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718 lines (576 loc) · 22.1 KB

File metadata and controls

718 lines (576 loc) · 22.1 KB


ConfigMgr (Config manager) provides CPP/Python/Golang APIs to:

  • fetch an applications configs values from the KV store.
  • fetch an applications interface values from KV store for pub, sub, server and client.
  • watch on application's config changes.
  • generate EII MessageBus config.
  • read and set /GlobalEnv variables.
  • fetch env variables: appname, dev_mode

All these data are stored into the kv store of EII during the provisioning phase and can be changed dynamically by the admin.


The EIIUtils depends on CMake version 3.11+. For Ubuntu 18.04 this is not the default version installed via apt-get. To install the correct version of CMake and other ConfigMgr dependencies, please follow eii_libs_installer README

By default, ConfigMgr installs to /usr/local/lib/. On some platforms this is not included in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH by default. As a result, you must add this directory to you LD_LIBRARY_PATH, otherwise you will encounter issues using the ConfigMgr. This can be accomplished with the following export:

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib/

NOTE: You can also specify a different library prefix to CMake through the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX flag.

Install ConfigMgr with Examples, Test suits and Debug Build.

$ rm -rf build
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ make
$ sudo make install

WITH_EXAMPLES=ON, WITH_TESTS=ON and CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug to compile ConfigMgr with Examples, Unit Tests and Debug mode respectively.


ConfigMgr parses the data from the kv store (eg: etcd) and the application environment variables for its functionality. It supports Publisher, Subscriber, Server and Client interfaces. Below are the examples for providing different interfaces and different usecases.

Please refer different ways of giving endpoints

Publisher Interface

    "Publishers": [
            "Name": "default",
            "Type": "zmq_ipc",
            "EndPoint": "/EII/sockets",
            "Topics": [
            "AllowedClients": [
            "Name": "example",
            "Type": "zmq_tcp",
            "EndPoint": "",
            "Topics": [
            "AllowedClients": [
                "Visualizer", "VideoAnalytics"
Key Type Required (Mandatory) Description
Publishers array Yes Entire publisher interface will be added with in the array. Multiple publish endpoints can be added by adding elements in the array.
Name string Yes Name of different publisher interfaces
Type string Yes Specifies ZeroMQ protocol ("zmq_tcp" or "zmq_ipc") on which data will be published
EndPoint string or object Yes In case of TCP or IPC (socket directory only), endpoint should be string as shown in the above examples. In case IPC explicitly specifying socket file, either object or string can be used for EndPoint. Please refer Different ways of specifying endpoint
Topics array Yes Specifying the topics on which data will be published on. Multiple elements in this array can denote multiple topics published on the same endpoint
AllowedClients array Yes Specifying who can subscribe to the the topic on which data is published. If AllowedClients is "*", then all the provisioned services can receive the data published.

Subscriber Interface

    "Subscribers": [

        // tcp usecase
            "Name": "example",
            "Type": "zmq_tcp",
            "EndPoint": "",
            "PublisherAppName": "VideoIngestion",
            "Topics": [

        // ipc usecase
            "Name": "default",
            "Type": "zmq_ipc",
            "EndPoint": ".socks",
            "PublisherAppName": "VideoIngestion",
            // Topics cannot be "*", if the only IPC directory is given
            // if it Topics "*" to be used in ipc, then socket file should be given explicitly.
            "Topics": [
Key Type Required (Mandatory) Description
Subscribers array Yes Entire subscriber interface will be added with in the array. Multiple subscribe endpoints can be added by adding elements in the array
Name string Yes Name of different subscriber interfaces
Type string Yes Specifies ZeroMQ protocol ("zmq_tcp" or "zmq_ipc") through which subscription happens
EndPoint string or object Yes In case of TCP or IPC (socket directory only), endpoint should be string as shown in the above examples. In Case IPC explicitly specifying socket file, either object or string can be used for EndPoint. Please refer Different ways of specifying endpoint
PublisherAppName string Yes Specifies the publisher's AppName through which data will be received
Topics array Yes Specifying the topics on which data will be published on. If Topics is "*", the subscriber receives all the data published on the endpoint, irrespective of the topic names data is published on. Multiple elements in this array can denote multiple topics subscribed on the same endpoint

Server Interface

    "Servers": [
        // tcp usecase
            "Name": "default",
            "Type": "zmq_tcp",
            "EndPoint": "",
            "AllowedClients": [
        //ipc usecase
            "Name": "example",
            "Type": "zmq_ipc",
            "EndPoint": "/EII/sockets",
            "AllowedClients": [
Key Type Required (Mandatory) Description
Servers array Yes Entire server interface will be added with in the array. Multiple server endpoints can be added by adding elements in the array
Name string Yes Name of different server interfaces
Type string Yes Specifies ZeroMQ protocol ("zmq_tcp" or "zmq_ipc") through which Server pushes data
EndPoint string or object Yes In case of TCP or IPC (socket directory only), endpoint should be string as shown in the above examples. In case IPC explicitly specifying socket file, either object or string can be used for EndPoint. Please refer Different ways of specifying endpoint
AllowedClients array Yes Specifying who can get data is from the Server. If AllowedClients is "*", then all the provisioned services can connect to Server.

Client Interface

    "Clients": [
        // tcp usecase
            "Name": "default",
            "ServerAppName": "VideoIngestion",
            "Type": "zmq_tcp",
            "EndPoint": ""

        // ipc usecase
            "Name": "example",
            "ServerAppName": "VideoIngestion",
            "Type": "zmq_ipc",
            "EndPoint": "/EII/sockets"
Key Type Required (Mandatory) Description
Clients array Yes Entire client interface will be added with in the array. Multiple client endpoints can be added by adding elements in the array
Name string Yes Name of different client interfaces
ServerAppName string Yes Server's AppName to which client connection is established
Type string Yes Specifies ZeroMQ protocol ("zmq_tcp" or "zmq_ipc") through which client connection is established
EndPoint string or object Yes In case of TCP or IPC (socket directory only), endpoint should be string as shown in the above examples. In case IPC explicitly specifying socket file, either object or string can be used for EndPoint. Please refer Different ways of specifying endpoint

Overriding of Type and EndPoint:

In a given publisher, subscriber, client or server interfaces, the "Type" and "Endpoint" values mentioned in the respective interfaces can be overriden by setting them as env variables.

Let's take publisher as an example having multiple endpoints and below is its interface:

    "Publishers": [
            "Name": "default",
            "Type": "zmq_ipc",
            "EndPoint": "/EII/sockets",
            "Topics": [
            "AllowedClients": [
            "Name": "example",
            "Type": "zmq_tcp",
            "EndPoint": "",
            "Topics": [
            "AllowedClients": [
                "Visualizer", "VideoAnalytics"

Let's say we want to override the Type ("zmq_ipc") and Endpoint ("/EII/sockets") of the first publisher's interface (interface having "Name":"default"), then env variable should be set with below syntax.

export PUBLISHER_default_TYPE="zmq_tcp"
export PUBLISHER_default_ENDPOINT=""

In the above command default is the Name of the interface.

Similarly, we can override subscriber's, client's and server's Type and Endpoint.

export SUBSCRIBER_default_TYPE="zmq_tcp"
export SUBSCRIBER_default_ENDPOINT=""

export SERVER_default_TYPE="zmq_tcp"
export SERVER_default_ENDPOINT=""

export CLIENT_default_TYPE="zmq_tcp"
export CLIENT_default_ENDPOINT=""

Let's take publisher as an example having single endpoint and below is its interface:

    "Publishers": [
            "Name": "default",
            "Type": "zmq_ipc",
            "EndPoint": "/EII/sockets",
            "Topics": [
            "AllowedClients": [

If we want to override the Type ("zmq_ipc") and Endpoint ("/EII/sockets") of publisher's interface, then env variable should be set with below syntax.

export PUBLISHER_TYPE="zmq_tcp"

Similarly, we can override subscriber's, client's and server's Type and Endpoint.

export SUBSCRIBER_TYPE="zmq_tcp"

export SERVER_TYPE="zmq_tcp"

export CLIENT_TYPE="zmq_tcp"

Overriding feature of ConfigMgr will be used in orchestrated scenarios including Kubernetes.

Broker Usecase

If publisher and subscriber wants to communicate via broker(ZmqBroker), i.e., if publisher publish data to ZmqBroker and subscriber subscribes from ZmqBroker, then the interfaces of ZmqBroker, subscriber and publisher with respect to zmq_tcp and zmq_ipc protocol as follows.

zmq_tcp Protocol usecase


    "Publishers": [
            "AllowedClients": [
            "EndPoint": "",
            "Name": "backend",
            "Topics": [
            "Type": "zmq_tcp"
    // X-SUB
    "Subscribers": [
            "AllowedClients": [
            "EndPoint": "",
            "Name": "frontend",
            "PublisherAppName": "*",
            "Topics": [
            "Type": "zmq_tcp"


    "Subscribers": [
            "Name": "default",
            "Type": "zmq_tcp",
            "EndPoint": "",

            // PublisherAppName will be "ZmqBroker" in case of brokered usecase 
            "PublisherAppName": "ZmqBroker",
            "Topics": [


    "Publishers": [
            "Name": "default",
            "Type": "zmq_tcp",
            "EndPoint": "",
            "Topics": [
            // With broker usecase, AllowedClients in Publisher's interface is not required, as it acts as a subscriber to X-SUB

            // "brokered" and "BrokerAppName" should be added for ZmqBroker usecase
            "brokered": true,
            "BrokerAppName" : "ZmqBroker"

zmq_ipc Protocol usecase


    "Publishers": [
            "Name": "backend",
            "Type": "zmq_ipc",
            "EndPoint": {
                "SocketDir": "/EII/sockets",
                "SocketFile": "backend-socket"
            "Topics": ["*"],
            "AllowedClients": ["*"]
    "Subscribers": [
            "Name": "frontend",
            "Type": "zmq_ipc",
            "EndPoint": {
                "SocketDir": "/EII/sockets",
                "SocketFile": "frontend-socket"
            "PublisherAppName": "*",
            "Topics": ["*"],
            "AllowedClients": ["*"]


    "Subscribers": [
            "Name": "default",
            "Type": "zmq_ipc",
            "EndPoint": {
                "SocketDir" : "/EII/sockets",
                "SocketFile": "backend-socket"

            // PublisherAppName will be "ZmqBroker" in case of brokered usecase 
            "PublisherAppName": "ZmqBroker",

            // Topics cannot be "*", if the only IPC directory is given
            // if it Topics "*" to be used in ipc, then socket file should be given explicitly.
            "Topics": [


    "Publishers": [
            "Name": "default",
            "Type": "zmq_ipc",
            "EndPoint": {
                "SocketDir" : "/EII/sockets",
                "SocketFile": "frontend-socket"
            "Topics": [

            // With broker usecase, AllowedClients in Publisher's interface is not required, as it acts as a subscriber to X-SUB

            // "brokered" and "BrokerAppName" should be added for ZmqBroker usecase
            "brokered": true,
            "BrokerAppName" : "ZmqBroker"
Key Type Required (Mandatory) Description
brokered boolean Yes (Required if publishing via ZmqBroker) Specifies if publisher is using broker or not. use "brokered": true for use with broker.
BrokerAppName string Yes (Required if publishing via ZmqBroker) Specifies ZeroMQ Broker app name

Note "Endpoint" can be given in different ways:

  • zmq_tcp Endpoint should look like below:

  • zmq_ipc Endpoint have different ways of giving.

    • Specifying just socket directory

    • Specifying socket directory and socket file

          "SocketDir" : "/EII/sockets",
          "SocketFile": "socketfile"
      "Endpoint":"/EII/sockets, socketfile"

Running Examples

The ConfigMgr library also supports Cpp APIs and Python & Go bindings. These APIs/bindings can be used in Cpp and Python/Go services in the EII stack to fetch required config/interfaces/msgbus config.

Examples will only be compiled if the WITH_EXAMPLES=ON option is specified while running CMake. Please refer Examples installation

Refer the interfaces of publisher and server in ./examples/configs/VideoIngestion_interfaces.json and for subscriber and client, refer ./examples/configs/VideoAnalytics_interfaces.json

Examples on demonstrating the usage of these APIs in the bindings have been given in respective sections below.

CPP Examples

$ Navigate to [WORKDIR]/IEdgeInsights/common/libs/ConfigMgr
$ sudo rm -rf build
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ make
$ sudo make install

There are currently 5 CPP examples:

  1. examples/sample_pub.cpp
  2. examples/sample_sub.cpp
  3. examples/sample_server.cpp
  4. examples/sample_client.cpp
  5. examples/sample_getvalue.cpp

All of the Cpp example executables are in the build/examples/ directory. To run them, execute the following command:

Before executing any of the examples, please run below command from build/examples/

 cd ../../examples/ && source ./ && cd -

Publisher example.

$ ./pub

Subscriber example.

$ ./sub

Server example.

$ ./server

Client example.

$ ./client

Sample_getvalue used to get the values from application's config

$ ./sample_app

Python Examples

$ Navigate to [WORKDIR]/IEdgeInsights/common/libs/ConfigMgr/python
$ python3 build
$ sudo python3 install

There are currently 5 Python examples:

  1. examples/
  2. examples/
  3. examples/
  4. examples/
  5. examples/

All of the py examples are in python/examples/ directory. To run them, execute the following command:

Before executing any of the examples, please run below command from python/examples/

 cd ../../examples/ && source ./ && cd -

Publisher example.

$ python3

Subscriber example.

$ python3

Server example.

$ python3

Client example.

$ python3

sample_get_value used to get the values from application's config

$ python3

Go Examples

$ Navigate to [WORKDIR]/IEdgeInsights/common/libs/ConfigMgr/go
$ cp -r ConfigMgr/ $GOPATH/src
$ cd ConfigMgr/examples
$ source

There are currently 5 Go examples:

  1. publisher.go
  2. subscriber.go
  3. echo_service.go
  4. echo_client.go
  5. app_config.go

All of the go examples are in go/examples/ directory. To run them, execute the following command:

Before executing any of the examples, please run below command from go/ConfigMgr/examples/

 cd ../../../examples/ && source ./ && cd -
 source ./

Publisher example.

$ go build publisher.go
$ ./publisher

Subscriber example.

$ go build subscriber.go
$ ./subscriber

Server example.

$ go build echo_service.go
$ ./echo_service

Client example.

$ go build echo_client.go
$ ./echo_client

app_config used to get the values from application's config

$ go build app_config.go
$ ./app_config

Running Unit Tests


  • The unit tests will only be compiled if the WITH_TESTS=ON option is specified when running CMake. Please refer Unit Test installation installation.

  • Provisioning should be done to start etcd server in dev/prod mode and to generate application specific certificates(only in prod mode).

Before executing any of the test files, please run below command from build/tests/

 cd ../../examples/ && source ./ && cd -
  • To run ConfigMgr unit tests
$ ./config_manager_unit_tests
$ ./kvstore_client-tests

Creation of grpc .deb file (Optional)

Note: This is an optional as we have already created .deb file in the repo. If user wants to create .deb file freshly, then one has to follow this step.

Navigate to [WORKDIR]/IEdgeInsights/common/libs/ConfigMgr and run the

$ sudo ./

By executing the above script, grpc-1.29.0-Linux.deb will be created in [WORKDIR]/IEdgeInsights/common/libs/ConfigMgr.