All commands are in the namespace psi::ip_package::[VivadoVersion]::, so either a fully qualified name (psi::ip_package::2017_2_1) must be used to access them or the namespace psi::ip_package:::: must be imported (see example in README).
To use the implementation for the latest Vivado version, "latest" can be passed as Vivado version.
Befoe using the commands, type the following line in Vivado to import the commands into the global workspace:
namespace import psi::ip_package::latest::*
- General Commands
- init
- Configuration Commands
- set_description
- set_vendor
- set_vendor_short
- set_vendor_url
- set_logo_relative
- set_datasheet_relative
- set_taxonomy
- set_top_entity
- add_sources_relative
- add_lib_relative
- add_lib_copied
- add_sub_core_reference
- add_ttcl_vhd
- gui_add_page
- gui_add_group
- gui_exit_group
- add_gui_support_tcl
- gui_create_parameter
- gui_create_user_parameter
- gui_parameter_set_widget_dropdown_list
- gui_parameter_set_widget_dropdown_pairs
- gui_parameter_set_widget_checkbox
- gui_parameter_set_range
- gui_parameter_set_expression
- gui_parameter_set_enablement
- gui_parameter_text_below
- gui_add_parameter
- import_interface_definition
- add_bus_interface
- add_port_enablement_condition
- add_interface_enablement_condition
- remove_autodetected_interface
- remove_file_from_ip
- add_clock_in_interface
- set_interface_clock
- add_drivers_relative
- set_interface_mode
- Run Commands
- package_ip
init <name> <version> <revision> <library>
This command initializes the PSI IP packaging module. It must be called as first command from this library in every packaging script.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
name | No | Name of the IP Core. The name cannot special characters. |
version | No | Version of the IP-Core in the form "1.2" |
revision | No | Revision of the IP-core. Alternative to passing a number, the string "auto" can be passed. In this case the UNIX timestamp of the build time is taken as revision which results in an automatically updated and unique revision number. As a result, Vivado detects a new revision every time time IP core is packaged. |
set_description <desc>
Set the description of the IP-Core that is shown in Vivado.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
desc | No | Description of the IP-Core |
set_vendor <vendor>
Set the vendor of the IP-Core that is shown in Vivado.
This command is optional. If it is not used, the vendor name is set to "Paul Scherrer Institute". This is chosen this way to make the code fully reverse compatible.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
vendor | No | Vendor of the IP-Core |
set_vendor_short <vendor>
Set the vendor abbreviation of the IP-Core that is shown in Vivado. Note that hte vendor abbreviation is not allowed to contain any whitespaces.
This command is optional. If it is not used, the vendor abbreviation is set to "". This is chosen this way to make the code fully reverse compatible.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
vendor | No | Vendor abbreviation (no whitespaces allowed) |
set_vendor_url <url>
Set the vendor URL of the IP-Core that is shown in Vivado.
This command is optional. If it is not used, the vendor url is set to "". This is chosen this way to make the code fully reverse compatible.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
url | No | Vendor URL of the IP-Core |
set_logo_relative <logo>
Add a logo to the IP-Core. The logo is not copied into the IP-Core but referenced relatively.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
logo | No | Path to the logo. |
set_datasheet_relative <datasheet>
Add a Datasheet to the IP-Core. The datasheet is not copied into the IP-Core but referenced relatively.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
datasheet | No | Path to the datasheet. |
set_taxonomy <groups>
set_taxonomy {/AXI_Infrastructure /Communication_&_Networking/Ethernet /my_new_group}
A custom taxonomy (display grouping in the IP Catalog) can be added by this command. Each IP can be represented in one or multiple groups. The command expects a list of groups as parameter. Groups can be split into sub-groups by using a "file" like structure /main_group/sub_group. Unknown groups are automatically created by Vivado.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
taxonomy | No | List of taxonomy groups. |
set_top_entity <entity_name>
Usually Vivado automatically detects the top entity name. If this works, the command set_top_entity can be omitted. Otherwise it can be used to specify the top level entity.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
entity_name | No | Name of the top level entity |
add_sources_relative <srcs> <lib> <type>
Add one or more source files to the IP-Core. Note that the source files are not copied into the IP-Core but referenced relatively because usually IP-Cores are delivered as GIT repository and already contain the sources.
By default all files are compiled into a library named accoding to the IP-Core name and version but the user can optionally choose a different library using the lib parameter.
By default the file type is determined by Vivado automatically but the auto detected type can be overwritten manually. For VHDL, VHDL 2008 is used by default.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
srcs | No | Path to one or more source files. If multiple source files should be added, a list of paths must be passed. |
lib | Yes | VHDL library to compile the files into, default*_* if ths parameter is omitted or "NONE" is passed. |
type | Yes | Vivado file type. By default, the file type is detected automatically. Automatic detection can also be achieved by passing "NONE". |
add_lib_relative <libPath> <files> <lib> <type>
Add one or more library files to the IP-Core. This command does not copy the library files into the IP-Core but just links them using relative paths. As a result, in every project its own version of the library could be used. To copy the library files into the IP-Core, use add_lib_copied .
By default all files are compiled into a library named accoding to the IP-Core name and version but the user can optionally choose a different library using the lib parameter.
By default the file type is determined by Vivado automatically but the auto detected type can be overwritten manually. For VHDL, VHDL 2008 is used by default.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
libPath | No | Path of the library (directory containing the files) |
files | No | List of files to add to the IP-Core |
lib | Yes | VHDL library to compile the files into, default*_* if ths parameter is omitted or "NONE" is passed. |
type | Yes | Vivado file type. By default, the file type is detected automatically. Automatic detection can also be achieved by passing "NONE". |
add_lib_copied <tgtPath> <libPath> <files> <lib> <type>
Add one or more library files to the IP-Core. The library files are copied into the IP-Core automatically. As a result, the same library files are used independently of the environment of the IP-Core. The drawback of this approach is that the library files are delivered as part of the IP-Core and it is not possible to easily find out which version (commit) of the library they represent.
By default all files are compiled into a library named accoding to the IP-Core name and version but the user can optionally choose a different library using the lib parameter.
By default the file type is determined by Vivado automatically but the auto detected type can be overwritten manually. For VHDL, VHDL 2008 is used by default.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
tgtPath | No | Relative path to the directory the files shall be copied to |
libPath | No | Path of the library (directory containing the files) |
files | No | List of files to add to the IP-Core |
lib | Yes | VHDL library to compile the files into, default*_* if ths parameter is omitted or "NONE" is passed. |
type | Yes | Vivado file type. By default, the file type is detected automatically. Automatic detection can also be achieved by passing "NONE". |
add_sub_core_reference {<Subcore VLNV>}
add_sub_core_reference { \
Add one or more sub core references to the IP-Core. Use the VLNV nameing to identify the cores. Note: Not all IP from the repositories can be selected. Check with the IP-Packager which IP are supported.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
cores | No | List of VLNV to add to the IP-Core |
add_ttcl_vhd <files> <lib>
Add one or more TTCL (template-TCL) files. The files must reside in a subfolder named ttcl of the IP-Core main directory.
TTCL can be used to generate VHDL source files when the IP-Core is generated. This is very useful for advanced parameter passing that exceeds the functionality supported by Vivado GUIs natively.
Note that for test synthesis during packaging, a prototype of the generatedfile must be added (otherwise it is missing and synthesis fails) but this file shall be used for test synthesis only and not be packaged (otherwise it conflicts with the generated file). See remove_file_from_ip for details about how to remove the file from packaing.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
files | No | Files to add (must be residing in the *ttcl* subfolder of the IP) |
lib | Yes | VHDL library to compile the files into, default*_* if ths parameter is omitted or "NONE" is passed. |
add_gui_support_tcl <script>
Description Somtimes it is useful being able to use custom TCL procedures in parameter calculations within the IP customization GUI. To do so, you can add a script containing these procedures using this command.
Be aware that some quirks of the Vivado GUI lead to the situation that the custom TCL procedures work with the packaged IP but they report errors in the preview within the IP packager.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
script | No | Path of the script to source (relative to the IP-main directory) |
gui_parameter_set_expression <expression>
Description Instead of letting the user set a parameter, this command forces the parameter to be calculated basedon an expression. It is alos possible to reference otehr parameters (e.g. using the expression {$Channels_g > 3}).
Note that the expression must be passed in curly braces.
If you want to use more complex expressions, have a look at the command add_gui_support_tcl
Parameter | Optional | Description |
expression | No | Expression to calculate the paramter |
gui_add_page <name>
Add a page to the IP-Configuration GUI that can be displayed in Vivado.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
name | No | Name resp. title of the GUI page to add |
gui_add_group <name>
Add a group with a title to a page.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
name | No | Name resp. title of the parameter group to add |
gui_add_group <name>
#... Add parameters that belong to the group
#... Add parameters after the group
Leave a group previously created by gui_add_group.
gui_create_parameter <vhdlName> <displayName>
Make a HDL parameter (generic) visible in the IP-Configuration GUI. After all settings are made to the parameter (e.g. choose what widget to use for it, set its valid range), it must be added to the GUI using gui_add_parameter .
By default parameters are shown as textboxes.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
vhdlName | No | Name of the HDL parameter that should be visible in the GUI. |
displayName | No | Name to display in the GUI. |
gui_create_user_parameter <paramName> <type> <initialValue> <displayName>
Create a GUI parameter that is not related to a HDL parameter. Such GUI parameters can for example be used to show/hide ports depending on the settings of a parameter. After all settings are made to the parameter (e.g. choose what widget to use for it, set its valid range), it must be added to the GUI using gui_add_parameter .
By default parameters are shown as textboxes.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
paramName | No | Name of the parameter. This name is also displayed in the GUI. |
type | No | Type of the parameter (e.g. "bool"). |
type | No | Type of the parameter. Possible values are: long, float, bool, bitString, String. |
displayName | Yes | Text to display for the parameter in the GUI |
gui_parameter_set_widget_dropdown_list <values>
This command must be called between gui_create_parameter/gui_create_user_parameter and gui_add_parameter for a given parameter. It configures the parameter to be shown in the GUI as dropdown menu.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
values | No | List of possible values to show in the dropdown menu. |
gui_parameter_set_widget_dropdown_pairs <pairs>
This command must be called between gui_create_parameter/gui_create_user_parameter and gui_add_parameter for a given parameter. It configures the parameter to be shown in the GUI as dropdown menu.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
pairs | No | Possible key-value-pairs for the parameter(e.g. {"key1" 1 "key2" 2 ...}). |
This command must be called between gui_create_parameter/gui_create_user_parameter and gui_add_parameter for a given parameter. It configures the parameter to be shown in the GUI as checkbox.
Checkboxes are only available for "bool" parameters.
gui_parameter_set_range <min> <max>
This command must be called between gui_create_parameter/gui_create_user_parameter and gui_add_parameter for a given parameter. It configures the valid range for a numeric parameter.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
min | No | Lower bound of the valid range |
max | No | Upper bound of the valid range |
gui_parameter_set_enablement <expr> <defauult>
This command allows setting the enablement behavior of a parameter. Disabled parameters are greyed out and not editable.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
expr | No | Expression in curly braces (e.g. *{Channels_g>3}*) The expression is substituted by `expr` and could need additional braces. |
default | No | Default state of parameter enablement (true or false) |
gui_parameter_set_enablement {{ $BUFFER_TYPE == "BUFR" }} true
gui_parameter_text_below <text>
Add an explanatory text below a parameter.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
text | No | Text to place below the parameter |
Add the current paramter (the last one created) to the current page of the GUI (last page created).
import_interface_definition <srcPath> <defNames>
Copy one or more user-created interface definition(s) to the current target directory. They can be used together with add_bus_interface.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
srcPath | No | Path to existing interface definitions |
defNames | No | Name of Interface Definition File (can be a list) (e.g. defNames = "Test" imports Test.xml and Test_rtl.xml) |
add_bus_interface <definition> <name> <mode> <description> <port_maps>
Map ports to an existing bus interface (user-created interfaces must be imported with import_interface_definition).
Parameter | Optional | Description |
definition | No | Complete VLNV identifier of a existing interface definition (e.g. "") or just the name (e.g. "uart"). If multiple interface definitions with the same name are found, the user gets an error message with a list of all interfaces that were found. |
name | No | Name of the bus interface (e.g. "UART") |
mode | No | Direction mode of the interface (master, slave, monitor, mirroredMaster, ...) |
description | No | Description to the bus interface |
port_maps | No | A list with port pairs to map abstraction ports to physical IP ports. (e.g. {{"Uart_Rx" "RxD"} {"Uart_Tx" "TxD"} {...}} |
add_port_enablement_condition <port> <condition>
The port specified is only visible in the GUI if the given condition is valid.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
port | No | Port that depends on enablement condition. Note that wildcards are allowed (e.g. "Adc_*") |
condition | No | Condition that must be true to enable the port. Parameters to be evaluate must be passed as TCL variables. An example for the enablement condition is "\$C_ADC_CHANNELS > 3". The Backslash before the dolar sign is required to prevent TCL from evaluating the parameter-variable in your script. |
add_interface_enablement_condition <interface> <condition>
The interface specified is only visible in the GUI if the given condition is valid.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
interfae | No | Interface that depends on enablement condition. Note that wildcards are allowed (e.g. "Adc_*") |
condition | No | Condition that must be true to enable the interface. Parameters to be evaluate must be passed as TCL variables. An example for the enablement condition is "\$C_ADC_CHANNELS > 3". The Backslash before the dolar sign is required to prevent TCL from evaluating the parameter-variable in your script. |
remove_autodetected_interface <name>
Vivado always tries to parse the interfaces automatically from the HDL code. However, sometimes it does this wrongly (e.g. reset polarity is wrong). If Vivado messes up an interface, the automatically parsed interface can be removed by using this command.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
name | No | Name of the interface to remove |
remove_file_from_ip <path>
Remove a file from the packaged IP (just before packaging). The path must be given relatively to the IP main folder.
This can be used to add files for the test synthesis but not package them into the IP. This is useful when files are generated during IP-generation (See add_ttcl_vhd )
Parameter | Optional | Description |
path | No | Path of the file to remove, relative to the IP main directory (e.g. "hdl/some_file.vhd") |
add_clock_in_interface <portname>
Vivado does only recognize clock inputs is they have a _clk suffix. If a clock port is named differently, it is not recognized as clock and hence it can also not be used as clock for an interface (see set_interface_clock). In this case, the add_clock_in_interface can be used to let Vivado know that a port is a clock input independently of its name.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
portname | No | Name of the clock input purt |
set_interface_clock "S00_AXIS" "AXI_ACLK"
Set the clock related to an interface. Vivado usually detects interfaces correctly but often messes up the clock associations. Having no clock associated can lead to errors during the generation of a block design. Therefore it is recommended to do do the clock-interface associations manually using set_interface_clock.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
interface | No | Name of the interface to set the associated clock for |
clock | No | Name of the clock interface to associate to the interface |
add_drivers_relative <dir> <files>
This command adds one or more driver files (.c/.h) to the IP-Core. The files paths are given relatively to the driver main directory dir.
The files .mdd, .tcl and Makefile are generated automatically inside the driver directory but they must be checked into GIT anyway. These files are required by Vivado/SDK when using the IP-Core but they can be generated when creating the IP. The reason for generating them is that they could potentially change in future. In this case they can easily be re-generated for future vivado versions.
The driver sources must be located in the folder DRIVER_MAIN/src due to Limitations of Vivado. A folder DRIVER_MAIN/data must also exist, also because Vivado expects this folder.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
dir | No | Driver main directory (must be named according to IP-Core) |
files | No | List of driver source files (relative to *dir*) |
add_xparameters_entry <parameter>
This command adds an entry to the xparameters.h file representing the value of an IP parameter. This often is useful to transfer information from the BD into Vitis/Sdk.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
parameter | No | Name of the parameter to add (vhdlName of gui_create_parameter or paramName of gui_create_user_parameter) |
set_interface_mode <interface> <mode>
Set the mode of an interface. Usually the mode is automatically detected by Vivado but in some cases (e.g. monitor interfaces) this does not always work reliably.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
interface | No | Name of the interface to set the mode for |
mode | No | Interface mode to use (*master*, *slave* or *monitor*) |
package_ip <tgtDir> <edit> <synth> <part>
This command packages the IP-core described with the other commands. It is therefore always called at the end of a packaging script. Additionally a test-synthesis can be ran to check if all files required are added to the IP-core.
Parameter | Optional | Description |
tgtDir | No | Directory to store the IP-Core defintion in |
edit | Yes | If this parameter is set to "true", the IP-packager is left open. This allows manually checking all entries for debugging reasons. |
synth | Yes | If this parameter is set to "true", the IP-Core is synthesized after packaging to check if all files required are present. |
part | Yes | Xilinx part number to use for the test-synthesis. By default Vivado chooses an available part. |