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Fixed a Swedia.hs bug (I hope) and spell-checked proposal.
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sandersn committed Dec 10, 2009
1 parent abf0fcd commit 3067378
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Showing 2 changed files with 71 additions and 70 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions nord/Swedia.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ readSwedia path filename = withFileLines splitter (path++filename)
splitBy newline &
filter (head & (`isPrefixOf` "*INT:") & not) &
map (intercalate " " & between ':' '%' & splitOn " ")
groupedSites paths sites = collapse (filter visible paths) keymap
groupedSites sites paths = collapse (filter visible paths) keymap
-- (\ f -> fromJust $ find (isPrefixOf f) sites)
where fromJustErr f (Just sitename) = sitename
fromJustErr f Nothing = error ("find inte: " ++ f ++ "(" ++ show paths ++ ")")
keymap f = fromJustErr f $ find (isPrefixOf f) sites
keymap f = fromJustErr f $ find (`isPrefixOf` f) sites
getGroupedSites path sites =
getDirectoryContents path >>= groupedSites sites & return
groupedRegions paths = (groupedSites paths & Map.elems & concat)
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137 changes: 69 additions & 68 deletions proposal.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ \section{Introduction}

Dialectology is the study of linguistic variation. % in space / over
% distance / other variables.
Its goal is to characterise the linguistic features that
Its goal is to characterize the linguistic features that
separate two language varieties. Dialectometry is a subfield of
dialectology that uses mathematically sophisticated methods to extract
and combine linguistic features. In recent years it has
been associated with computational linguistic work, most of which
has focussed on phonology, starting with
has focused on phonology, starting with
\namecite{kessler95}, followed by \namecite{nerbonne97} and
\namecite{nerbonne01}. \namecite{heeringa04} provides a comprehensive
review of phonological distance in dialectometry as well as some new
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ \section{Introduction}
\caption{Abstract Distance Measure Model : $f + d$}

Dialectometry has focussed on phonological distance measures, while
Dialectometry has focused on phonological distance measures, while
syntactic measures have remained undeveloped. The most important
reason for this focus is that it is easier to define a distance
measure on phonology. In phonology, words decompose to segments and,
Expand All @@ -98,13 +98,13 @@ \section{Introduction}
% (TODO:Cite?).
This might be solely to due to the history of dialectology as a field, but it is
likely that more phonological than syntactic differences exist between
dialects, due to historically greater standardisation
dialects, due to historically greater standardization
of syntax via the written form of language. Phonological
dialect features are less likely to be stigmatised and suppressed by a
dialect features are less likely to be stigmatized and suppressed by a
standard dialect than syntactic ones.
% (TODO:Cite, probably
% Trudgill and Chambers something like '98, maybe where they talk about
% what aspects of dialects are noticed and stigmatised).
% what aspects of dialects are noticed and stigmatized).
Whatever the reason, much less dialectology work on syntax is
available for comparison with new dialectometry results.

Expand All @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ \subsection{Problems}
to identify reliable features in small corpora.

There are two approaches that have been proposed to remedy this. The
first, proposed by \namecite{spruit08} for analysing the Syntactic
first, proposed by \namecite{spruit08} for analyzing the Syntactic
Atlas of the Dutch Dialects \cite{barbiers05}, is to continue using
small dialectology corpora and manually extract features so that only
the most salient features are used. Then a sophisticated method of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,15 +159,15 @@ \subsection{Problems}
shown to detect dialect differences. A small body of work suggests
that it does, but as yet there has not been
a satisfying correlation of its results with phonology or, as with
phonological distance, with existing results from the dialectelogy
phonological distance, with existing results from the dialectology
literature on syntax.

Nerbonne \& Wiersma's first paper used $R$ for syntax distance
together with a test for statistical significance\cite{nerbonne06}.
Their experiment compared two generations of
Norwegian L2 speakers of English, with part-of-speech trigrams as input features.
They found that the two generations were significantly
different, although they had to normalise the trigram counts to
different, although they had to normalize the trigram counts to
account for differences in sentence length and complexity. However,
showing that two generations of speakers are significantly different with respect
to $R$ does not necessarily imply that the same will be true for other
Expand All @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ \subsection{Problems}
% full of differing sentences. A secondary problem arises to make sure
% that the 2-d-extracted features aren't skewed one way or another. I
% guess I need to come up with a general justification for the
% normalising and smoothing code from Nerbonne & Wiersma
% normalizing and smoothing code from Nerbonne & Wiersma

% Additional problems: phonology is 1-dimensional, with one obvious way
% to decompose words into segments and segments into features. Syntax is
Expand All @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ \subsection{Problems}
% Overview : Goal, Variables, Method
% Contribution
% Literature Review
% : (includng theoretical background)
% : (including theoretical background)
% Draw hypotheses from earlier studies
% Method
% :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ \subsubsection{Language models}
\subsection{Previous Experiments}

\namecite{nerbonne06} were the first to use the syntactic distance
measure described above. They analysed two corpora, both of Norwegian
measure described above. They analyzed two corpora, both of Norwegian
L2 speakers of English. The first corpus was gathered from speakers
who learned English after childhood and the second was gathered from
speakers who learned English as children. Nerbonne \& Wiersma found a
Expand All @@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ \subsection{Previous Experiments}
not common in English because a noun phrase following a copula
typically begins with a determiner. Other trigrams indicate
hypercorrection on the part of the older speakers; they appear in the
younger corpus but not as often. Nerbonne \& Wiersma analysed this as
younger corpus but not as often. Nerbonne \& Wiersma analyzed this as
interference from Finnish; the younger learners of English learned it
more completely with less interference from Finnish.

Expand All @@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ \subsection{Previous Experiments}
The distances between regions were clustered using hierarchical
agglomerative clustering, as described in section \ref{cluster-analysis}. The resulting tree showed a North/South
distinction with some unexpected differences from previously
hypothesised dialect boundaries; for example, the
hypothesized dialect boundaries; for example, the
Northwest region clustered with the Southwest region. This contrasted
with the clustered phonological distances also produced in
\namecite{sanders08b}. In that experiment,
Expand All @@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ \subsection{Previous Experiments}

% TODO: Rewrite and merge the following question/hypothesis paragraph pairs
% H1 - organisation is all wrong still
% H1 - organization is all wrong still
The state of syntax measures in dialectometry described above leaves
several research questions unresolved. The most important for this
proposal is whether $R$ is a good measure of syntax
Expand All @@ -659,14 +659,14 @@ \section{Hypotheses}
To investigate this, I propose Hypothesis 1: the features found by
dialectologists will agree with the highly ranked features used by $R$
for classification. I will test Hypothesis 1 by comparing $R$'s
results to the syntactic dialectology literature on Swedish. According
to the hypothesis, the broad regions of Sweden accepted by
dialectology will be reproduced by the classifier. For example, my
results to the syntactic dialectology literature on Swedish. In
addition, Hypothesis 1B states that the regions of Sweden accepted by
dialectology will be reproduced by the $R$. For example, my
previous research on British English reproduced the well-known North
England-South England dialect regions. However, this research will eliminate the
corpus variability in that research \cite{sanders08b} that resulted in
the confounding factors mentioned above, meaning that more precise
regions should be detectable as well.
results, such as specific identifying features, should be detectable as well.

%H2 - Dad didn't understand that this is other features to be fed into
%R not replacement of R entire.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ \section{Methods}
phonological clusters with syntactic clusters. See my qualifying paper
\cite{sanders08b} for details.

\subsection{SweDiaSyn} % This is not a good subsection for the new organisation
\subsection{SweDiaSyn} % This is not a good subsection for the new organization
The first hypothesis requires a dialect corpus that can
be syntactically annotated.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -866,7 +866,7 @@ \subsection{Parsing}
machine learning algorithm to guide the parser at choice points
\cite{nivre06b}. Dependency parsing will proceed similarly to
constituency parsing; the dependency structures of Talbanken05 will be
cleaned and normalised, then used to train a parser.
cleaned and normalized, then used to train a parser.

% TODO: Find out how much crossing occurs in Swedish corpora, and how
% much of it is from interruptions and self-corrections.
Expand All @@ -887,20 +887,21 @@ \subsection{Permutation test}
corpus: any real differences will be randomly redistributed by the
mixing process, lowering the mixed $R$. Repeating this comparison
enough times will show if the difference is significant. Twenty times
is the minimum needed to detect significance for $p < 0.5$
significance; however, in the experiments, I will repeat the test 1000
is the minimum needed to detect significance for $p < 0.05$
significance; however, in the experiments, I will repeat the test 100
times, enough to detect significance for $p < 0.01$.

To see how this works, for example, assume that $R$ detects real differences between London
To see how this works, for example, assume that $R$ detects real
differences between the two British regions London
and Scotland such that $R(\textrm{London},\textrm{Scotland}) =
100$. The permutation test then mixes London and Scotland to
create LSMixed and splits it into two pieces. Since the real
differences are now mixed between the two shuffled corpora, we
would expect $R(\textrm{LSMixed}_1, \textrm{LSMixed}_2) < 100$,
perhaps around 90 or 95. This should be true at least 95\% of the time if the
differences are significant.
would expect $R(\textrm{LSMixed}_1, \textrm{LSMixed}_2) < 100$.
This should be true at least 95\% of the time for the distance $100$
to be significant.

%% I don't think normalisation is important enough to mention if I
%% I don't think normalization is important enough to mention if I
%% have to add all the sections from the H2/H3.
% \subsection{Normalization}
% Afterward, the distance must be normalized to account for two things:
Expand All @@ -916,12 +917,12 @@ \subsection{Permutation test}
% occurs based on the token counts of the two corpora combined.

% this next subsection might need to be changed or deleted
\subsection{Cluster Analysis}
\subsection{Cluster Analysis and Correlation}
The first hypothesis requires a clustering method to allow the inter-region
distances to be compared. The dendrogram that binary hierarchical
clustering produces a dendrogram that allows easy visual comparison of
the most similar regions.
The first hypothesis requires a clustering method to allow
inter-region distances to be compared more easily. The dendrogram that
binary hierarchical clustering produces allows easy visual comparison
of the most similar regions.

Correlation is also useful to find out how similar the two method's
predictions are. Because of the connected nature of the inter-region
Expand All @@ -935,22 +936,23 @@ \subsection{Cluster Analysis}

\subsection{Feature Ranking}
% TODO: THIS is hypothesis 1B and I left it out!
Feature ranking is needed for the first hypothesis so that the results
of $R$ can be compared qualitatively to the Swedish dialectology
literature; $R$'s most important features should be similar to those
discussed most by dialectologists when comparing regions.
Feature ranking for $R$ is quite simple for one-to-one region
comparisons; each feature's normalised weight is equal to its
importance in determining the distance between the two regions.
The most important features of a between two sets of regions can be obtained by
averaging the importance of each feature between all (first-set,
second-set) region pairs. This second, more
discussed most by dialectologists when comparing regions. Feature
ranking for $R$ is quite simple for one-to-one region comparisons;
each feature's normalized weight is equal to its importance in
determining the distance between the two regions. The most important
features between two sets of regions can be obtained by averaging the
importance of each feature between all (first-set, second-set) region
pairs. This more
% (There is a nice equation lurking in here
% somewhere that I may want to avoid nonetheless.)
complicated, feature extraction is needed to relate the results from
my distance measures with the features that dialectologists discuss
relative to large areas of Sweden, ones larger than individual
provinces or counties.
complicated technique is needed to relate the results from
the computational distance measures with the features that
dialectologists discuss relative to areas of Sweden larger than
individual provinces or counties.

%Note: All this is speculative. I have no code for this and I'm pretty
%sure the all-pairs average solution is not quite right
Expand All @@ -964,8 +966,8 @@ \subsection{Combining Feature Sets}
of combining feature types linearly should suffice. For example, within a single
type of feature, such as POS tag or leaf-ancestor path,
there is already redundant information about lexical items and tree
structure, so combining the two does not mean that the two need to be
balanced in terms of sharing probability space.
structure, so combining the two does not mean that additional
redundancy needs to be taken into account.
% TODO: Last sentence still sucks
% TODO: Notes from last presentation:
% TnT has a 'mark unknown words' option.
Expand All @@ -988,49 +990,48 @@ \subsection{Feature Backoff}
come from the Talbanken.

For backoff between types of features, I will use ranked combinations
of feature sets, based to Martin Volk's system \cite{volk02} for verb
attachment. Volk used an a priori reliability measure for ranking
of feature sets, based to Martin Volk's system for verb attachment
\cite{volk02}. Volk used an a priori reliability measure for ranking
quality of combined feature types; I will use number of significant
region differences for ranking: the most reliable feature type will be
region differences for ranking: the top-ranked feature type will be
the one that produces the highest number of significant distances
between regions. Combinations of feature types will be ranked by
averaging the number of significant distances that the constituent
feature types obtain. If the distance measure, using highest ranked set of
features, can't find a significant difference, the classifier will
fall back to the next highest-ranked set of features.
% Last sentence is muddly like PS2-rendered swamp water.
feature types produce. Then if the distance measure can't find a
significant difference using highest ranked set of features, the
classifier will fall back to the next highest-ranked set of features.

\subsection{Alternate Feature Sets}
For hypothesis 2, I will need a way to generate new types of
features. One obvious way to do this is to include more contextual
features. One obvious way to do this is to modify existing feature
types to include more contextual
information. For example, supertags \cite{joshi94} are similar to
leaf-ancestor paths, but include more tree context around the
head. A similar extension of context is possible for
leaf-ancestor paths; dependency paths already include left and right
context as they trace the heads to the root, but each head could be
enriched with bigram or trigram information, which would add
information for dependency paths involved in nonlocal dependencies.
head. Similarly, dependency paths could be expanded
so that each node on the path includes lexical context, such as
bigrams or trigrams.

\subsection{Alternate Distance Measures}
In the case that $R$ does not reach statistical significance, I will
need to experiment with similar but more complicated distance measures
to find a more sensitive one. The first choice at this point is
to find a more sensitive one. The obvious choice at this point is
Kullbeck-Leibler divergence, or relative entropy, which is described
in \namecite{manningschutze}. Besides this, several variants of
in \namecite{manningschutze}. Relative entropy is quite similar to $R$
but more widely used in computational linguistics. Besides this, several variants of
relative entropy exist, such as Jenson-Shannon divergence \cite{lin91}, that lift
various restrictions from the input distributions.

Another possibility is a return to Goebl's Weighted Identity Value;
this classifier is similar in some ways to $R$, but has not been
tested with large corpora, to my knowledge at least. (THis is not
particularly useful and I don't belive that WIV would actually be
good, so I should probably just drop this.)
% Another possibility is a return to Goebl's Weighted Identity Value;
% this classifier is similar in some ways to $R$, but has not been
% tested with large corpora, to my knowledge at least. (This is not
% particularly useful and I don't believe that WIV would actually be
% good, so I should probably just drop this.)

More exotic classifiers are of course possible, although I
have not investigated them yet. Examples are k-nearest
neighbour classification or neural nets.
neighbor classification or neural nets.
% (maybe it was relative entropy or just normal-kind entropy).
% TODO: WIV, also Kullbeck-Leibler Divergence could work.
% Maybe also k-NN/MBL, HMM binary classifier (?), maybe even a
Expand Down

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