Ultimate Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract - Beginner to Expert Full Course | Python Edition
GeoGate is an opensource tracking GPS/AIS framework to implement GTS applications.
We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse
Simple Service and Frontend for TK102b GPS Trackers
A NodeJS Server for Recording Information sent by TK110 or similar GPS Trackers
This is the second part of the test task. This is a server which listen a clients to update data about gps units and immediately send updates to connected browser clients. The last one will update …
Lantea Maps web app - display maps and record (GPS) tracks
Python script for reading realtime GPS and OBD data from Firebase and serving a dynamic KML file to Google Earth
GpsdTracking is an opensource server for various GPS tracking devices
This a software for integration GPS Tracker
Communication protocol between Ruptela's GPS tracking devices and TCP server in Node.js.
A socket server that accepts TCP connections from cheap Chinese GT-02 (GT-06 protocol) GPS tracker and passes MQTT messages using the owntracks ( ) format
Java and MongoDB based GPS object tracking server (TCP). Supports for TK103 protocol.
Compass is a GPS tracking server that stores data in flat files.
DEPRECATED - Server for Xexun/Coban TK102 GPS tracker devices - Anyone want to take over this project?
Client-server application to manage an autonomous car fleet.
A test user-driver-vehicle backend solution using Nodejs, Express, MongoDB, Firebase
These are two modules of a vehicle fleet management system I did for my BSc thesis project. The project consists of a native Android client and server side scripts written in PHP.