, see file tests/good/lustre_versus_lucid_synchrone_versus_esterel.zls. See other examples in directory tests/

Citing Zrun

  author = 	 {Jean-Louis Colaco and
                  Michael Mendler and
		  Baptiste Pauget and
		  Marc Pouzet},
  title = 	 {{A Constructive State-based Semantics and Interpreter for a Synchronous Data-flow Language with State machines}},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT'23)},
  year = 	 2023,
  month = 	 {September 17-22},
  address = 	 {Hamburg, Germany},
  organization = {ACM}}