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alarm tables

Karl Tarbet edited this page Mar 14, 2018 · 21 revisions

alarm tables

alarm_phone_queue table

The alarm_phone_queue table is used to store alarms and allow communication between the Data import process (HydrometServer) and asterisk.alarm_phone_queue|table that contains active (active=true) and historical alarms (active=false)

column name description
id integer primary key
list reference to alarm_list for phone numbers
siteid site identifier reference to sitecatalog
parameter parameter at the site e.g (flow, temperature, forebay level)
value numeric value of parameter
status status of phone alerts in asterisk e.g. (new,confirmed,unconfirmed)
status_time time status changed
confirmed_by phone number/person that confirmed alert
event_time time alert first occurred
active boolean to indicate alarm is active. (allows preventing duplicates)

alarm_recipient table

Alarm recipient defines an call-out list and email addresses associated with an alarm list.

column name description
id integer primary key
list reference to alarm_list (grouping)
call_order order of phone calls
phone phone number
name name for phone number
email email address

alarm_list table

alarm_list table contains a list of alarm groups, that can be used with multiple alarm definitions

column name description
list name of this group

alarm_scripts table

alarm_script table is used to pre-record messages used by the asterisk dial plan. This table is used by the Pisces UI to generate files on a windows computer. The output files are copied to the asterisk appliance directory: /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/hydromet.

column name description
id integer primary key
text message to be converted to wav file
filename filename for wav file (includes extension)

alarm_log table

The alarm log table is useful for debugging, such as determining what phone numbers were called, answered, and confirmed.

column name description
datetime event timestamp
alarm_phone_queue_id reference to specific row in alarm_phone_queue
message information about this event