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Andy Jackson edited this page Aug 10, 2015 · 2 revisions

This section describes how to “bulk ignore” – that is, to ignore a large block of Documents. This function is particularly useful when a Watched Target is newly defined. The first time a new Watched Target is crawled, a very large number of Documents may be discovered. These may however be uninteresting for harvesting; a Selector is rather interested in Documents that are published after a specific date.

The procedure for Bulk Ignore is as follows:

  1. Select Document Harvesting: Documents from the main menu
  2. The User in question should be automatically selected in the Curator field
    1. You may optionally select another Curator
  3. You may optionally select a specific Watched Target
  4. Click in the second “Crawl Date” field and select the date for which you wish to start monitoring Documents
    1. The resulting list will be all of the Documents that have been crawled before the selected date. These are presumably the Documents of no interest.
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and click the “Ignore All” button
    1. You will receive a confirmation message: “You are about to ignore N documents. Do you want to proceed?”
      1. In other words, this action ignores every Document that passes the filter, not just those visible on the screen.
    2. Click “OK” to confirm.
  6. The result is that all of the Documents in question are moved to the Ignored category, and can be viewed under the “Ignored” Tab.

NOTE: Under the Ignore Tab, this process can be reversed by defining the appropriate filters and clicking the “Restore All” button.