Jonas Purtschert [[email protected]]
- Oliver Bründler [[email protected]]
- Jonas Purtschert [[email protected]]
- Reto Meier [[email protected]]
This library is published under PSI HDL Library License, which is LGPL plus some additional exceptions to clarify the LGPL terms in the context of firmware development.
See Command Reference See Tips
See Changelog
Stable releases are tagged in the form major.minor.bugfix.
- Whenever a change is not fully backward compatible, the major version number is incremented
- Whenever new features are added, the minor version number is incremented
- If only bugs are fixed (i.e. no functional changes are applied), the bugfix version is incremented
Currently none
This TCL framework allows to easily package Vivado IP-Cores from tcl scripts. This has many advantages in terms of less interactive (and error-prone) packaging, reproducibility and maintainabilit (scripts can easily be version controlled).
The framework is written with portability to newer vivado versions in mind. By default, the latest version of Vivado should be used but it is possible to run the framework for any specific older version of Vivado at any time.
In the example below, a variable vivadoVersion is defined to allow easily changing the Vivado version targeted.
# Include PSI packaging commands
source ../../../../Libraries/TCL/PsiIpPackage/PsiIpPackage.tcl
namespace import psi::ip_package::2017_2_1::*
# General Information
set IP_NAME data_rec
set IP_VERSION 1.0
set IP_REVISION "auto"
set IP_DESCIRPTION "Multi channel data recorder (supports pre-trigger and self-triggering)"
set_description $IP_DESCIRPTION
set_logo_relative "../doc/psi_logo_150.gif"
set_datasheet_relative "../doc/$IP_NAME.pdf"
set_taxonomy {"/UserIP" "/DSP/Recorder"}
# Add Source Files
#Relative Source Files
add_sources_relative { \
../hdl/data_rec_register_pkg.vhd \
../hdl/data_rec.vhd \
../hdl/data_rec_vivado_wrp.vhd \
#Relative Library Files
add_lib_relative \
"../../../../Libraries" \
{ \
VHDL/psi_common/hdl/psi_common_math_pkg.vhd \
VHDL/psi_common/hdl/psi_common_array_pkg.vhd \
VHDL/psi_common/hdl/psi_common_pulse_cc.vhd \
VHDL/psi_common/hdl/psi_common_status_cc.vhd \
VHDL/psi_common/hdl/psi_common_simple_cc.vhd \
VHDL/psi_common/hdl/psi_common_tdp_ram_rbw.vhd \
VivadoIp/axi_slave_ipif_package/hdl/axi_slave_ipif_package.vhd \
# GUI Parameters
#User Parameters
gui_add_page "Configuration"
gui_create_parameter "NumOfInputs_g" "Data Channels"
gui_parameter_set_range 1 8
gui_create_parameter "InputWidth_g" "Data Channel Width"
gui_parameter_set_range 1 32
gui_create_parameter "MemoryDepth_g" "Recording Buffer size"
#Remove reset interface (Vivado messes up polarity...)
remove_autodetected_interface Rst
# Optional Ports
for {set i 0} {$i < 8} {incr i} {
add_port_enablement_condition "In_Data$i" "\$NumOfInputs_g > $i"
# Package Core
set TargetDir ".."
# Edit Synth
package_ip $TargetDir false true