I used Beautiful Soup to scrape down dollar auction data from the Central Bank of Iraq's website, applied the Isolation Forest algorithm, and then visualized the results in Bokeh. The goal is to see if there have been any noticeable changes in auction amounts over the past few years.
The static website for the project lives here. See writeup here detailing project context, scraping, and visualizations.
- data:
- figures - screenshots of sample auction results and visualizations.
- raw - raw scraped data in CSV format.
- processed - cleaned data in CSV format.
- python:
- scraper_range1.py - script to scrape the first range of CBI data.
- scraper_range2.py - script to scrape the second range of CBI data.
- process.py - script to take the raw scraped data and output a cleaned dataframe.
- streamlit_iforest.py - script that encompasses both the visualization and modeling from the notebooks in a Streamlit app.
- Clone the repo.
- With
being the repo, runpip install -r requirements.txt
to set up the environment source cbi_env/bin/activate
will activate the environment- To launch the streamlit app, run
streamlit run app.py
- elements necessary for Heroku deployment
- venv requirements.txt
- Pipenv
- Notebook files
- .py file for streamlit with bokeh
- new notebook with bokeh
- new gif
- Further language to the README
- Plots for better layout and export.