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Use Case Diagram and Scenarios

dogukan1905 edited this page Jan 1, 2017 · 41 revisions

Use Case Diagram

Use Case Diagram of our project is designed in a way that there are three possible actors who can perform several use cases which can be seen in detail from the diagram.


  • Registered and logged in user
  • Owner of a particular post which inherits from first actor.
  • Guest user

Some Use Cases

These are some use case examples from our project. For further information and full set of use cases, please see our Use Case diagram.

  • Post New Content

Extensions: Upload video/image, Write a text, Tag(Relate), Delete content, Mark as question/summary/answer, Mention a user

  • Share Content

Extensions: Share via e-mail, Share via social media

  • Report Content/User

Prerequirement(includes): Enter reason

Please visit the link below to check our Use Case Diagram. Feel free to make some comments via LucidChart!

LucidChart - Group 11 Use Case Diagram

Alternatively, you can take a look at our diagram here:

Use Case Diagram

#Use Case Scenarios

For our use case scenarios, an emphasis was placed on the most crucial use cases: Recommendation, Search and Tagging of Related Topics. Before the scenarios, one may also find the corresponding Use Case Descriptions below.

###Use Case Description: Recommendation

RLU-WB-MA: Recommendation
Actors (Primary and Supporting) Registered and Logged in User, Project Website or mobile application
Description A logged in user may want to see similar recommended topics to the ones he has viewed and posted recently as well as currently popular topics. The information transmitted shall be a number of topics presented visually as a map in the main home screen.
Data A group of recommended topics
Stimulus Recommendations are turned on in user settings and the user can see them in the home page.
Response User is directed to the topic page selected from the list.
Comments The logged in user shall have personalized recommendations, whereas a guest user shall not. If the user turns recommendation feature off, he/she shall be presented only with popular topics, in an unpersonalized fashion. The unregistered visitors shall see the popular topics in the main part of the home page, much like a registered user who has turned off the recommendations function.

###Use Case Scenario: Recommendation

Use Case Name: Recommendation
Actors (Primary and Supporting) Registered and Logged in User, Project Website or mobile application
Pre-conditions The user has not turned off the recommendation function.
               | The user has searched for/visited/tagged/posted in topics before.
               | The user has logged in unproblematically.
               | The home page has been loaded unproblematically.

Normal Flow of Events | The user logs in without a problem and arrives at the landing page. | In the main part of the home page, the user sees a number of recommendations, along with their respective 2 - 3 related topic. | The user can scroll further to see more recommended topics. | User can click on one of the recommended topic to jump into the conversation. Extensions | User is newly registered thus has no registered personal preference - The page directs the participant to the search bar and the popular topics section on the sidebar to enter the conversation. | User has turned the recommendations off - The main page displays the popular topics in the main page instead of the sidebar. | User is not satisfied with the recommended topics - He/she can see more by scrolling. Post-conditions | If the user visits any of the pages, her/his navigation history is updated, as well as her/his future recommendations. | If the user visits any of the pages, the web-sites statistics regarding the topic visit and user history are updated.

###Use Case Description: Search

Use Case Name: Search
Actors (Primary and Supporting) Guest or Registered and Logged in User, Project Website and Mobile Application
Description A guest user or Registered and Logged in may want to search the website in order to see topics,users and tags that he finds interesting. The returned information can be sorted by multiple factors, including location, accuracy and views.
Data Topics,users and tags that relate to the inputted search term(s).
Stimulus User enters the term(s) they would like to use to find topics in a search bar, along with a drop-down menu for sorting preference.
Response User is directed to a search page containing a list of topics that were found to be relevant to the provided terms.
Comments The drop-down menu of sorting preferences will contain user specific options(my location, my posts, etc.) for registered and logged in users but not for guest users.

###Use Case Scenario: Search

Use Case Name: Search
Actors (Primary and Supporting) Guest or Registered and Logged in User, Project Website and Mobile Application
Pre-conditions The system is up and working properly.
Normal Flow of Events Guest or Registered and logged in user enters keyword to the search bar which is available at all pages of the system.
                      | The system gets the the keyword and search it in tags,users and topics database. 
                      | The system gives the results according to users' last preferences. For guest users, results are sorted as topics, users and tags respectively.
                      | User can change the sorting options in order to see results in a customized way.
                      | User clicks on a result.
                      | User is directed to the page belongs to that particular result by the system.

Extensions | There is no such topic, user or tag corresponding to the search input. | User may not be satisfied with search results, thus she can scroll down or upload more to see other results. Post-Conditions | For registered and logged in user, this search is added to her search history.
| For registered and logged in user, her search sorting preferences are kept for the next time. | The search statistics of the system is updated.

###Use Case Description: Tagging a Post

Use Case Name: Tagging a Post
Actors (Primary and Supporting) Registered and Logged in User, Project Website and Mobile Application
Description A logged in user may want to add a tag that he has just thought of to her post. The information added may be a tag that clarifies a part of the topic or a tag that adds relates the topic to a new a subject richer with new information.
Data A tag determined by the poster.
Stimulus User command issued by the original poster on the original post.
Response Tag has been added to the post.
Comments Only Registered and Logged in Users, more specifically, post owners can add tags to their post while they are creating or editing it. Tagging function is also applicable to topics (i.e. users can tag topics as well). The tagging in this case proceeds similarly.

###Use Case Scenario: Tagging a Post

Use Case Name: Tagging a Post
Actors (Primary and Supporting) Registered and Logged in User, Project Website and Mobile Application
Pre-conditions The system is up and working properly.
              | User has a post, or she is creating a new post.

Normal Flow of Events | User enters her post. | User enters the tags she wants to associate with the post in a separate dialog box. | User later may change, add, or delete tags within her post. Extensions | The tag which user trying to enter has been entered before in the same post. | The tag the user wants to add is either too short or too long. | The user wants to add too much tags to the post. Post-Conditions | The system adds the tag to the tag database. | The system adds the tag to the list of topic tags. | The system adds the tag to the tags of the topic, which affects system's suggestions as to which topics might be related. | The system adds the tag to the users' list of tags, affecting her future recommendations from the system.


Project Description

Milestone Reports (Fall 2016)

Group 11 Members

  • [Büşra Öziş](Büşra Öziş)
  • [Mehmet Özdemir](Mehmet Özdemir)
  • [Mustafa Doğukan Ocak](Mustafa Doğukan Ocak)
  • [Mustafa Erdoğan](Mustafa Erdoğan)
  • [Özgür Akyazı](Özgür Akyazı)
  • [Sinan Harputluoğlu](Sinan Harputluoğlu)
  • [Emrah Küçük](Emrah Küçük)
  • [Kaan Bulut Tekelioğlu](Kaan Bulut Tekelioğlu)

###Meeting Minutes (Fall 2016)

Customer Meetings (Fall 2016)

Milestone Reports (Spring 2016)

###Meeting Minutes (Spring 2016)

Customer Meetings (Spring 2016)

Internal Instruction Files


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