This is GPS tracker for written in NodeJS for TK110 GPS Trackers and similar tracker devices. The tracker devices should be configured to send data over GPRS to the Node server. It's sort of designed to be used out of the box but is mostly to give you an idea of the protocols for use in your own code.
- NodeJS
- MySQL Module
- Capture of streaming content
- Logging to database
- Auto calculation of distance moved between points
- Update of point when tracker is stationary to avoid mass duplication of data
- Fully configurable via config
- Clone this repository, e.g. git clone git://
- cd into the clone directory
- Run the command
npm link
- Copy config.sample.js to config.js and edit accordingly
- Import doc/db.sql into your database
- cd into the clone directory
- node tracker.js
You will see output when a tracker device connects, when a new point is logged and an existing point is updated (because the tracker is stationary).
Database structure can be found at doc/db.sql.