🎓 PhD Student at Indiana University Bloomington
- Pursuing a PhD in Information Systems Engineering
- Minor: Computer Science
- Undergraduate: BS Computer Science at Grand Valley State University, MI
- Completed 2024
🗺️ Bloomington, Indiana (Hometown: Grand Haven, MI)
📧 Email: [email protected]
💼 Website
💻 Discord: Skylake01 (skylake01)
During my undergraduate program I researched sparse compression methods for redundant data, helping create the VCSC and IVCSC formats. Collaborating with my friend, Seth Wolfgang, and mentors Dr. Erin Carrier and Dr. Zachary DeBruine I learned research skills and published this work over the course of a couple years. Taking my experience in HPC from my work on sparse compression I got an internship the summer after completing my undergrad at Sandia National Labs looking at profiling and optmimization of the HOMME atmosphere model under the mentorship of Dr. Oksana Guba. Here I learned much about scientific codes, gained hands on experience with HPC systems, and further improved my research skills. Finishing my internship, I started my PhD program at IUB in Information Systems Engineeing being advised by Dr. Fengguang Song. So far I have been contuing my work in HPC and sparse compression while also joining the FZ team working on Error-Bound Lossy Compression for scientific datasets.