This assignment conducted as part of the module ‘Programming Tools for Data Science’ for the MSc ‘Data Science and Machine Learning’. The purpose of this assignment was to produce a sequence of transactions that generate high profit assuming that we had the ability to travel in the past and perform trading on New York’s stock exchange. The trading begins from 1/1/1960 with an account that possesses only 1$. With the use of this amount we buy and sell stocks with the aim of generating very high profits. We are given a dataset that contains 7195 stock files. It was a very interesting project with the use of Python (Jupyter Notebook) and especially Pandas.
The deliverables were the report (contains explanation of the code and diagrams), the code (a notebook that I created in Google Collab), the small.txt (contains a small sequence of 997 transactions with profit 3.2 billions) and the large.txt (contains a large sequence of 7681 transactions with profit 11.2 billions).