The R package “NeEDS4BigData” provides approaches to implement subsampling methods to analyse big data.
New Experimental Design based Subsampling methods for Big Data.
## Installing the package from GitHub
## Installing the package from CRAN
- A- and L-optimality based subsampling for GLMs.
- A-optimality based subsampling for Gaussian Linear Models.
- Leverage sampling for GLMs.
- Local case control sampling for logistic regression.
- A-optimality based subsampling under measurement constraints for GLMs.
- Model robust subsampling method for GLMs.
- Subsampling method for GLMs when the model is potentially misspecified.
These seven methods are described in the following articles under the topics
- Introduction - explains the need for subsampling methods.
- Model based subsampling
- Model robust and misspecification
- Benchmarking Functions