Tags: oculus-samples/Unity-Movement
chore(release): 6.0.0 [skip ci] # [6.0.0](v5.2.1...v6.0.0) (2024-09-04) ### Bug Fixes * **Runtime:** Fix RecalculateNormals awake assert ([dcf9da0](dcf9da0)) * **Runtime:** Undo ARKit retargeting value check ([7d4a5ac](7d4a5ac)) ### Features * **Runtime:** Add custom bind pose option for retargeting ([70932d2](70932d2)) * **Samples:** Added Debug Lines to Mirrored Full Body ([2df44ee](2df44ee)) * **Samples:** Added Debug Lines to Mirrored Upper Body ([493430c](493430c)) ### BREAKING CHANGES * **Runtime:** Overriding InitializeBindPose in OVRSkeleton requires v67 of the Core SDK. Add the option to use custom bind pose data for retargeting. This can be used to correct artifacts in the retargeting and deformation by updating the rest pose used for retargeting, which will affect the offset calculation in retargeting. Reviewed By: sohailshafiiWk Differential Revision: D61024840 fbshipit-source-id: 1ca39376bfcfc98f5a5d57b7525058918c39e76f
chore(release): 5.2.0 [skip ci] # [5.2.0](v5.1.0...v5.2.0) (2024-07-31) ### Bug Fixes * **Editor:** Allow saving and loading deformation configuration via JSON ([46bf685](46bf685)) * **Runtime:** Correct bones job regenerates metadata with mask changes, fix hand wave ([539cb0b](539cb0b)) * **Runtime:** Don't run correct bones job if weight is zero ([b452051](b452051)) * **Runtime:** Fix CCDIK edge cases when the skeleton is scaled ([ab0a8af](ab0a8af)) * **Runtime:** Fix character's rest pose before humanoid asset is used ([32895a6](32895a6)) * **Runtime:** Fix correct hand assigning the wrong bone for the secondary IK target ([1ab07df](1ab07df)) * **Runtime:** Fix external bone targets job when containing invalid bones ([f56c881](f56c881)) * **Runtime:** Fix incorrect bone mappings being set when spawning an inactive character ([4acc069](4acc069)) * **Runtime:** Fix locomotion animation playback direction for embodied character ([5fa894c](5fa894c)) * **Runtime:** Fix OnDestroy job activity for ExternalBoneTargets ([24cc82f](24cc82f)) * **Runtime:** Force character into t-pose when adding retargeting components to it ([418c235](418c235)) * **Runtime:** Handle CCDIK cases where the bones aren't directly hierarchical ([0cdafa8](0cdafa8)) * **Runtime:** Optimize CCDIK performance by using poses ([f0e2e54](f0e2e54)) * **Runtime:** Remove retargeting layer in AddMainRetargetingComponent ([801e8e7](801e8e7)) * **Runtime:** Skip DrivenTransform in proxy transform update if the DrivenTransform is null ([be1bb3f](be1bb3f)) * **Samples:** Retargeted uses correct bones with finger accuracy, jobs enabled ([c29802c](c29802c)) * **Samples:** Update ISDK sample to be more accurate ([b4f897a](b4f897a)) ### Features * **Editor:** Add functionality to update the current skeleton to the animator's avatar humanDescription ([02cdf82](02cdf82)) * **Editor:** Add JSON read/write for RetargetingLayer and RetargetingProcessor ([0350d55](0350d55)) * **Editor:** Update one-click retargeting to take into account hand proportions for setting the finger position correction weight ([ae76d7b](ae76d7b)) * **Editor:** Update the one-click retargeting constraint setup ([4189415](4189415)) * **Runtime:** Add arm length multiplier to full body deformation constraint ([86c7028](86c7028)) * **Runtime:** Add OVRControllersHands positions sync option for RetargetingProcessorCorrectHand ([922e374](922e374)) * **Runtime:** Add public config functions LateMirroredObject ([c6ba3c5](c6ba3c5)) * **Runtime:** Add public JSON loading API to retargeter classes ([cd16f3a](cd16f3a)) * **Runtime:** Add UpdateToAnimatorPose to AnimationUtilities ([ca3dad3](ca3dad3)) * **Runtime:** Add use secondary bone id option for the correct hand IK processor ([a154d6d](a154d6d)) * **Runtime:** Allow jobs for retargeting processors ([43a7be2](43a7be2)) * **runtime:** Allow specifying arm chain bones for arm IK ([9108de5](9108de5)) * **Runtime:** ARKitFace forces usage of proper mapping value ([fa2ed7f](fa2ed7f)) * **Runtime:** Chain proxy target jobs ([30c7c45](30c7c45)) * **Runtime:** Change HelperMenusBody access to public ([9feca2c](9feca2c)) * **Runtime:** Combine blend and correct hand processors ([d4dadf1](d4dadf1)) * **Runtime:** Control positions and rotations on PlaybackAnimationConstraint ([e42342a](e42342a)) * **Runtime:** Custom playback of PlaybackAnimationJob ([31b7fd2](31b7fd2)) * **Runtime:** Disable updating RT constraint adjustments from editor ([7a7dd55](7a7dd55)) * **Runtime:** Improve shoulder roll to be more accurate in its function ([b37a37f](b37a37f)) * **Runtime:** Move JSON functions to deformation constraint class ([b9d5240](b9d5240)) * **Runtime:** Optimize FABRIK ([ce3153f](ce3153f)) * **Runtime:** PlaybackAnimationConstraint can mask by individual bone ([26fdec7](26fdec7)) * **Runtime:** RetargetingLayer supports jobs-base processors ([d0776fc](d0776fc)) * **Runtime:** Update RetargetingProcessorCorrectHand sync with OVRControllersHands to also optionally sync rotations ([a1c9b30](a1c9b30)) * **Runtime:** Use a job to update proxies ([e672abb](e672abb)) * **Runtime:** Use jobs for external bone targets ([d39e9de](d39e9de))
chore(release): 5.1.0 [skip ci] # [5.1.0](v5.0.1...v5.1.0) (2024-05-17) ### Bug Fixes * **Runtime:** Allocate bone mappings in RetargetingLayer to prevent null ref when adding at runtime ([7211879](7211879)) * **Runtime:** Allow fixing spine rotations in deformation's ApplyOriginalSpineOffsets ([0963b46](0963b46)) * **Runtime:** Check for null retargeting processor gizmos ([d1d1f88](d1d1f88)) * **Runtime:** Enforce proper rest pose when using animation rigging retargeting ([92eadc3](92eadc3)) * **Runtime:** Properly align feet in hip pinning sample ([21bdcbc](21bdcbc)) * **Runtime:** Update the ISDK sample mug material to be compatible with URP ([ec01def](ec01def)) * **Samples:** Fix finger and shoulder accuracy with ISDK scene ([cb791d6](cb791d6)) * **Samples:** Fix initial rotation issue with hip pinning ([cf6bc80](cf6bc80)) * **Samples:** Update Aura with constraints ([521f246](521f246)) ### Features * **Editor:** Recommend four bones for skinning in project setup tool ([db7a615](db7a615)) * **Editor:** Support auto mapping TongueOut for ARKitFace ([bcb30a6](bcb30a6))
chore(release): 5.0.1 [skip ci] ## [5.0.1](v5.0.0...v5.0.1) (2024-04-22) ### Bug Fixes * **Editor:** Update retargeting one-click for multiple upper body objects ([f2c1dc2](f2c1dc2)) * **Samples:** Disable normals on animation clips that copy from other avatar ([b2d497e](b2d497e))
chore(release): 5.0.0 [skip ci] # [5.0.0](v4.4.0...v5.0.0) (2024-04-19) ### Bug Fixes * **Editor:** refresh bones on object change ([5b9493b](5b9493b)) * **Editor:** refresh bones on scene change ([c9d0398](c9d0398)) * **Editor:** Update spine adjustments calculation to affect only one axis ([8bc9397](8bc9397)) * **Runtime:** Add explicit dependency to burst in the Movement package ([34025a0](34025a0)) * **Runtime:** Fix deformation's toes interpolation ([5c0e126](5c0e126)) * **Runtime:** Fix edge case with AnimatorBoneVisualizer's TryGetBoneTransforms ([336ea4f](336ea4f)) * **Runtime:** Fix warnings for unused retargeted bone mappings ([c1ba908](c1ba908)) * **Runtime:** Optimize performance of retargeting ([7beeb41](7beeb41)) * **Runtime:** RetargetingProcessorCorrectBones interpolates using adjustments, fix finger position weight usage ([f51ea12](f51ea12)), closes [#1](#1) [#2](#2) * **Runtime:** Use correct world-to-local transformation for start to end vector ([f41a622](f41a622)) * **Samples:** added chest to all bones listing ([e957e08](e957e08)) * **Samples:** added controllers forfitness to control UI ([adf1582](adf1582)) * **Samples:** Fix icon positioning of menu outline ([c121fb9](c121fb9)) * **Samples:** hide skeleton lines when object disables ([1d82ea1](1d82ea1)) * **Samples:** renamed movement events ([a273892](a273892)) ### Documentation * **Samples:** Update README to new SDK version ([ae7bc2e](ae7bc2e)) ### Features * **Editor:** Update one-click retargeting with new parameters ([a827e6f](a827e6f)) * **Runtime:** Add support for automated custom bone mappings in retargeting ([df044c1](df044c1)) * **Runtime:** Add the shoulder roll property for deformation ([1e4dfa0](1e4dfa0)) * **runtime:** BodyTrackingForFitness sample ([0bfa946](0bfa946)) * **Runtime:** Deformation allows straightening spine ([5901e5a](5901e5a)) * **Runtime:** Finger position correction weight ([d49cb39](d49cb39)) * **Runtime:** Optimize more, and clean up ([7d530fa](7d530fa)) * **Runtime:** Original spine offsets should be proportional ([90b248a](90b248a)) * **Runtime:** Update retargeting blend hand processor for tracked head options ([24778ba](24778ba)) * **Samples:** Show hands or controllers with disembodied character ([1ae5cdc](1ae5cdc)) ### BREAKING CHANGES * **Runtime:** Updated bone mappings requires V63 SDK. V63 SDK introduces the OVRHumanBodyBonesMappingsInterface, which can be used to create custom bone pair mappings for retargeting. This feature adds support for that capability, adding the ability to set the bone mappings based on which optional bones are present on the Unity humanoid. The automatic mapping maps the HumanBodyBones.Chest bone to the OVRSkeleton.SpineMiddle bone, for a better result with the spine retargeting on most characters. However, if there is a missing UpperChest bone, the OVRSkeleton.SpineUpper bone will be mapped instead. These mappings can be modified in the inspector under Retargeted Bone Mappings. Reviewed By: sohailshafiiWk Differential Revision: D55996107 fbshipit-source-id: af32288b922282f595bd653852f051b6171738a1 * **Samples:** using v62 instead of v60 Updated references to the correct SDK version. Updated instructions for adding a Camera Rig. Added troubleshooting note about attempting to run scenes form the Packages folder (they may need to be copied to /Assets). Reviewed By: sohailshafiiWk Differential Revision: D55378812 fbshipit-source-id: b1cdf4c2a039f278e976c3f7f80ab21bb0d03542