Edge Insights for Industrials (EII) is the framework for enabling smart manufacturing with visual and point defect inspections.
EII software will run on the below mentioned Intel platforms:
* 6th generation Intel® CoreTM processor onwards OR
6th generation Intel® Xeon® processor onwards OR
Pentium® processor N4200/5, N3350/5, N3450/5 with Intel® HD Graphics
* At least 16GB RAM
* At least 64GB hard drive
* An internet connection
* Ubuntu 18.04
For performing Video Analytics, a 16GB of RAM is recommended. For time-series ingestion and analytics, a 2GB RAM is sufficient. The EII is validated on Ubuntu 18.04 and though it can run on other platforms supporting docker, it is not recommended.
The installer script automates the installation & configuration of all the prerequisite software needed to be installed on a system with a freshly installed Operating system to make the system ready for provisioning, building and running EII stack. These pre-requisite softwares include:
- docker daemon
- docker client
- docker-compose
- Python packages
The script checks if docker & docker-compose are already installed in the system. If not installed, then it installs the intended version of the docker & docker-compose which is mentioned in the script. If docker and/or docker-compose are already installed in the system but the installed version of the docker/docker-compose is older than the intended docker/docker-compose version (which is mentioned in the script) then the script uninstalls the older version of docker/docker-compose & re-installs the intended version mentioned in the script. The script also configures the proxy settings for docker client and docker daemon to connect to internet.
The build/pre_requisites.sh script also does proxy setting configuration for both system wide proxy & docker proxy. The script prompts for the proxy address to be entered by the user, if the system is behind a proxy.
The script also configures proxy setting system wide /etc/environment
and for docker by taking the proxy value as user input if the system is running behind proxy. The proxy settings for /etc/apt/apt.conf
is also set by this script to enable apt updates & installations.
- Steps to run the installer script is as follows:
$ cd [WORKDIR]/IEdgeInsights/build
$ sudo ./pre_requisites.sh --help
Usage :: sudo ./pre_requisites.sh [OPTION...]
List of available options...
--proxy proxies, required when the gateway/edge node running EII (or any of EII profile) is connected behind proxy
--help / -h display this help and exit
Note : If --proxy option is not provided then script will run without proxy
Different use cases...
$sudo ./pre_requisites.sh
$sudo ./pre_requisites.sh --proxy="proxy.intel.com:891"
Optional: For enabling full security for production deployments, make sure host machine and docker daemon are configured with below security recommendations. build/docker_security_recommendation.md
Optional: If one wishes to enable log rotation for docker containers
There are two ways to configure logging driver for docker containers
Set logging driver as part of docker daemon (applies to all docker containers by default):
driver as default logging driver by following https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/logging/json-file/. Sample json-driver config which can be copied to/etc/docker/daemon.json
is provided below.{ "log-driver": "json-file", "log-opts": { "max-size": "10m", "max-file": "5" } }
Reload the docker daemon
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Restart docker
$ sudo systemctl restart docker
Set logging driver as part of docker compose which is conatiner specific and which always overwrites 1st option (i.e /etc/docker/daemon.json)
Example to enable logging driver only for video_ingestion service:
ia_video_ingestion: ... ... logging: driver: json-file options: max-size: 10m max-file: 5
The section assumes the EII software is already downloaded from the release package or from git.
Run all the below commmands in this section from [WORKDIR]/IEdgeInsights/build/
EII is equipped with builder, a robust python tool to auto-generate the required configuration files to deploy EII services on single/multiple nodes. The tool is capable of auto-generating the following consolidated files by fetching the respective files from EII service directories which are required to bring up different EII use-cases:
file name | Description |
docker-compose.yml | Consolidated docker-compose.yml file used to launch EII docker containers in a given single node using docker-compose tool |
docker-compose.override.yml | Consolidated docker-compose-dev.override.yml of every app that is generated only in DEV mode for EII deployment on a given single node using docker-compose tool |
eii_config.json | Consolidated config.json of every app which will be put into etcd during provisioning |
eii-k8s-deploy.yml | Consolidated k8s-service.yml of every app that is required to deploy EII service via Kubernetes orchestrator |
- Whenever we make changes to individual EII app/service directories files as mentioned above in the description column or in the build/.env file, it is required to re-run the
script before provisioning and running the EII stack to ensure that the changes done reflect in the required consolidated files.- Manual editing of above consolidated files is not recommended and we would recommend to do the required changes to respective files in EII app/service directories and use Builder script to generate the conslidated ones.
Builder script usage:
$ python3.6 builder.py -h
usage: builder.py [-h] [-f YML_FILE] [-v VIDEO_PIPELINE_INSTANCES]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f YML_FILE, --yml_file YML_FILE
Optional config file for list of services to include.
Eg: python3.6 builder.py -f video-streaming.yml
(default: None)
Optional number of video pipeline instances to be
created. Eg: python3.6 builder.py -v 6 (default:
Optional directory consisting of of benchmarking
configs to be present in each app directory. Eg:
python3.6 builder.py -d benchmarking (default:
Running builder to generate the above listed consolidated files for all applicable EII services
:Builder will parse the top level directories under IEdgeInsights to generate the above listed consolidated files.
$ python3 builder.py
Running builder to generate the above listed consolidated files for a subset of EII services
:This is achieved by providing a yml file to Builder as config which has list of services to include. User can mention the service name as path relative to IEdgeInsights or Full path to the service in the config yml file.
If user wants to include only a certain number of services in the EII stack, he can opt to provide the -f or yml_file flag of builder to allow only the services provided in the yml file mentioned with the -f or yml_file. Few examples of such yml files for different usecases are provided at video, time-series, Azure etc.,
An example for running Builder with this flag is given below:
$ python3 builder.py -f video-streaming.yml
Running builder to generate multi instance configs
:Based on the user's requirements, builder can also generate multi-instance docker-compose.yml, config.json, k8s-service.yml respectively.
If user wants to generate boiler plate config for multiple stream use cases, he can do so by using the -v or video_pipeline_instances flag of builder. This flag creates multi stream boiler plate config for docker-compose.yml, eii_config.json & k8s k8s-service.yml files respectively.
An example for running builder to generate multi instance boiler plate config for 3 streams of video-streaming use case has been provided below:
$ python3 builder.py -v 3 -f video-streaming.yml
NOTE: This multi-instance feature support of Builder works only for the video pipeline i.e., video-streaming.yml use case alone and not with any other use case yml files like video-streaming-storage.yml etc., Also, it doesn't work for cases without
switch too. In other words, only the above example works with-v
taking in any +ve number -
Running builder to generate benchmarking configs
:If user wants to provide a different set of docker-compose.yml, config.json & k8s k8s-service.yml other than the ones present in every service directory, he can opt to provide the -d or override_directory flag which indicates to search for these required set of files within a directory provided by the flag. For example, if user wants to pick up these files from a directory named benchmarking, he can run the command provided below:
$ python3 builder.py -d benchmarking
- If using the override directory feature of builder, it is recommended to include set of all 3 files mentioned above. Failing to provide any of the files in the override directory results in builder not including that service in the generated final config.
- If user wishes to spawn a single Subscriber/Client container subscribing/receiving on multiple Publisher/Server containers, he can do so by adding the AppName of Subscriber/Client container in subscriber_list of builder_config.json ensuring the Publisher/Server container AppName is added in the publisher_list of builder_config.json. For services not mentioned in subscriber_list, multiple containers specified by the -v flag are spawned. For eg: If builder is run with -v 3 option and Visualizer isn't added in subscriber_list of builder_config.json, 3 Visualizer instances are spawned, each of them subscribing to 3 VideoAnalytics services. If Visualizer is added in subscriber_list of builder_config.json, a single Visualizer instance subscribing to 3 multiple VideoAnalytics is spawned.
Since the builder takes care of registering and running any service present in it's own directory in the IEdgeInsights directory, this section describes on how to add any new service the user wants to add into the EII stack, subscribe to VideoAnalytics and publish on a new port.
Any service that needs to be added into the EII stack should be added as a new directory in the IEdgeInsights directory. The directory should contain a docker-compose.yml which will be used to deploy the service as a docker container and it should also contain a config.json which contains the required config for the service to run once it is deployed. The config.json will mainly consist of a config section which includes the configuration related parameters required to run the application and an interfaces section which includes the configuration of how this service interacts with other services of the EII stack. The AppName present in environment section in docker-compose.yml file is appended to the config & interfaces like /AppName/config & /AppName/interfaces before being put into the main eii_config.json. Additionally, if the EII service needs to be deployed over k8s orchestrator, the k8s-service.yml file needs to be defined.
An example has been provided below on how to write the config.json for any new service, subscribe it to VideoAnalytics and publish on a new port:
"config": {
"paramOne": "Value",
"paramTwo": [1, 2, 3],
"paramThree": 4000,
"paramFour": true
"interfaces": {
"Subscribers": [
"Name": "default",
"Type": "zmq_tcp",
"EndPoint": "",
"PublisherAppName": "VideoAnalytics",
"Topics": [
"Publishers": [
"Name": "default",
"Type": "zmq_tcp",
"EndPoint": "",
"Topics": [
"AllowedClients": [
In the above specified config.json, the value of config key is the config required by the service to run and the value of the interfaces key is the config required by the service to interact with other services of EII stack over EII message bus.
The Subscribers value in the interfaces section denotes that this service should act as a subscriber to the stream being published by the value specified by PublisherAppName on the endpoint mentioned in value specified by EndPoint on topics specified in value of Topics key.
The Publishers value in the interfaces section denotes that this service publishes a stream of data after obtaining and processing it from VideoAnalytics. The stream is published on the endpoint mentioned in value of EndPoint key on topics mentioned in the value of Topics key. The services mentioned in the value of AllowedClients are the only clients able to subscribe to the published stream if being published securely over the EIIMessageBus.
Similar to above interface keys, EII services can also have "Servers" and "Clients" interface keys too. For example, check config.json of VideoIngestion service and config.json of SWTriggerUtility tool on how to use.
More details on the interfaces
key responsible for the EII MessageBus endpoint configuration
can be found at common/libs/ConfigMgr/README.md#interfaces
By default EII is provisioned in Secure mode
Follow below steps to provision. Provisioning must be done before deploying EII on any node. It will start ETCD as a container and load it with configuration required to run EII for single node or multi node cluster set up.
Please follow below steps to provision in Developer mode. Developer mode will have all security disabled.
- Please update DEV_MODE=true in build/.env to provision in Developer mode.
- Please re-run the build/builder.py to re-generate the consolidated files as mentioned above
Following actions will be performed as part of Provisioning
- Loading inital ETCD values from json file located at build/provision/config/eii_config.json.
- For Secure mode, Generating ZMQ secret/public keys for each app and putting them in ETCD.
- Generating required X509 certs and putting them in etcd.
- All server certificates will be generated with, localhost and HOST_IP mentioned in build/.env.
- If HOST_IP is blank in build/.env, then HOST_IP will be automatically detected when server certificates are generated.
Optional: In case of any errors during provisioning w.r.t existing volumes, please remove the existing volumes by running the EII uninstaller script: eii_uninstaller.sh
Run all the below commmands in this section from [WORKDIR]/IEdgeInsights/build/provision
Below script starts etcd
as a container and provision. Please pass docker-compose file as argument, against which provisioning will be done.
$ cd [WORKDIR]/IEdgeInsights/build/provision
$ sudo ./provision.sh <path_to_eii_docker_compose_file>
# eq. $ sudo ./provision.sh ../docker-compose.yml
Optional: For capturing the data back from ETCD Cluster to a JSON file, run the etcd_capture.sh script. This can be achieved using the following command:
$ ./etcd_capture.sh
- For running EII services in IPC mode, make sure that the same user should be there in publisher and subscriber. If publisher is running as root (eg: VI, VA), then the subscriber also need to run as root. In docker-compose.yml if
user: ${EII_UID}
is in publisher service, then the sameuser: ${EII_UID}
has to be in subscriber service. If the publisher doesn't have the user specified like above, then the subscriber service should not have that too.
All the below EII build and run commands needs to be executed from the [WORKDIR]/IEdgeInsights/build/
Below are the usecases supported by EII to bring up the respective services mentioned in the yaml file.
Usecase | yaml file |
Video + Timeseries | build/video-timeseries.yml |
Video | build/video.yml |
Timeseries | build/time-series.yml |
Usecase | yaml file |
Video streaming | build/video-streaming.yml |
Video streaming and historical | build/video-streaming-storage.yml |
Video streaming with AzureBridge | build/video-streaming-azure.yml |
Video streaming and custom udfs | build/video-streaming-all-udfs.yml |
To build and run EII in one command:
$ xhost +
$ docker-compose up --build -d
The build and run steps can be split into two as well like below:
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
If any of the services fails during build, it can be built using below command
$ docker-compose build --no-cache <service name>
Please note that the first time build of EII containers may take ~70 minutes depending on the n/w speed.
A successful run will open Visualizer UI with results of video analytics for all video usecases.
The following are the two Custom Udfs workflow which EII supports:
Build / Run custom udfs as standalone applications
For running custom udfs as standalone application one must download the video-custom-udfs repo and refer CustomUdfs/README.md
Build / Run custom udfs in VI or VA
For running custom udfs either in VI or VA one must refer VideoIngestion/docs/custom_udfs_doc.md
Etcd Secrets configuration are done to establish the data path of various EII containers.
Every service in build/docker-compose.yml is a
- messagebus client if it needs to send or receive data over EIIMessageBus
- etcd client if it needs to get data from etcd distributed key store
For more details, visit Etcd_Secrets_Configuration
For detailed description on configuring different types of cameras and filter algorithms, refer to the VideoIngestion/README.md.
EII supports running inference on CPU
(NCS2), and HDDL
devices by accepting device
value ("CPU"|"GPU"|"MYRIAD"|"HDDL"), part of the udf
object configuration in udfs
key. The device
field in UDF config of udfs
key in VideoIngestion
and VideoAnalytics
configs can either be changed in the eii_config.json
before provisioning (or reprovision it again after the change) or at run-time via EtcdUI. For more details on the udfs config,
check common/udfs/README.md.
For actual deployment in case USB camera is required then mount the device node of the USB camera for
service. When multiple USB cameras are connected to host m/c the required camera should be identified with the device node and mounted.Eg: Mount the two USB cameras connected to the host m/c with device node as
ia_video_ingestion: ... devices: - "/dev/dri" - "/dev/video0:/dev/video0" - "/dev/video1:/dev/video1"
Note: /dev/dri is needed for Graphic drivers
To run on HDDL devices
- Download the full package for OpenVINO toolkit for Linux version "2021.3" (
used in build/.env) from the official website (https://software.intel.com/en-us/openvino-toolkit/choose-download/free-download-linux).
Please refer to the OpenVINO links below for to install and running the HDDL daemon on host.
OpenVINO install: https://docs.openvinotoolkit.org/2021.3/_docs_install_guides_installing_openvino_linux.html#install-openvino
HDDL daemon setup: https://docs.openvinotoolkit.org/2021.3/_docs_install_guides_installing_openvino_linux_ivad_vpu.html
NOTE: OpenVINO 2021.3 installation creates a symbolic link to latest installation with filename as
instead ofopenvino
. Hence one can create a symbolic link with filename asopenvino
to the latest installation using the below steps.$ cd /opt/intel $ sudo ln -s <OpenVINO latest installation> openvino Eg: sudo ln -s openvino_2021.3.394 openvino In case there are older versions of OpenVINO installed on the host system please un-install them. When running on HDDL devices, the HDDL daemon should be running in a different terminal, or in the background like shown below on the host m/c. ```sh $ source /opt/intel/openvino/bin/setupvars.sh $ $HDDL_INSTALL_DIR/bin/hddldaemon
- For actual deployment one could choose to mount only the required devices for services using OpenVINO with HDDL (
) in docker-compose.yml.
Eg: Mount only the Graphics and HDDL ion device for
serviceia_video_analytics: ... devices: - "/dev/dri" - "/dev/ion:/dev/ion"
- Download the full package for OpenVINO toolkit for Linux version "2021.3" (
Running on Intel(R) Processor Graphics (GPU/iGPU)
Note: The below step is required only for 11th gen Intel Processors
Upgrade the kernel version to 5.8 and install the required drivers from the below OpenVINO link: https://docs.openvinotoolkit.org/latest/openvino_docs_install_guides_installing_openvino_linux.html#additional-GPU-steps
Troubleshooting issues for MYRIAD(NCS2) devices
Following is an workaround can be excercised if in case user observes
during device initialization of NCS2 stick. While running EII if NCS2 devices failed to initialize properly then user can re-plug the device for the init to happen freshly. User can verify the successfull initialization by executing dmesg* & lsusb as below:lsusb | grep "03e7" (03e7 is the VendorID and 2485 is one of the productID for MyriadX)
dmesg > dmesg.txt [ 3818.214919] usb 3-4: new high-speed USB device number 10 using xhci_hcd [ 3818.363542] usb 3-4: New USB device found, idVendor=03e7, idProduct=2485 [ 3818.363546] usb 3-4: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 3818.363548] usb 3-4: Product: Movidius MyriadX [ 3818.363550] usb 3-4: Manufacturer: Movidius Ltd. [ 3818.363552] usb 3-4: SerialNumber: 03e72485 [ 3829.153556] usb 3-4: USB disconnect, device number 10 [ 3831.134804] usb 3-4: new high-speed USB device number 11 using xhci_hcd [ 3831.283430] usb 3-4: New USB device found, idVendor=03e7, idProduct=2485 [ 3831.283433] usb 3-4: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [ 3831.283436] usb 3-4: Product: Movidius MyriadX [ 3831.283438] usb 3-4: Manufacturer: Movidius Ltd. [ 3831.283439] usb 3-4: SerialNumber: 03e72485 [ 3906.460590] usb 3-4: USB disconnect, device number 11
Troubleshooting issues for HDDL devices
Please verify the hddldaemon started on host m/c to verify if it is using the libraries of the correct OpenVINO version used in build/.env. One could enable the
in $HDDL_INSTALL_DIR/config/hddl_service.config on host m/c to get the complete snapshot of the hddl device. -
Please refer OpenVINO 2021.3 release notes in the below link for new features and changes from the previous versions. https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/articles/openvino-relnotes.html
Refer OpenVINO website in the below link to skim through known issues, limitations and troubleshooting https://docs.openvinotoolkit.org/2021.3/index.html
For time-series data, a sample analytics flow uses Telegraf for ingestion, Influx DB for storage and Kapacitor for classification. This is demonstrated with an MQTT based ingestion of sample temperature sensor data and analytics with a Kapacitor UDF which does threshold detection on the input values.
The services mentioned in build/time-series.yml will be available in the consolidated build/docker-compose.yml and consolidated build/eii_config.json of the EII stack for timeseries use case when built via builder.py
as called out in previous steps.
This will enable building of Telegraf and the Kapacitor based analytics containers. More details on enabling this mode can be referred from Kapacitor/README.md
The sample temperature sensor can be simulated using the tools/mqtt-temp-sensor application.
EII stack comes with following services, which can be included/excluded in docker-compose file based on requirements.
- EtcdUI
- InfluxDBConnector
- OpcuaExport - Optional service to read from VideoAnalytics container to publish data to opcua clients
- RestDataExport - Optional service to read the metadata and image blob from InfluxDBConnector and ImageStore services respectively
- VideoIngestion
- VideoAnalytics
- Visualizer
- WebVisualizer
- ImageStore
- AzureBridge
- FactoryControlApp - Optional service to read from VideoAnalytics container if one wants to control the light based on defective/non-defective data
By default EII is provisioned with Single node cluster. In order to deploy EII on multiple nodes using docker registry, provision ETCD cluster and remote managibility using turtlecreek, please follow build/deploy/README.md
To check if all the EII images are built successfully, use cmd:
docker images|grep ia
and to check if all containers are running, use cmd:docker ps
(one should see all the dependency containers and EII containers up and running
). If you see issues where the build is failing due to non-reachability to Internet, please ensure you have correctly configured proxy settings and restarted docker service. Even after doing this, if you are running into the same issue, please add below instrcutions to all the dockerfiles inbuild\dockerfiles
at the top after the LABEL instruction and retry the building EII images:ENV http_proxy http://proxy.iind.intel.com:911 ENV https_proxy http://proxy.iind.intel.com:911
docker ps
should list all the enabled containers which are included in docker-compose.yml -
To verify if the default video pipeline with EII is working fine i.e., from video ingestion->video analytics->visualizer, please check the visualizer UI
root directory gets created - This is the installation path for EII:data/
- stores the backup data for persistent imagestore and influxdbsockets/
- stores the IPC ZMQ socket files
Few useful docker-compose and docker commands:
docker-compose build
- builds all the service containers. To build a single service container, usedocker-compose build [serv_cont_name]
docker-compose down
- stops and removes the service containersdocker-compose up -d
- brings up the service containers by picking the changes done indocker-compose.yml
docker ps
- check running containersdocker ps -a
- check running and stopped containersdocker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
- stops all the containersdocker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
- removes all the containers. Useful when you run into issue of already container is in use.- docker compose cli
- docker compose reference
- docker cli
If you want to run the docker images separately i.e, one by one, run the command
docker-compose run --no-deps [service_cont_name]
Eg:docker-compose run --name ia_video_ingestion --no-deps ia_video_ingestion
to run VI container and the switch--no-deps
will not bring up it's dependencies mentioned in the docker-compose file. If the container is not launching, there could be some issue with entrypoint program which could be overrided by providing this extra switch--entrypoint /bin/bash
before the service container name in the docker-compose run command above, this would let one inside the container and run the actual entrypoint program from the container's terminal to rootcause the issue. If the container is running and one wants to get inside, use cmd:docker-compose exec [service_cont_name] /bin/bash
ordocker exec -it [cont_name] /bin/bash
Best way to check logs of containers is to use command:
docker logs -f [cont_name]
. If one wants to see all the docker-compose service container logs at once, then just rundocker-compose logs -f
- Please refer to TROUBLESHOOT.md guide for any troubleshooting tips related to EII configuration and installation
- If any issues are observed w.r.t the python package installation then manually install the python packages as shown below :
$ cd [WORKDIR]/IEdgeInsights/build
# Install requirements for builder.py
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The uninstaller script automates the removal of all the EII Docker configuration installed on a system. This uninstaller will perform the following tasks:
- Stops and removes all EII running and stopped containers
- Removes all EII docker volumes
- Removes all EII docker images [Optional]
- Removes all EII install directory
Run the below commmand from [WORKDIR]/IEdgeInsights/build/
$ ./eii_uninstaller.sh -h
Usage: ./eii_uninstaller.sh [-h] [-d]
This script uninstalls previous EII version.
-h show the help
-d triggers the deletion of docker images (by default it will not trigger)
1) Deleting only EII Containers and Volumes
$ ./eii_uninstaller.sh
2) Deleting EII Containers, Volumes and Images
$ export EII_VERSION=2.4
$ ./eii_uninstaller.sh -d
above example will delete EII containers, volumes and all the docker images having 2.4 version.