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DHIS2 Environment Setup

rrowlands edited this page Oct 29, 2019 · 1 revision

This page describes how to get DHIS2 up and running on your system for development. These steps are for Mac & Linux only.

  1. Install docker and docker-compose. (The Mac docker app comes with docker-compose, linux users have to install it separately)
  2. git clone -b tf-zambia
  3. cd dhis2-docker/database
  4. ./ -v 2.26 -d zambia
    (linux users may need to run with sudo)
  5. cd ../
  6. Boot the DIHS2 server with docker-compose up
    (linux users may need to run with sudo)
  7. Once it is booted you can reach it at http://localhost:8085/
  8. You can log in with : test / Test1234  or
    (root credentials, don't use) admin / district
  9. You can destroy the environment with docker-compose down. Running docker-compose up will rebuild your environment (and database).