Source code for the paper: Retrieval-enhanced Template Generation for Template Extraction (NLPCC 2024)
An example of template extraction. A generic template is extracted for document-level REE task. Two event templates including an `Attack` event template and a `Bombing` event template are extracted for TF task.- python==3.7.16
- transformers==4.6.0
- pandas==1.2.3
- omegaconf==2.0.6
- torch==1.7.0
- sentence-transformers==2.2.0
- sentencepiece==0.1.95
- scipy==1.6.1
- spacy==3.0.0
- spacy-legacy==3.0.12
- nltk==3.5
For TF task, we downloaded the original dataset from GTT. The extracted train, dev, and test files are located in data/tf/
These original data are transformed into our internal format using
python --input_path data/train.json --output_path data/tf_train.json
AS for REE task, we downloaded the original dataset from GRIT. The extracted train, dev, and test files are located in data/ree/
These original data are transformed into our internal format using
python --input_path data/grit_train.json --output_path data/ree_train.json
Template Filling
python -c config/tf_generative_model.json
Role-filler entity extraction
python -c config/ree_generative_model.json
We refer to the code of TempGen. Thanks for their contributions.