Releases: moffatman/chan
Releases Β· moffatman/chan
New Features
- Support for
- MP4s on 4chan
- Viewing mp4 works now
- Videos will be converted and posted as mp4
- WEBMs will stay as WEBM if conversion is needed (removing audio / compressing)
- New reverse-image-search sources
- TinEye
- Custom gallery picker choice on Android
General Improvements
- Improvements for new email verification system on 4chan
- Shortcut to open the form or paste the link when getting a long captcha cooldown
- Email in form is remembered
- Long-press a saved attachment in the picker to open a gallery preview
- Automatic handling of HTTP 429 (by waiting and retrying) in more places
- Faster image loading and video playback
- Added background color to the side drawer
- Improved error messages and bug report emails
- Improved captcha auto-slider for new grey captchas
- Don't auto-show tab bars on minor alert popups
- If spam filter is possible, use two popups when posting
- Post Submitted
- Post Successful (after spam filter check passes)
- Starting a new reply while your last one is still posting will properly move the first post to the background
- Disable most buttons in the reply form while posting is ongoing
- Disable reply send button when the reply is empty
- Image spoiler checkbox now resets to off after posting
- When media loading fails, there is now a button to open it in a web browser
- Captcha data contribution now includes slider data
- "Quotelink all" context menu action now excludes lines with only a quotelink
- Adjust board switcher sorting to use alphabetic sort
- "Hide with replies" only hid the selected post for some users
- New grey captchas were missing their slider
- "Retry" button didn't do anything for failed video loads
- Avoid "Scrolling timed out" error in catalog
- Images page and image preload was offered for Reddit threads without images
- "Hide reply field when submitting" setting didn't do anything
- Soundpost loading could be stuck forever if the sound source server was blocked
- TeX rendering wasn't working
- Code blocks didn't render properly on lainchan
- Unable to find posts by URL if the board had special characters in it
- Trying to post a Live Photo on iOS gave an error
- Some popup menus in the side drawer could stay open when closing with the back button
- "Hide with replies" now hides full reply chains
- New layout for multi-image threads and posts
- New layout for reply form button row
- Fixed problem picking an image on Dvach because of too many buttons
- Potential optimization to captcha auto-slider for new captcha styles
- When sharing a post as an image, it always uses absolute time
- "Metered" Wi-Fi on Android now treated differently for auto-loading purposes
- Added a note about Cloudflare to the User-Agent setting popup
- Support opening all subdomains on Android
- Improved gallery gesture handling when closing a partially-zoomed image
- The web image picker was broken on Android
- Broken captcha interface on certain new gray captchas
- Archives that required Cloudflare clearance just gave up and didn't pop up the checkbox
- The board switcher broke when there were no matching boards
- Saved attachments couldn't be opened from the grid in the saved area
- Increased the Unified Push timeout to try and fix Android push notifications for users with slow network connections
- Some Reddit markdown links were not linkified properly
- The captcha didn't auto-slide in the "old" captcha interface
- Error handling Cloudflare response data in certain cases
- Sometimes all image thumbnails were broken in archive search result lists
- The "7 letters" and "8 letters" captcha buttons were broken in certain solver configurations
- Reddit inline images/gifs now shown in the proper position within the comment
- Hacker News comments starting with a blockquote weren't displayed properly
- Android keyboard didn't reopen when tapping captcha letters
Major Features
- Added support for
- Site-specific filters
- New syntaxes e.g.:
- New syntaxes e.g.:
General Improvements
- One unified picker for both images and videos
- The gallery can be closed or advanced to next page by swiping a zoomed-in image when at the edge
- Allow unlimited thread height in catalog row mode
- This is now the default for new users, no change for existing users
- When animating to a post, it will be revealed if collapsed in tree mode
- Added formatting shortcuts when posting on Dvach
- More detail in the bottom-right indicator when a reply is being posted
- More things are iOS-style when choosing iOS UI on Android phones
- Add the "Find in thread..." action to the saved attachments grid context menu
- Adjusted board picker sort order to better prioritize favorite boards
- Made it harder to close the gallery by accident when a swipe changed directions
- Add a "Do nothing" settings-icon long-press action to disable the gesture
- Color for OP's name and capcode is now based on "Secondary" instead of "Quote" theme color
- Cloud solver "skip confirmation" will now be forced off if when encountering the spam filter or for problems submitting a report
- Dvach "endless" threads now show last-reply-time in catalog instead of reply count
- Changed the image count icon in Android UI, it seemed to have bad alignment
- Reddit cross-thread links now use "rich link" style
- Tapping a thumbnail in the gallery now bypasses archive-specific image rate limits and immediately loads the target in full quality
- Push notifications not received on Android
- Video playback and image posting was broken on 32-bit Android
- Unable to exit some popup pages by tapping in the background
- Threads opened from incognito tabs still appeared in history
- Unread posts weren't tracked properly in threads you created
- Sharing images and links to Chance on iOS didn't work
- Spam-filtered posts might not be saved across app launches
- "Jump to attachment" popup menu broke when tapping "Go" button
- Cancelling a reply during certain wait periods wouldn't work, it would still get posted
- Images uploaded on Dvach were ridiculously small
- Saved threads page could break in cases where images were inaccessible
- Reply form text field was independently scrollable, making it very difficult to scroll the whole reply form
- Archive search didn't escalate to cloudflare clearance and gave up, possibly leading to lack of results
- Bad handling of empty results in some archive search cases
- "Find in thread..." for saved attachments didn't reliably scroll to the found attachment
- Strange behavior when scrolling with multiple fingers at once
- Unsaving and immediately resaving a saved attachment would break it
- "Search image" menu was broken on Android UI
- Possible fix for "SocketException" when trying to play videos
- Possible fix for stuck posting
- Minor bugs in URL link handling within text
- Xenforo/forum threads didn't dim properly when read
- Minor bugs handling arrow up/down keys in the board switcher
- 8chan captcha was flaky
- Some text formatting on Dvach wasn't displayed properly
- Quotelinks on mintboard didn't display properly
- There could be an extra blank line at the end of catalog rows
- Tapping certain quotelinks resulted in an unnecessary "Checking url..." popup and delay
- Handling of strange captcha letter counts was broken and could result in buttons overflowing the side of the screen
- In certain cases the captcha form would pop itself back up after being cancelled
- The captcha form would close itself when getting a cooldown
v1.2.6+91 is a hotfix to address the following bugs
- Crash when selecting video from the gallery on Android
Concurrent modification during iteration: Instance of CastList<dynamic, DraftPost>
error breaking use of imageboard- In-app notification text had broken formatting with Android-style UI
The patch notes for v1.2.6 are below
Major Features
- Added some new sites
- Meaningful performance improvements
- Text can now be selected and quoted within the iOS style context menu
- Context menu to just delete image on your post, not the whole post
- Notifications when watched threads change position in the catalog
- When reaching second-last page (9)
- When reaching last page (10) (on by default)
- When deleted or archived
General Improvements
- Re-enabled all boards on
- Posts with same ID as OP are labeled as such
- One-time editing of filename without losing "Random" checkbox
- Soyjak posting updated for recent verification changes
- System WebView User-Agent is the new default, to reduce Cloudflare trouble
- Show unread watched post counters next to the drawerbutton
- Double-tap images in vertical gallery to scroll-to them
- Option for "Clover-style catalog counters"
- New media saving subfolder choices with site name
- Option to set a custom media subfolder per-board
- Offer to report (email) stack trace information in error popups
- Improvements for Dvach
- Push notifications for watched threads
- Support for new captcha
- Support for logging into "passcode"
- Image posting is fixed
- Added some buttons to mass-delete drafts from Outbox
- New setting to use "wide drawer gesture" everywhere in the app
- Added a context menu to the Saved Attachments grid
- Added a search bar to the watched threads list
- Full history search improvements
- Filter for saved threads
- Gallery now includes all results' images
- Query is editable after initial search
- Faster searching when date range is used
- More accurate progress bar
- Query highlighting now handles subfiltering via the small search box at the top of the results
- Adapted icon for iOS 18 styling
- Reply posting status shown next to indicator for when reply form is closed
- Reply form now closes by default upon posting, with a setting to disable this
- Cleaned up loading individual posts from archive
- Proper loading animation and error handling
- Archive source name now shown on the post
- Sharing a link to the post shares the archive link
- Deleted posts are now inserted in the proper place within the thread
- New appearance for in-app notifications with scrollable content
- New setting to open threads from drawer (watched or saved) into new tabs instead of changing the current tab
- New option when sharing a post as an image to hide the reply count
URL scheme now tries to open existing tabs, and supports?postId=123
parameter- Catalog page indicator replaced with remaining threads indicator when using alternative sorting
- Added a new button in the thread menu to mark the current position as last-seen. Any later posts will be marked unread
- Luck calculation now better accounts for rarer GETs
- Some iOS interface elements look more modern
- More special characters accepted as part of URLs:
- Allow 2 lines of title text in drawer and popup tab list
- Image search now has its own submenu of the context menu
- Increase the hitbox when tapping to open a quotelink
- Pass is no longer logged into automatically when opening the app
- The display of loading, placeholder, and errored attachments has been polished
- Support opening
URLs - New method of making the cloudflare popup dark mode
- Should be more reliable but won't match theme colors any more
- In tree mode, you can do one update pull after the thread is archived in order to re-sort the tree
- Attachment download now continues through failure and summarizes all failures at the end
- Replace "Copy image URL" with "Share image URL" in context menu
- Site login systems have been moved from Behaviour settings to Site settings
- Links to the same imageboard now appear as quotelinks
- All archives will be attempted before letting cloudflare popup
- Staggered grid now used in watched/saved thread lists if set
- Cleaned up cookie usage to avoid unnecessary cleaning, should reduce cooldowns on 4chan
- Clearing file cache no longer deletes cookies
- In the popup tabs menu, tabs can now be dismissed by dragging in either direction
- Bottom tab bar now always starts showing the current tab
- Cleaned up reply form height limit to ensure it never becomes unusable
- The whole reply form may become scrollable in certain situations
- Cleaned up handling of the keyboard suggestions bar on iPad
- Tapping a post when filtering the thread now closes search before animating to the post
- Redesigned the catalog row height setting to make it more understandable
- Increase width of iOS-style back button to make it easier to tap
- Popup when tapping flag now shows the flag instead of a generic flag icon
- Added a "share link" action to the image search menu in gallery videos
- kohlchan can get all threads at once, instead of loading individual pages
- Added "Export as..." button on Android to use save dialog
- JSON export now uses Android save dialog instead of share dialog
- The watched threads/saved threads/saved posts icons change when empty v.s. something there
- Added an undo popup when unsaving a saved post
- Automatic cleanup of earlier attempts to submit things in the outbox
- Re-picking an edited image or video could use the unedited original by mistake
- Disabled archives were sometimes still used
- The board or thread search bar changed size a little when focusing and unfocusing
- "Missing saved posts" didn't work correctly
- User IDs not shown on karachan
- Staggered grid could break down or jump around
- Empty
blocks would crash the thread - Try to fix "SocketException" when trying to play a video
- Windows/CRLF line endings could break the filter regexes
- Unordered lists could be displayed with incorrect line endings
- Checking for spam-filter gave false positives when on a poor network connection
- When rapidly multitasking on iPad, the current thread could be lost
- Extreme memory usage in gallery grid leading to crash
- Various problems and inconsistencies could occur when browsing boards with capital letters in their name
- Sometimes the reply tree could be out of order depending on update timing
- Video loading spinner didn't always match up with loading progress
- Corrupt threads could stay in the database without any way to clear them
- The post field display order editor didn't display correctly
- Settings search didn't look at some option labels
- If a thread was closed during updating, there could still be some haptic feedback afterwards
- The last post in a thread could mistakenly by immediately marked as seen
- Tab menu swipe gestures went the wrong direction in tablet layout
- Translating OP of a thread didn't translate the title too
-"Open cross-thread links in new tabs" really only worked with OPs, it never scrolled to later posts - Photos read permission was required on iOS even when not saving to a specific gallery
- There was no HTTP connection timeout set on network requests, leading to stalling on flaky connections
- "Jump to attachment" button in gallery was unreliable
- "Tapping background closes all replies" wasn't respected in reply popups
- Blank spaces in watched/saved thread grids
- Stuttering in "Your posts" list
- Subject field in search query could get stuck
- Couldn't drag slider on soyjak McChallenge page as it swiped away the popup
- Bold text was not shown properly with custom "variable" font files
- Unread post count was wrong on paginated threads
- Scrolling didn't work in iOS 18 + Mac mirroring
- G key didn't work in some text fields with some hardware keyboard setups
- Column count in grid mode settings was wrong on tablets
- Sometimes unable to report post, with a null unwrap exception
- Thumbnails in the gallery could unnecessarily have dimmed corners
- Sometimes image search methods were suggested that couldn't actually be used
- Board links and board-search links didn't display with the proper number of quote arrows
- Board-search links with underscores or dashes were not colored properly in the reply form
- Android media saving with slash characters in the folder name created duplicate folders
- Repeated in-app notifications on iOS 18
- Tapping the status bar didn't scroll popup replies, but the thread behind
Major Features
- Added some new sites
- Meaningful performance improvements
- Text can now be selected and quoted within the iOS style context menu
- Context menu to just delete image on your post, not the whole post
- Notifications when watched threads change position in the catalog
- When reaching second-last page (9)
- When reaching last page (10) (on by default)
- When deleted or archived
General Improvements
- Re-enabled all boards on
- Posts with same ID as OP are labeled as such
- One-time editing of filename without losing "Random" checkbox
- Soyjak posting updated for recent verification changes
- System WebView User-Agent is the new default, to reduce Cloudflare trouble
- Show unread watched post counters next to the drawerbutton
- Double-tap images in vertical gallery to scroll-to them
- Option for "Clover-style catalog counters"
- New media saving subfolder choices with site name
- Option to set a custom media subfolder per-board
- Offer to report (email) stack trace information in error popups
- Improvements for Dvach
- Push notifications for watched threads
- Support for new captcha
- Support for logging into "passcode"
- Image posting is fixed
- Added some buttons to mass-delete drafts from Outbox
- New setting to use "wide drawer gesture" everywhere in the app
- Added a context menu to the Saved Attachments grid
- Added a search bar to the watched threads list
- Full history search improvements
- Filter for saved threads
- Gallery now includes all results' images
- Query is editable after initial search
- Faster searching when date range is used
- More accurate progress bar
- Query highlighting now handles subfiltering via the small search box at the top of the results
- Adapted icon for iOS 18 styling
- Reply posting status shown next to indicator for when reply form is closed
- Reply form now closes by default upon posting, with a setting to disable this
- Cleaned up loading individual posts from archive
- Proper loading animation and error handling
- Archive source name now shown on the post
- Sharing a link to the post shares the archive link
- Deleted posts are now inserted in the proper place within the thread
- New appearance for in-app notifications with scrollable content
- New setting to open threads from drawer (watched or saved) into new tabs instead of changing the current tab
- New option when sharing a post as an image to hide the reply count
URL scheme now tries to open existing tabs, and supports?postId=123
parameter- Catalog page indicator replaced with remaining threads indicator when using alternative sorting
- Added a new button in the thread menu to mark the current position as last-seen. Any later posts will be marked unread
- Luck calculation now better accounts for rarer GETs
- Some iOS interface elements look more modern
- More special characters accepted as part of URLs:
- Allow 2 lines of title text in drawer and popup tab list
- Image search now has its own submenu of the context menu
- Increase the hitbox when tapping to open a quotelink
- Pass is no longer logged into automatically when opening the app
- The display of loading, placeholder, and errored attachments has been polished
- Support opening
URLs - New method of making the cloudflare popup dark mode
- Should be more reliable but won't match theme colors any more
- In tree mode, you can do one update pull after the thread is archived in order to re-sort the tree
- Attachment download now continues through failure and summarizes all failures at the end
- Replace "Copy image URL" with "Share image URL" in context menu
- Site login systems have been moved from Behaviour settings to Site settings
- Links to the same imageboard now appear as quotelinks
- All archives will be attempted before letting cloudflare popup
- Staggered grid now used in watched/saved thread lists if set
- Cleaned up cookie usage to avoid unnecessary cleaning, should reduce cooldowns on 4chan
- Clearing file cache no longer deletes cookies
- In the popup tabs menu, tabs can now be dismissed by dragging in either direction
- Bottom tab bar now always starts showing the current tab
- Cleaned up reply form height limit to ensure it never becomes unusable
- The whole reply form may become scrollable in certain situations
- Cleaned up handling of the keyboard suggestions bar on iPad
- Tapping a post when filtering the thread now closes search before animating to the post
- Redesigned the catalog row height setting to make it more understandable
- Increase width of iOS-style back button to make it easier to tap
- Popup when tapping flag now shows the flag instead of a generic flag icon
- Added a "share link" action to the image search menu in gallery videos
- kohlchan can get all threads at once, instead of loading individual pages
- Added "Export as..." button on Android to use save dialog
- JSON export now uses Android save dialog instead of share dialog
- The watched threads/saved threads/saved posts icons change when empty v.s. something there
- Added an undo popup when unsaving a saved post
- Automatic cleanup of earlier attempts to submit things in the outbox
- Re-picking an edited image or video could use the unedited original by mistake
- Disabled archives were sometimes still used
- The board or thread search bar changed size a little when focusing and unfocusing
- "Missing saved posts" didn't work correctly
- User IDs not shown on karachan
- Staggered grid could break down or jump around
- Empty
blocks would crash the thread - Try to fix "SocketException" when trying to play a video
- Windows/CRLF line endings could break the filter regexes
- Unordered lists could be displayed with incorrect line endings
- Checking for spam-filter gave false positives when on a poor network connection
- When rapidly multitasking on iPad, the current thread could be lost
- Extreme memory usage in gallery grid leading to crash
- Various problems and inconsistencies could occur when browsing boards with capital letters in their name
- Sometimes the reply tree could be out of order depending on update timing
- Video loading spinner didn't always match up with loading progress
- Corrupt threads could stay in the database without any way to clear them
- The post field display order editor didn't display correctly
- Settings search didn't look at some option labels
- If a thread was closed during updating, there could still be some haptic feedback afterwards
- The last post in a thread could mistakenly by immediately marked as seen
- Tab menu swipe gestures went the wrong direction in tablet layout
- Translating OP of a thread didn't translate the title too
-"Open cross-thread links in new tabs" really only worked with OPs, it never scrolled to later posts - Photos read permission was required on iOS even when not saving to a specific gallery
- There was no HTTP connection timeout set on network requests, leading to stalling on flaky connections
- "Jump to attachment" button in gallery was unreliable
- "Tapping background closes all replies" wasn't respected in reply popups
- Blank spaces in watched/saved thread grids
- Stuttering in "Your posts" list
- Subject field in search query could get stuck
- Couldn't drag slider on soyjak McChallenge page as it swiped away the popup
- Bold text was not shown properly with custom "variable" font files
- Unread post count was wrong on paginated threads
- Scrolling didn't work in iOS 18 + Mac mirroring
- G key didn't work in some text fields with some hardware keyboard setups
- Column count in grid mode settings was wrong on tablets
- Sometimes unable to report post, with a null unwrap exception
- Thumbnails in the gallery could unnecessarily have dimmed corners
- Sometimes image search methods were suggested that couldn't actually be used
- Board links and board-search links didn't display with the proper number of quote arrows
- Board-search links with underscores or dashes were not colored properly in the reply form
- Android media saving with slash characters in the folder name created duplicate folders
- Repeated in-app notifications on iOS 18
- Tapping the status bar didn't scroll popup replies, but the thread behind
General Improvements
- Follow up to catalog grid changes
- Image was too big compared to text
- "Crop image to fill" will fill whitespace with more thumbnail
- Ability to manually enter MD5 for archive search
- Disabled filters in watched/saved/history lists
- If limited horizontal space, put board settings and sort menus within a submenu
- Added more padding around the board and thread search bars to match the settings search bar
- Adjusted the "luck" calculation, I think it was too low before
- Wikipedia URLs with single-quotes in them were not linkified properly
- Web image search field wasn't auto-focused
- Opening gallery from replies could show the wrong image or crash the app
- Marking thread as You didn't properly store the thread
- Search query editor popup checkboxes didn't update properly
- Unrecoverable error when upgrading directly from certain very old versions
- The menu to add a new site overflowed and broke when using Android UI style
Major Features
- Added some new sites
- New "Staggered" catalog grid layout
- Rewrote other aspects of catalog grid to support more efficient layouts
- Translation offered on foreign-looking errors
- Pop up thread / post and replies associated with attachment from button above gallery thumbnail row
- Added option to double-tap threads and posts to hide/unhide
General Improvements
- Faster startup time and post parsing
- Support showing Reddit poll results
- Improved zzzchan (JSChan) compatibility
- Posting now supported
- Some boards were missing
- Threads without subject caused errors
- Improved Karachan compatibility
- Posting now supported
- Emotes displayed properly
- Various bug fixes
- Suggest marking/unmarking all posts with same ID as You
- History search filter for replies to You
- Button to edit search query from results page
- Added Arabic as a supported translation target language
- Saved Attachments cleanup
- Remove unused thumbnails folder
- Added button to fix broken/missing saved attachments
- Attachments saved in the development board now show for picking
- Certain attachments opened by URL didn't save properly
- App would crash in picker with many files
- "Luck" popup to see dubs history
- Added context menu action to mark/unmark as You from catalog
- Added button to mark all posts as read in the thread indicator menu
- Settings quick action now activates when holding the back button at top left, and the settings icon in the side drawer
- Tap the gallery position indicator to type in an attachment number to jump to
- Increase back to 2 concurrent media conversions
- "Wait before posting" now starts after solving captcha instead of when pressing send
- Thumbnail blurring/pixelation applies to rich links too
- Some improvement in scrollbar glitching in long threads
- Expose the "Server-side filenames" download setting on iOS
- Pulling-to-refresh the saved threads list now updates the threads
- Moved the "Missing Threads" button to the bottom of each list
- Extra cooldown popups might be shown when reporting a post
- Board switcher search behaved wrong when there were capital letters in board names
- Hide bars on scroll sometimes didn't work
- Picking images from the web sometimes gave "Unsupported file type"
- Network log had missing line break
- On some sites 404 errors didn't mark a thread as deleted
- Thread watcher could be stuck off after resuming the app from background
- Unable to share files with certain characters in filename
- Loading spinner was wrong color in hover-attachment
- Inaccurate scrollbar in outbox popup
- Reply-only filters mistakenly applied to OP
- With very high text scales some interface elements didn't display properly
- Multiple "waits" shown in reply box instead of just the highest priority one
- Gallery position indicator didn't fade back out reliably
- Gallery position indicator could be in wrong position when swiping between images and videos
- Reddit headers (
) without spaces weren't recognized - Reddit videos without thumbnail were shown as links
- Media scan could fail on very long filenames
- Cancelling a media conversion would not delete the partially converted file, and it could be reused by mistake
- Subreddit custom emotes didn't show up properly
- Post number could be wrong if thread has deleted posts
- Photos picked from iOS gallery had junk timestamp in filename
- URLs with semicolons in them were not recognized properly
- Some old uploaded images were not deleted properly, wasting storage space
- Number of grid mode columns displayed in settings page was not correct
- Nested lists on Reddit and Xenforo didn't display properly
- Links in board stickies weren't clickable
- Search button in thread menu didn't animate all the way to show the search box
- Scrolling-to-post broke down when OP was very long
- Certain flags didn't display properly on archived posts
- Files with filename starting with "." couldn't be saved to gallery
Major Features
- New sites added
- (browsing only)
- (browsing only)
- Option to turn off the reply-count in the catalog
- Separate option for auto-watching threads on creation vs replying
- Image filter has option to hide replies / reply chains
General Improvements
- Show thread-level polls on supported sites
- Added a "new filter" button at the top of the filter list if it is long
- Adjusted formatting of responses in network log
- Disabled ASCII normalization when posting
- Seemed to be useless and prevented using certain punctuation
- Redid the layout of the attachment options when posting (again)
- Added a scrollbar for the saved attachments grid
- Turned on iTunes File Sharing
- Throttled media conversions to one-at-a-time (trying to avoid crash in rare situations)
- Disabled rich link previews within greentext
- Spam filter check always failed on posts made from incognito tabs
- Spam filter check could fail if app was put in background on iOS
- Some boards were missing from Dvach
- Reply box was not properly limited to a maximum height
- Spam-filtered posts were not remembered in the outbox across app launches
- Multiple captcha popups could be seen posting from certain networks
- Fixed cloudflare stuck / spam-filtered
- Catalog page indicator was in the wrong place while the reply field was open
- Saved Attachment "Find in thread" did not correctly close the gallery popup
- Cancelling certain tasks (e.g. download-all or export) had a chance to break the whole app
- Using a suggested image from a twitter link didn't work ("Bad state: No element" popup)
- Already-downloaded files from saved attachments were forgotten about very quickly
- Copying links could result in unnecessary markdown link syntax
General Improvements
- Updated soyjak captcha for recent changes
- Removed the unreliable "horizontal pinch" gesture to change number of columns in the vertical gallery (scrolling images page)
- It's just a normal preference in Appearance Settings now
- Added a paginated mode to the vertical gallery
- Missing (spam-filtered) posts now show in the "submissions" popup list, with long-press actions to copy or retry posting
- 4chan spam filter check re-enabled for all posts that needed a captcha
- Added a "Translate" action when selecting text
- Allow dragging the reply form smaller than before
- Allow the reply form to open in archived threads, to allow copying / saving as a draft
- Also allow tapping reply IDs in archived threads
- Disabled double-tap gestures on videos in the vertical gallery
- Allow .mov urls to open in the video player
- Current-thread drafts and submitting posts are now minimized by default
- New layout of buttons that appear while a reply is submitting
- Remove direct links from reply after using as an attachment source
- Freeze when swiping between videos
- Stutter when videos started playing on iOS
- First video in vertical gallery didn't auto play immediately
- Bottom video in vertical gallery wouldn't auto play
- Auto-scrolling upwards didn't work
- Auto-scrolling didn't always work with very long posts
- Auto-scrolling didn't always work when starting at the bottom of a thread
- Possible large delay while loading threads due to auto-scrolling problems
- Some soundposts only worked the first time they were opened
- Some soundposts were cut off
- Trip and capcode filters didn't work for catalog threads, only replies
- When the thread watcher updated the current thread in the background, the update wasn't shown right away
- An error could be thrown in rare types of Reddit links
- Exporting a post as an image when loaded from certain archives was in low quality
- links were not recognized as Twitter links
- Twitter links embed data didn't work for text-only tweets
- Suggested thumbnail didn't work for YouTube Shorts links (amongst others)
- Video could keep playing in the background when opening the main gallery from the vertical gallery
- There was no limit on reply form height, so it was possible to have it become so tall it couldn't be re-shrunk
- Threads watched from the catalog didn't show up in the drawer immediately
Major Features
- Support for browsing XenForo bulletin boards
- Initial sites:
- Initial sites:
- Long-press the browse button to open a vertical tab list popup
- Should be easier to find tabs as it can show the thread title/text
- You can also swipe up on the bottom bar when the horizontal tab bar is already showing
- Long-press the "Download all" button in the gallery to save to an arbitrary folder on Android
General Improvements
- URL linkifier now supports CJK / other foreign characters
- In-app notifications are not shown for posts you already saw
- Board switcher now supports searching for site name to show all its boards
- Inline tables now have borders and are properly horizontally-scrollable
- Rich links now supports twitter and instagram links
- Attaching from auto-recognized URL has been rewritten to have a nicer confirmation and download progress
- You can now paste a URL in the web picker URL bar to do the same thing
- Better experience in Airplane Mode
- Background updates will wait for network to come back instead of popping up errors
- Cached images should be viewable in the gallery without an error message
- Saved attachments viewer now hides the bottom bar
- Added a button to minimize drafts to save screen space
- Added board search for lynxchan ( to see less-popular boards
- Added a setting to disable the "X filtered items" shown at the bottom of catalog/threads
- Added a placeholder rectangle behind loading thumbnails
- Increased the timeout before showing video playback error
- Minimized tab descriptions when not selected
- Added the "auto-rotate in gallery" setting to the behaviour page to make it easier to change
- If auto-solver starts working again after failing, "skip confirmation" will resume working
- Cloud solver will be re-attempted when double-tapping the captcha
- Prioritized board-specific search over whole-site search in the search page
- Will make it more obvious how to search with advanced filters
- Made it easier to long-press the send button to save-as-draft
- Quotes won't be highlighted in the reply field if the quote color is too similar to the reply field background color
- With high text scale %, the attachment options could have an unusable layout
- The catalog reload button didn't show an animation or bring you back to the top
- Fixed issue freeing captcha image data
- Sharing posts as an image rendered an invalid image
- Swiping around in the gallery could freeze the app
- Submitting posts or threads with drafts saved could wait forever without actually posting
- Videos loaded by tapping on a URL couldn't be rotated
- Some new posts might have been mistakenly marked as seen on Reddit
- Searches on Fuuka archives didn't show results as threads properly
- Pass was logged-into twice upon launch
- Broken thread watches were still visible in the drawer
- Reusing a catalog tab when opening a link didn't work when the catalog tab hadn't been selected this launch
- Corrupted media-scan database was never cleaned up
- Auto-saving/auto-watching didn't properly respect priority of other filters
- Some Reddit spoilers weren't shown properly
- Some Reddit /r/ and /u/ links didn't get linkified properly
- Colors in the theme editor might not update immediately upon editing
- Certain loading popups wouldn't close upon pressing the "Cancel" button if the load got stuck
- When closing/undoing a non-active tab, the current tab could change unexpectedly
- Auto-scroll could get stuck on very tall posts