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sandersn committed Dec 10, 2009
1 parent 3067378 commit 729ee92
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Showing 10 changed files with 1,371 additions and 0 deletions.
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions ACL07_poster_equations.tex
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
\usepackage[vcentering]{geometry} % dvips not needed for pdflatex
% \usepackage[vcentering,dvips]{geometry}
% % eqn 1
% \geometry{papersize={20mm,15mm},total={30mm,24mm}}
% % eqn 1
% \geometry{papersize={50mm,18mm},total={65mm,26mm}}
% % eqn 1
% \geometry{papersize={40mm,18mm},total={52mm,26mm}}
% eqn 1
% \[f = \frac{c}{N}\]

% \[\forall j \in a,b : c'_{ji} = \frac{f_{ji}(c_{ai}+c_{bi})}{f_{ai}+f_{bi}}\]

% \[\forall j \in a,b : s_{ji} = \frac{2nc_{ji}'}{N}\]

\[ R = \Sigma_i |c_{ai} - \bar{c_i}| \textrm{ where } \bar{c_i} = \frac{c_{ai} + c_{bi}}{2}\]
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End:
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions Lev.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
module Lev where
import qualified Data.Map as Dct
import Control.Monad (liftM)
enum = zip [0..]
takeFail 0 _ = Just []
takeFail _ [] = Nothing
takeFail n (x:xs) = liftM (x:) (takeFail (n - 1) xs)
window n l = case takeFail n l of
Nothing -> []
Just xs -> xs : window n (tail l)
-- _levenshtein :: (Enum b, Num b, Ord b) =>
-- [t] -> [a] -> b -> (a -> b, t -> b, a -> t -> b) -> [b]
_levenshtein ss ts indel (ins,del,sub) =
let initial l = [0,indel..indel * fromIntegral (length l)]
in foldl (\ table (i,s) ->
(foldl (\ row (t,[prev,prev']) ->
minimum [ins t + head row, del s + prev', sub s t + prev]
: row)
-- doesn't work without double reverse. i suspect only (window 2) needs reverse
(zip ts . window 2 {- . reverse-} $ table)))
(initial ts) {-(reverse (initial ts))-} (zip (tail (initial ss)) ss)
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
module Main where
import qualified Sed
main :: IO ()
main = print . Sed.analyse =<< Sed.groupSedInGor
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions Sed.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
module Sed where
import Text.Regex.Posix
import Text.CSV
import Char
import qualified Data.Map as Dct
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import qualified Lev
--- util ---
(&) = flip (.)
dctCollapse xs k v = Dct.fromAscListWith
(sortBy (comparing fst) [(k x, [v x]) | x <- xs])
listExtract ns xs = extract ns xs 0
where extract [] _ _ = []
extract (n:ns) xs i =
xs !! (n - i) : extract ns (drop (n - i) xs) n
kross (xs,ys) = do x <- xs; y <- ys; return (x,y)
both f (x,y) = (f x, f y)
pairs [] = []
pairs (x:xs) = [(x,y) | y <- xs] ++ pairs xs
average l = sum l / fromIntegral (length l)
--- read CSV ---
segment = head & dropWhile isLower & segmentName
where segmentName s = seg++n where (seg,n,_) =
s =~ "[0-9]" :: (String,String,String)
features (title:ns) = (feature title, map read ns)
where feature s = feat where (_,_,feat) =
s =~ "[0-9]" :: (String,String,String)
groupWords csv = (fillsegments . phones) words
where words = dctCollapse (tail csv) (head & takeWhile isLower) id
fillsegments = Dct.mapWithKey makesegment
phones l = Dct.fromList (dctCollapse l segment features)
makesegment typ d =
let size = length . head . Dct.elems $ d
in d `Dct.union` (replicate size) (featdict Dct.! init typ)
groupRegions regions words = outermost regions
where outermost range = inner words
where inner = ( (listExtract (map ((-) 2) range)))
groupSedInGor = do
csv <- parseCSVFromFile "sed.csv"
case csv of
Left err -> error ("oh no:" ++ show err)
Right rows -> return $ groupRegions regions $ groupWords $ transpose rows
--- analysis ---
flatten = map (map Dct.elems . Dct.elems) . Dct.elems
analyse sed = Dct.fromList . zip edges . map (sedDistance avgregions) $ regions
where edges = pairs (Dct.keys sed)
regions = pairs (flatten sed)
avgregions = average (map sedAvgTotal regions)
featureSub seg1 seg2 = fromIntegral (Dct.size(seg1 `symmetric_difference` seg2))
+ sum (map abs (Dct.elems (Dct.intersectionWith (-) seg1 seg2)))
where symmetric_difference d e = Dct.union (e `Dct.difference` d)
(d `Dct.difference` e)
sedDistance avg = sum . map (sedLevenshtein avg) . uncurry zip
transposeWord word = transpose (map transposeSegment word)
where transposeSegment seg = map (Dct.fromList . zip (Dct.keys seg))
(transpose (Dct.elems seg))
sedLevenshtein a = average . map (levenshtein a) . kross . both transposeWord
levenshtein a (w1,w2) =
head $ Lev._levenshtein w1 w2 a (const a, const a, featureSub)
sedAvg :: (Ord k, Fractional a) => ([Dct.Map k [a]], [Dct.Map k [a]]) -> a
sedAvg = both (concat . transposeWord) & kross & map (uncurry featureSub) & average
sedAvgTotal (region1,region2) = average (map sedAvg (zip region1 region2)) / 2.0
--- data ---
featdict = Dct.fromList [("C", Dct.fromList [("GL",0.0), ("V",0.0), ("H",0.0),
("PV",0.0), ("L",0.0)]),
("V", Dct.fromList [("B",1.0), ("H",1.0),
("L",1.0), ("R",1.0)]),
("R", Dct.fromList [("MN",1.5), ("PL",1.0)]),
("MULT", Dct.fromList [("MULT", 1.0)]),
("VC", Dct.empty)]
regions :: Dct.Map String [Int]
regions = Dct.fromList [("ne", [2..11]++[17..23]),
("nw", [11..17]++[23..41]++[77..83]),
("yk", [41..75]),
-- ++[75..77] (Isle of Man isn't on GOR map)
("wm", [112..126]++[140..157]),
("em", [83..112]++[126..140]++[157..172]),
("ee", [172..191]++[217..238]),
("se", [206..217]++[262..279]++[302..315]),
("sw", [193..206]++[240..262]++[279..302]),
("ld", [238..240])]
test = [["", "applV1H", "applV1L", "applC1GL", "applV2", "catcV1H", "askMULT0MULT", "askV1H", "askV1B"],
["", "1.0", "2.0", "3.0", "0.0", "3.0", "1.0", "2.0", "2.0"],
["", "1.0", "2.0", "3.0", "0.0", "3.0", "1.0", "2.0", "2.0"],
["", "1.0", "2.0", "3.0", "0.0", "3.0", "1.0", "2.0", "2.0"],
["", "1.0", "2.0", "3.0", "0.0", "3.0", "1.0", "2.0", "2.0"],
["", "1.0", "2.0", "3.0", "0.0", "3.0", "1.0", "2.0", "2.0"],
["", "1.0", "2.0", "3.0", "0.0", "3.0", "1.0", "2.0", "2.0"]]
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions nord/RepairTalBanken.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
------- yet another uncrosser ------------
example = Node ("S", 555)
[Node ("VP",510)
[Node ("NP",502)
[Leaf ("DET",0) ("Das",0), Leaf ("N",1) ("Buch",1), Leaf ("PRON",4) ("ihm",4)]
, Leaf ("V",2) ("gegeben",2)
, Leaf ("PART",5) ("habe",5)]
, Node ("NP",501) [Leaf ("PRON",3) ("ich",3)]]
sexample = spanTree example
spanTree :: Tree (String, Integer) -> Tree (Integer, Integer)
spanTree (Leaf (_,i) _) = Leaf (i,i+1) (i,i+1)
spanTree (Node _ kids) = Node (minimum starts, maximum ends) trees
where trees = map spanTree kids
starts = map (fst . dat) trees
ends = map (snd . dat) trees
uncross' :: [Tree (Integer,Integer)] -> [Tree (Integer,Integer)]
uncross' [] = []
uncross' (Leaf a w : siblings) = Leaf a w : uncross' siblings
uncross' (Node a kids : siblings) = uncross''.both depair.span continuous.pairs
$ kids
where uncross'' (co,[]) = co ++ uncross' siblings
uncross'' (co,disco) = co ++ uncross' (insert siblings disco)
pairs l = zip l (tail l)
both f (x,y) = (f x, f y)
continuous (t, t') = snd (dat t) == fst (dat t')
depair l = (fst $ head l) : map snd l
insert = (++) -- insert has to stick disco in siblings somewhere and then uncross
-- it all. Not necessarily in that order.
{-uncross (Node a kids) = Node a (uncross' kids)
uncross l = l
uncross' :: [Siblings] -> [Siblings] -- but uncrossed
-- OK the problem is that insert might need to drop disco down a couple of levels into siblings
-- in other words, the first step is the check what siblings disco belongs IN or AFTER
-- then you may have to insert down, ie repeat the insert for the chosen sibling's kids
-- ... told you there might be a lot of consing!
insert siblings disco = let (before,actual:after) = splitBy ((lhs disco) >) siblings in
if rhs disco > lhs actual then -- or something like this
before ++ actual : disco ++ after -- get the idea
before ++ (insert (kids actual) disco : after) -- whoo CONS! -}
-- also this recursive step should do some uncrossing of before and after, right?

{- The idea is that you start at the leftmost kid of a Node.
You take as much as is continuous and you cons that onto the rest of the siblings+disco
after that has all been uncrossed.
co : uncross (insert disco siblings)
except that uncross has to take additional arguments?
also some uncrossings may have to burrow arbitrarily deep. I'm not sure of the limit yet.
Anyway you'd have to do it either way, bottom-up or top-down, so at least top-down it's
easier to maintain pointers to it all even if there is a lot of consing involved.
actually now that I sleep on it, I'm not sure about arbitrary deepness. I think that's
needed only if you want to try Wolfgang's bottom-up style. Adriane Boyd's split style
just attaches the disco part as a sibling to the co part I think.
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions nord/TestDistance.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
import Distance hiding (main)
import Test.QuickCheck.Batch
import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Util
import Data.List (group, sort, nub)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
{- instance Arbitrary Char where
arbitrary = choose ('\32', '\128')
coarbitrary c = variant (ord c `rem` 4) -}

exampleLines = splitOn "\n" "Morgoth\na\nb\n***\na\nc"

prop_histogram_list :: [Int] -> Bool -- oops, this is a test for Util.
prop_histogram_list l = Map.toList (histogram l) == listhist l
where listhist = sort & group & map (head &&& length)
prop_histogram_empty :: [Int] -> Bool
prop_histogram_empty l = (l == []) == (histogram l == Map.empty)

prop_r_empty :: Bool
prop_r_empty = r [] == 0.0
prop_r_one = r [(1,2)] == 1.0
prop_r_two = r [(1,2), (10,20)] == 11.0

prop_cmp_truncate :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Property
prop_cmp_truncate r1 r2 = (r2 /= [] && r1 /= []) ==>
length (cmp r1 r2) == length (nub r2)
prop_cmp_zeroes_r1 :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Property
prop_cmp_zeroes_r1 r1 r2 = (r2 /= [] && r1 /= []) ==>
countBy (/=0.0) (map fst rcompare)
== Map.size (histogram r1 `Map.intersection` histogram r2)
where rcompare = cmp r1 r2
prop_cmp_iterate :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Property
prop_cmp_iterate r1 r2 = (r1 /= [] && r2 /= []) ==> all (\ ((a,b),(c,d)) -> abs (a - b) < abs (c - d)) $ zip (cmp r1 r2) $ map (\ (f,n) -> (fromIntegral $ Map.findWithDefault 0 f (histogram r1), fromIntegral n)) (Map.toList $ histogram r2)
where rcompare = cmp r1 r2
main = runTests
"The Basics"
TestOptions {no_of_tests = 100
,length_of_tests = 1
, debug_tests = False}
[run prop_histogram_list
, run prop_histogram_empty
, run prop_r_empty
, run prop_r_one
, run prop_r_two
, run prop_cmp_truncate
, run prop_cmp_zeroes_r1
, run prop_cmp_iterate]

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