5.2.0 (2024-07-31)
Bug Fixes
Editor: Allow saving and loading deformation configuration via JSON (46bf685 )
Runtime: Correct bones job regenerates metadata with mask changes, fix hand wave (539cb0b )
Runtime: Don't run correct bones job if weight is zero (b452051 )
Runtime: Fix CCDIK edge cases when the skeleton is scaled (ab0a8af )
Runtime: Fix character's rest pose before humanoid asset is used (32895a6 )
Runtime: Fix correct hand assigning the wrong bone for the secondary IK target (1ab07df )
Runtime: Fix external bone targets job when containing invalid bones (f56c881 )
Runtime: Fix incorrect bone mappings being set when spawning an inactive character (4acc069 )
Runtime: Fix locomotion animation playback direction for embodied character (5fa894c )
Runtime: Fix OnDestroy job activity for ExternalBoneTargets (24cc82f )
Runtime: Force character into t-pose when adding retargeting components to it (418c235 )
Runtime: Handle CCDIK cases where the bones aren't directly hierarchical (0cdafa8 )
Runtime: Optimize CCDIK performance by using poses (f0e2e54 )
Runtime: Remove retargeting layer in AddMainRetargetingComponent (801e8e7 )
Runtime: Skip DrivenTransform in proxy transform update if the DrivenTransform is null (be1bb3f )
Samples: Retargeted uses correct bones with finger accuracy, jobs enabled (c29802c )
Samples: Update ISDK sample to be more accurate (b4f897a )
Editor: Add functionality to update the current skeleton to the animator's avatar humanDescription (02cdf82 )
Editor: Add JSON read/write for RetargetingLayer and RetargetingProcessor (0350d55 )
Editor: Update one-click retargeting to take into account hand proportions for setting the finger position correction weight (ae76d7b )
Editor: Update the one-click retargeting constraint setup (4189415 )
Runtime: Add arm length multiplier to full body deformation constraint (86c7028 )
Runtime: Add OVRControllersHands positions sync option for RetargetingProcessorCorrectHand (922e374 )
Runtime: Add public config functions LateMirroredObject (c6ba3c5 )
Runtime: Add public JSON loading API to retargeter classes (cd16f3a )
Runtime: Add UpdateToAnimatorPose to AnimationUtilities (ca3dad3 )
Runtime: Add use secondary bone id option for the correct hand IK processor (a154d6d )
Runtime: Allow jobs for retargeting processors (43a7be2 )
runtime: Allow specifying arm chain bones for arm IK (9108de5 )
Runtime: ARKitFace forces usage of proper mapping value (fa2ed7f )
Runtime: Chain proxy target jobs (30c7c45 )
Runtime: Change HelperMenusBody access to public (9feca2c )
Runtime: Combine blend and correct hand processors (d4dadf1 )
Runtime: Control positions and rotations on PlaybackAnimationConstraint (e42342a )
Runtime: Custom playback of PlaybackAnimationJob (31b7fd2 )
Runtime: Disable updating RT constraint adjustments from editor (7a7dd55 )
Runtime: Improve shoulder roll to be more accurate in its function (b37a37f )
Runtime: Move JSON functions to deformation constraint class (b9d5240 )
Runtime: Optimize FABRIK (ce3153f )
Runtime: PlaybackAnimationConstraint can mask by individual bone (26fdec7 )
Runtime: RetargetingLayer supports jobs-base processors (d0776fc )
Runtime: Update RetargetingProcessorCorrectHand sync with OVRControllersHands to also optionally sync rotations (a1c9b30 )
Runtime: Use a job to update proxies (e672abb )
Runtime: Use jobs for external bone targets (d39e9de )
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